Recipes for Qt6 modules

Setup information

Git repository

git:// web repo

(actual branch 6.3)

Last commit: 2 years, 6 months ago (6.3 branch)



The meta-qt6 layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
gn-native 6.3.2
meta-toolchain-qt6 1.0 Meta package for building an installable Qt5 toolchain and SDK
nativesdk-packagegroup-qt6-toolchain-host 1.0 Qt6 development host packages
nativesdk-packagegroup-qt6-toolchain-host-addons 1.0 Qt6 development host addon packages
nativesdk-packagegroup-qt6-toolchain-host-commercial 1.0 Qt6 development host commercial packages
nativesdk-packagegroup-qt6-toolchain-host-essentials 1.0 Qt6 development host essential packages
packagegroup-qt6-addons 1.0 Qt6 addon modules
packagegroup-qt6-commercial-modules 1.0 Qt6 commercial addon modules
packagegroup-qt6-essentials 1.0 Qt6 essential modules
packagegroup-qt6-modules 1.0 Qt6 modules
python3-antlr4-runtime 4.9.2
python3-path 16.2.0
python3-pathtools3 0.2.1
python3-qface 2.0.4
python3-watchdog 0.9.0
qmlcompilerplus 6.3.2
qt3d 6.3.2
qt5compat 6.3.2
qtapplicationmanager 6.3.2 Qt component for application lifecycle management
qtbase 6.3.2
qtcharts 6.3.2
qtcoap 6.3.2
qtconnectivity 6.3.2
qtdatavis3d 6.3.2
qtdeclarative 6.3.2
qtdeviceutilities 6.3.2
qtimageformats 6.3.2
qtinterfaceframework 6.3.2 Qt Interface Framework
qtlanguageserver 6.3.2
qtlottie 6.3.2
qtmqtt 6.3.2
qtmultimedia 6.3.2
qtnetworkauth 6.3.2
qtopcua 6.3.2
qtpdf 6.3.2
qtpositioning 6.3.2
qtquick3d 6.3.2
qtquickdesigner-components 6.3.2
qtquicktimeline 6.3.2
qtremoteobjects 6.3.2
qtscxml 6.3.2
qtsensors 6.3.2
qtserialbus 6.3.2
qtserialport 6.3.2
qtshadertools 6.3.2
qtsvg 6.3.2
qttools 6.3.2
qttranslations 6.3.2
qtvirtualkeyboard 6.3.2
qtwayland 6.3.2
qtwebchannel 6.3.2
qtwebengine 6.3.2
qtwebsockets 6.3.2
qtwebview 6.3.2