Please enter the details for the layer you wish to add to the index.

Name of the layer - must be unique and can only contain letters, numbers and dashes
One-line description of the layer
Fetch/clone URL of the repository
Subdirectory within the repository where the layer is located, if not in the root (usually only used if the repository contains more than one layer)
Name of the actual branch in the repository matching the core branch (e.g. the development branch is "master" by default)
URL of the web interface for browsing the repository, if any
Web interface type
Type of web interface (helps to auto-determine other URL fields)
Base URL for the web interface for browsing directories within the repository, if any
Base URL for the web interface for viewing files (blobs) within the repository, if any
Base URL for the web interface for viewing a single commit within the repository, if any
URL of a web page with more information about the layer and how to use it, if any (or path to file within repository)
URL of the info page for a mailing list for discussing the layer, if any


Maintainer 1

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 2

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 3

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 4

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 5

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 6

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 7

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 8

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 9

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Maintainer 10

Specific area(s) this maintainer is responsible for, if not the entire layer

Add maintainer


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