Java support

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The meta-java layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
ant-native 1.8.1 Another Neat Tool - build system for Java
antlr 2.7.7 Framework for constructing recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators
avalon-framework-api 4.3 Common way for components to be created, initialized, configured, started. (API-only)
bcel 5.2 Java Bytecode manipulation library
bsf 2.4.0 Bean Scripting Framework package
cacao 1.6.1 CacaoVM for use as OpenEmbedded's Java VM
cacao-initial 0.98 CacaoVM for use as OpenEmbedded's Java VM
classpath 0.99 GNU Classpath standard Java libraries
classpath-initial 0.93 Java1.4-compatible GNU Classpath variant that is used as bootclasspath for jikes-native.
classpath-native 0.99 GNU Classpath standard Java libraries - For native Java-dependent programs
commons-beanutils 1.8.0 Static utility methods useful in manipulating Java classes that conform to the JavaBeans Specification
commons-cli 1.1 Java argument parsing helper classes
commons-codec 1.3 Java library with simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal
commons-collections 2.1.1 A set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations that offer a wealth of useful functionality and a solid foundation for extending that functionality
commons-collections3 3.2.1 A set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations that offer a wealth of useful functionality and a solid foundation for extending that functionality
commons-configuration 1.5 Generic configuration interface for Java applications
commons-digester 1.8 Converts XML to a Java object by a set of mapping rules.
commons-discovery 0.4 discovering, or finding, implementations for pluggable interfaces
commons-el 1.0 Implementation of the JSP2.0 Expression Language API
commons-fileupload 1.2.1 Robust, high-performance, file upload capability for Java servlets and web applications
commons-httpclient 3.1 Efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations
commons-io 1.4 Java library with utility classes, stream implementations, file filters and endian classes
commons-jxpath 1.3 JXPath interpreter for Java
commons-lang 2.4 Set of Java classes that provide helper methods for the standard java.lang classes
commons-logging 1.1.1 Java Internet protocol suite library
commons-net 1.4.1 Java Internet protocol suite library
commons-pool 1.4 Java Object-pooling API
cup 0.10k Lexical analyzer generator for Java
dbus-java 2.7 A pure Java D-Bus Implementation
dom4j 1.6.1 dom4j is a simple and flexible Java library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT
ecj-bootstrap-native 1.0 JDT Core Batch Compiler - Bootstrap variant
ecj-initial 1.0 JDT Core Batch Compiler - Bootstrap variant
fastjar 0.98 jar replacement written in C.
gnujaf 1.1.1 Provides a mean to type data and locate components suitable for performing various kinds of action on it.
gnumail 1.1.2 GNU's free implementation of the JavaMail API specification
hsqldb Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine
icedtea6-native 1.8.11 Harness to build the source code from OpenJDK using Free Software build tools
icedtea7-native 2.1.3 Harness to build the source code from OpenJDK using Free Software build tools
inetlib 1.1.1 A Java library of clients for common internet protocols
jacl 1.4.1 Tcl interpreter for Java
jamvm 1.5.5+1.6.0-devel+gitX A compact Java Virtual Machine which conforms to the JVM specification version 2.
jamvm-initial 1.4.5 A compact Java Virtual Machine which conforms to the JVM specification version 2.
java-test-image 1.0
jaxen 1.1.1 XPath library written in Java
jaxme 0.5.2 Implementation of the JAXB API
jaxp1.3 1.4.01 Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
jdepend 2.9.1 Design quality metrics generator for each Java
jdom 1.1 Parses, manipulates, and outputs XML using standard Java constructs
jikes 1.22 Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
jikes-initial 1.0 Initial Java 1.4-compatible (and not higher) compiler
jlex 1.2.6 Lexical analyzer generator for Java
jsch 0.1.40 SSH implementation in Java
jsp2.0 5.5.26 Java Server Page (JSP) API 2.0 (from Tomcat 5.5)
junit 3.8.2 JUnit is a testing framework for Java
junit4 4.3.1 JUnit is a testing framework for Java
jzlib 1.0.7 zlib implementation in Java
libecj-bootstrap 3.6.2 JDT Core Batch Compiler - Jar only
libmatthew 0.8 Unix socket, debug and hexdump JAVA libraries
log4j1.2 1.2.17 Java library to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets
logkit 1.2.2 Logging toolkit designed for secure performance orientated logging in Java applications
openjdk-6-jre 6b32-1.13.4 Java runtime based upon the OpenJDK- and Icedtea Project
openjdk-6-jre 6b27-1.12.8 Java runtime based upon the OpenJDK- and Icedtea Project
openjdk-6-jre 6b24-1.11.9 Java runtime based upon the OpenJDK- and Icedtea Project
openjdk-6-jre 6b24-1.11.1+1.11.2-devel+hgX Java runtime based upon the OpenJDK- and Icedtea Project
openjdk-7-jre 25b30-2.3.12 Java runtime based upon the OpenJDK- and Icedtea Project
oro 2.0.8 Perl5-compatible regular expressions library for Java
poi 3.0 Java library for manipulating various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document
regexp 1.5 Java Regular Expression package
rhino 1.7r4 Lexical analyzer generator for Java
rxtx 2.2.0 Full Java CommAPI implementation
servlet2.3 4.1.37 Servlet API 2.3 (from Tomcat 4.1)
servlet2.4 5.5.26 Servlet API 2.4 (from Tomcat 5.5)
xalan-j 2.7.1 Java XSLT processor
xerces-j 2.11.0 Reference implementation of XNI, the Xerces Native Interface, and also a fully conforming XML Schema processor.
xml-commons-resolver1.1 1.2 Library to resolve various public or system identifiers into accessible URLs (Java)
xmlpull XML pull parser API
xom 1.1 Tree-based API for processing XML with Java
xpp2 2.1.10 Streaming pull XML parser for java
xpp3 Streaming pull XML parser for Java (3rd edition)