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Recipe Version Upstream version Upstream status Last Updated Patches Summary
backport-iwlwifi 45 0 / 1 Intel Wireless LinuxCore kernel driver
core-image-rt 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
core-image-rt-sdk 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
core-image-tiny 1.0 A tiny image just capable of allowing a device to boot from RAM, this image recipe generates an image file which rather boots from initrd than from storage, it achieves this by using wic to pick up th
embree 4.0.1 Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
gmmlib 22.3.3 Intel(R) Graphics Memory Management Library
hdcp 19.4.0 0 / 1 Intel(R) unified HDCP SDK
intel-cmt-cat 4.5.0 intel-cmt-cat
intel-compute-runtime 23.05.25593.11 0 / 3 The Intel(R) Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL(TM)
intel-graphics-compiler 1.0.13230.7 0 / 4 The Intel(R) Graphics Compiler for OpenCL(TM)
intel-media-driver 23.1.0 0 / 3 VA driver for Intel Gen based graphics hardware
intel-mediasdk 22.6.5 0 / 2 Intel(R) Media SDK for hardware accelerated media processing
intel-microcode 20230214 Intel Processor Microcode Datafile for Linux
intel-oneapi-compiler 2023.0.0-25370 Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler & Intel® C++ Compiler Classic runtime common files
intel-oneapi-dpcpp-cpp-runtime 2023.0.0-25370 Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler runtime files
intel-oneapi-ipp 2021.7.0-25396 intel-oneapi-ipp version 2021.7.0-25396-r0
intel-oneapi-mkl 2023.0.0-25398 Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL)
intel-vaapi-driver 2.4.0 VA driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family
ipmctl 0 / 2 Utility for managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules
isa-l 2.29.0 Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library
ispc 1.19.0 0 / 3 Intel(R) Implicit SPMD Program Compiler
itt 3.24.0 Intel® Instrumentation and Tracing Technology (ITT) and Just-In-Time (JIT) API
iucode-tool 2.1.2 Update Intel CPU microcode
ixgbe 5.18.11 ixgbe kernel driver for Intel Magnolia Park 10GbE
ixgbevf 4.17.11 ixgbevf kernel driver for Intel Magnolia Park 10GbE
jhi 1.37 Intel Dynamic Application Loader (DAL) Host Interface
libipt 2.0.1 Intel(R) Processor Trace Decoder Library
libva-intel 2.17.0 Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
libva-intel-utils 2.17.1 libva-utils is a collection of utilities from libva project
libxcam 1.3.0 0 / 1 libXCam is a project for extended camera(not limited in camera) features and focus on image quality improvement and video analysis
libyami 1.3.2 Yami is media infrastructure base on libva
libyami-utils 1.3.2 Applications and Scripts for libyami.
linux-intel 6.2.0+git${SRCPV} 0 / 4 Linux kernel
linux-intel-dev 5.5-rc3+git${SRCPV} Linux kernel
linux-intel-rt 5.19.0+git${SRCPV} 0 / 4 Linux kernel
lms 2245.0.0.0 Intel(R) Local Managability Service
metee 2.2.0 Intel(R) METEE Library
metrics-discovery 1.12.163 Intel Metrics Discovery Application Programming Interface
onednn 3.1 Deep Neural Network Library
onedpl 2022.0.0 oneAPI DPC++ Library (oneDPL)
onevpl 2023.1.1 oneAPI Video Processing Library
onevpl-intel-gpu 22.6.5 Intel(R) oneVPL runtime for Intel GPU accelerated media processing
opencl-clang 10.0.0 0 / 2 Common clang is a thin wrapper library around clang
openvino-inference-engine 2022.3.0 OpenVINO(TM) Toolkit - Deep Learning Deployment Toolkit
openvino-model-optimizer 2022.3.0 OpenVINO Model Optimzer
openvkl 1.3.2 Intel(R) Open Volume Kernel Library
ospray 2.11.0 Intel OSPray, Ray Tracing based Rendering Engine
ovmf-shell-image-enrollkeys 1.0
rkcommon 1.11.0 rkcommon - C++/CMake infrastructure
sbsigntool-native 0.9.3-gitAUTOINC+fe88da5f66_b1f28e1722
secureboot-selftest-image-signed 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
secureboot-selftest-image-unsigned 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
thermald 2.5.2 Linux thermal daemon
xf86-video-ast 1.1.6 X.Org X server -- ASpeed Technologies graphics driver
zlib-intel Zlib Compression Library (Intel-tuned)