Name libimobiledevice
Version 1.1.4
Summary A protocol library to access an iPhone or iPod Touch in Linux
Section base
License GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1
Recipe file recipes-connectivity/libimobiledevice/
Layer meta-oe (sumo branch)
  • autotools
  • pkgconfig
  • siteconfig
  • siteinfo
  • autoconf-native
  • automake-native
  • gnu-config-native
  • gnutls
  • libgcrypt
  • libplist
  • libtasn1
  • libtool-cross
  • libtool-native
  • pkgconfig-native
  • usbmuxd



Patch Status
files/configure-fix-largefile.patch Unknown
files/inline-without-definition.patch Unknown

Other branches

This recipe in other branches of meta-oe:

Branch Recipe
master libimobiledevice 1.3.0+git
styhead (Yocto Project 5.1) libimobiledevice 1.3.0+git
scarthgap (Yocto Project 5.0) libimobiledevice 1.3.0+git
nanbield (Yocto Project 4.3) libimobiledevice 1.3.0+gitX
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) libimobiledevice 1.3.0+gitX
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) libimobiledevice 1.3.0+gitX
kirkstone (Yocto Project 4.0) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
honister (Yocto Project 3.4) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
hardknott (Yocto Project 3.3) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
gatesgarth (Yocto Project 3.2) libimobiledevice 1.3.0
dunfell (Yocto Project 3.1) libimobiledevice 1.2.0+gitX
zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) libimobiledevice 1.2.0+gitX
warrior (Yocto Project 2.7) libimobiledevice 1.2.0+gitX
thud (Yocto Project 2.6) libimobiledevice 1.2.0+gitX
sumo (Yocto Project 2.5) libimobiledevice 1.1.4 (this recipe)
rocko (Yocto Project 2.4) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
pyro (Yocto Project 2.3) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
morty (Yocto Project 2.2) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
krogoth (Yocto Project 2.1) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
jethro (Yocto Project 2.0) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
fido (Yocto Project 1.8) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
dizzy (Yocto Project 1.7) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
daisy (Yocto Project 1.6) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
dora (Yocto Project 1.5) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
dylan (Yocto Project 1.4) libimobiledevice 1.1.4
danny (Yocto Project 1.3) libimobiledevice 1.1.4