Recipe name Version Description Layer
python3 3.8.5 The Python Programming Language openembedded-core
packagegroup-python3-jupyter 1.0 Python packages to build jupyter notebook meta-jupyter
python3-absl 0.10.0 Abseil Python Common Libraries meta-python
python3-adafruit-blinka 6.2.2 CircuitPython APIs for non-CircuitPython versions of Python such as CPython on Linux and MicroPython. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice 5.0.5 CircuitPython bus device classes to manage bus sharing. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-circuitpython-motor 3.2.6 CircuitPython helper library provides higher level objects to control motors and servos. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-circuitpython-motorkit 1.6.1 CircuitPython helper library for DC & Stepper Motor FeatherWing, Shield, and Pi Hat kits. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-circuitpython-pca9685 3.3.4 CircuitPython driver for motor, stepper, and servo based on PCA9685. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-circuitpython-register 1.9.4 CircuitPython data descriptor classes to represent hardware registers on I2C and SPI devices. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-platformdetect 3.1.1 Platform detection for use by libraries like Adafruit-Blinka. meta-raspberrypi
python3-adafruit-pureio 1.1.8 Pure python (i.e. no native extensions) access to Linux IO including I2C and SPI. Drop in replacement for smbus and spidev modules. meta-raspberrypi
python3-aenum 2.2.4 Advanced Enumerations library meta-python
python3-aiofiles 0.6.0 File support for asyncio meta-python
python3-aiohttp 3.7.2 Async http client/server framework meta-python
python3-aiohttp-jinja2 1.2.0 jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio) meta-python
python3-alembic 1.4.3 A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy meta-python
python3-amqp 2.6.1 Low-level AMQP client for Python meta-openstack
python3-amqplib 1.0.2 Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Procotol (AMQP) meta-openstack
python3-ansi2html 1.5.2 meta-python
python3-ansi2html 1.5.2 meta-qa-framework
python3-ansible Ansible is a simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. meta-cloud-services
python3-ansible 4.3.0 Ansible is the simplest way to automate apps and IT infrastructure meta-sca
python3-ansible-core 2.11.3 Ansible is the simplest way to automate apps and IT infrastructure meta-sca
python3-ansiblelint-native 5.1.2 Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved meta-sca
python3-ansicolors 1.1.8 Add ANSI colors and decorations to your strings meta-python
python3-ansicolors 1.1.8 Add ANSI colors and decorations to your strings meta-labgrid
python3-anyio 2.0.2 AnyIO is a asynchronous compatibility API that allows applications and libraries written against it to run unmodified on asyncio, curio and trio. meta-jupyter
python3-anyjson 0.3.3 Wraps the best available JSON implementation available in a common interface meta-python
python3-anytree 2.8.0 anytree meta-shift
python3-anytree-native 2.8.0 Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure meta-sca
python3-appdirs 1.4.4 A small Python module for determining appropriate + platform-specific dirs, e.g. a user data dir. meta-python
python3-appdirs-native 1.4.4 Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs meta-sca
python3-apply-defaults 0.1.4 Apply values to optional params meta-python
python3-argcomplete 1.12.1 Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. meta-python
python3-argcomplete 1.9.4 Bash tab completion for argparse meta-iot-cloud
python3-argexec 1.0.3 Expose your Python functions to the command line with one easy step! meta-python
python3-argh 0.26.2 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths. meta-python
python3-arpeggio 1.9.2 Arpeggio is a recursive descent parser with memoization based on PEG grammars (aka Packrat parser) meta-python
python3-arrow 0.17.0 Better dates and times for Python meta-openstack
python3-asciitree 0.3.3 Draws ASCII trees. meta-python
python3-asn1crypto 1.4.0 A fast, pure Python library for parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures meta-python
python3-asn1crypto 1.4.0 Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API meta-sca
python3-astor 0.8.1 Easy manipulation of Python source via the AST. meta-python
python3-astor-native 0.8.1 Python AST read/write meta-sca
python3-astpretty-native 2.1.0 Pretty print the output of python stdlib ast.parse meta-sca
python3-astroid 2.4.2 An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support. meta-python
python3-astroids-native 2.6.6 A common base representation of python source code for pylint and other projects meta-sca
python3-async 0.6.2 Python framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers openembedded-core
python3-async-generator 1.10 Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+ meta-jupyter
python3-async-timeout 3.0.1 asyncio-compatible timeout context manager meta-python