this layer provides images for xen and lxc hosts. It aims to ship as read-only rootfs and a very small footprint.

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 7 years, 1 month ago (pyro branch)



The meta-fnordpipe layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
dom0-installer 1.0 xen dom0 installer
initrd-install 0.0.1 initrd script for on-the-fly installation
locky 0.0.1 luks decryption daemon
openssl 1.1.0f Secure Socket Layer
packagegroup-diskutils 1.0 diskutils for raid, lvm and crypto management
packagegroup-fnordpipe-cli 1.0 fnordpipe commandline utils
packagegroup-rescue-tools 1.0 diskutils for raid, lvm and crypto management
packagegroup-xen 1.0 xen software stack with additions
rescue-image 1.0 rescue image
xen 4.9.0 Xen hypervisor
xen-image 1.0 xen hypervisor image