Recipes to build desktop environments and applications based on Qt5 e.g KDE5 / lxqt / hawaii / sddm ...
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Last commit: 5 years ago (warrior branch)
- Andreas Müller email
The meta-qt5-extra layer depends upon:
Recipe name | Version | Description |
adwaita-qt | 1.0 | Make Qt applications look gnomeish |
analitza | 19.08.0 | Add mathematical features to your program |
antimony | 0.9.0c | Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe |
ark | 19.08.0 | Ark is KDE's file archiver |
attica | 5.61.0 | Open Collaboration Services API |
avogadrolibs | 1.92.0 | Chemistry library |
avogadrolibs-native | 1.92.0 | Chemistry library |
baloo | 5.61.0 | Baloo provides searching and indexing infrastucture with an emphasis on files |
baloo-widgets | 19.08.0 | Widgets for Baloo |
bluedevil | 5.16.5 | Integrate Bluetooth within KDE workspace and applications |
bluez-qt | 5.61.0 | Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus AP |
bovo | 19.08.0 | Bovo is a Gomoku like game for two players |
breeze | 5.16.5 | Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop |
breeze-gtk | 5.16.5 | Widget theme for GTK 2 and 3 |
breeze-icons | 5.61.0 | Breeze icon theme |
breeze-icons-native | 5.61.0 | Breeze icon theme |
breeze-plymouth | 5.16.5 | Breeze theme for Plymouth |
catdoc | 0.95 | Read MS-Word files and outputs text |
cmark | 0.29.0 | CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C |
compton | v0.1-beta2+gitX | Compton is a compositor for X |
compton-conf | 0.14.1 | GUI configuration tool for compton X composite manager |
connectagram | 1.2.10 | Connectagram is a word unscrambling game |
discover | 5.16.5 | KDE and Plasma resources management GUI |
dolphin | 19.08.0 | KDE File Manager |
dolphin-plugins | 19.08.0 | Plugins for Dolphin |
dragon | 19.08.0 | Simple KDE multimedia player |
drumstick | 1.1.1 | C++/Qt5 wrapper around multiple MIDI interfaces |
exiv2 | 0.27.0 | Exif, Iptc and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools |
extra-cmake-modules | 5.61.0 | Extra modules and scripts for CMake |
filelight | 19.08.0 | KDE graphical diskspace analyser |
fluxbox | 1.3.7 | Fluxbox is a lightweight windowmanager for X |
focuswriter | 1.7.3 | FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment |
frameworkintegration | 5.61.0 | Workspace and cross-framework integration plugins |
freecell-solver | 5.0.0 | Program that automatically solves layouts of Freecell and similar variants |
gottcode-world | 1.0 | All gottcode recipes - just for build test |
gottet | 1.1.8 | A tetris clone using the Qt GUI toolkit |
granatier | 19.08.0 | Granatier is a clone of the classic Bomberman game |
grantlee | 5.1.0 | Libraries for text templating with Qt |
gwenview | 19.08.0 | A fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE |
hexalate | 1.1.5 | A color matching game |
hotspot | 1.1.0+gitX | The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis |
kactivities | 5.61.0 | Runtime and library to organize the user work in separate activities |
kactivities-stats | 5.61.0 | A library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system |
kactivitymanagerd | 5.16.5 | System service to manage user's activities |
kalgebra | 19.08.0 | 2D and 3D Graph Calculator |
kalzium | 19.08.0 | Periodic Table of Elements |
kapman | 19.08.0 | Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man |
kapow | 1.5.9 | Kapow is a punch clock program to easily keep track of your hours |
karchive | 5.61.0 | Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives |
karchive-native | 5.61.0 | Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives |
kate | 19.08.0 | An advanced editor component which is used in numerous KDE applications requiring a text editing component |
katomic | 19.08.0 | Katomic is a fun and educational game built around molecular geometry |
kauth | 5.61.0 | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features |
kauth-native | 5.61.0 | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features |
kblocks | 19.08.0 | KBlocks - Falling Blocks Game |
kbookmarks | 5.61.0 | Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format |
kbounce | 19.08.0 | KBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle |
kbreakout | 19.08.0 | KBreakout: Destroy as many bricks as possible without losing the ball |
kcachegrind | 19.08.0 | GUI to profilers such as Valgrind |
kcalc | 19.08.0 | KDE's calculator application |
kcharselect | 19.08.0 | Tool to copy and paste characters from all installed fonts |
kcmutils | 5.61.0 | Utilities for working with KCModules |
kcodecs | 5.61.0 | KDE Text encoding library |
kcolorchooser | 19.08.0 | A very small utility to select a color |
kcompletion | 5.61.0 | Text completion helpers and widgets |
kconfig | 5.61.0 | KDE configuration system |
kconfig-native | 5.61.0 | KDE configuration system |
kconfigwidgets | 5.61.0 | Widgets for configuration dialog |
kcoreaddons | 5.61.0 | Addons to QtCore |
kcoreaddons-native | 5.61.0 | Addons to QtCore |
kcrash | 5.61.0 | Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps |
kdb | 3.2.0 | Database Connectivity and Creation Framework |
kdbusaddons | 5.61.0 | Addons to QtDBus |
kde-apps | 1.0 | KDE apps meta |
kde-apps-world | 1.0 | All KDE applications packages - just for build test |
kde-cli-tools | 5.16.5 | Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system |
kde-games | 1.0 | KDE games meta |
kde-gtk-config | 5.16.5 | GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator for KDE |
kde-world | 1.0 | All kde packages - just for build test |
kdeclarative | 5.61.0 | Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks |
kdecoration | 5.16.5 | Plugin based library to create window decorations |
kded | 5.61.0 | Extensible deamon for providing system level services |
kdelibs4support | 5.61.0 | Porting aid from KDELibs4 |
kdelibs4support-native | 5.61.0 | Porting aid from KDELibs4 |
kdenlive | 19.08.0 | Kdenlive is an intuitive and powerful multi-track video editor |
kdeplasma-addons | 5.16.5 | All kind of addons to improve your Plasma experience |
kdesignerplugin | 5.61.0 | Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator |
kdesignerplugin-native | 5.61.0 | Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator |
kdesu | 5.61.0 | Integration with su for elevated privileges |
kdewebkit | 5.61.0 | KDE Integration for QtWebKit |
kdf | 19.08.0 | KDiskFree displays the file devices' information |
kdiamond | 19.08.0 | KDiamond is a single player puzzle game |
kdnssd | 5.61.0 | Abstraction to system DNSSD features |
kdoctools | 5.61.0 | Documentation generation from docbook |
kdoctools-native | 5.61.0 | Documentation generation from docbook |
kemoticons | 5.61.0 | Support for emoticons and emoticons themes |
kexi | 3.2.0 | Kexi is a visual database applications creator |
kf5-world | 1.0 | All KF5 packages - just for build test |
kfilemetadata | 5.61.0 | A file metadata and text extraction library |
kfind | 19.08.0 | KDE file find utility |
kgamma5 | 5.16.5 | Adjust your monitor's gamma settings |
kglobalaccel | 5.61.0 | Add support for global workspace shortcuts |
kguiaddons | 5.61.0 | Addons to QtGui |
khelpcenter | 19.08.0 | Application to show KDE Applications' documentation |
kholidays | 5.61.0 | Library to assist determining when holidays occur |
khotkeys | 5.16.5 | KHOTKEYS |
khtml | 5.61.0 | KHTML |
ki18n | 5.61.0 | Advanced internationalization framework |
ki18n-native | 5.61.0 | Advanced internationalization framework |
kiconthemes | 5.61.0 | Support for icon themes |
kidletime | 5.61.0 | Monitoring user activity |
kimageformats | 5.61.0 | Image format plugins for Qt |
kinfocenter | 5.16.5 | KINFOCENTER |
kinit | 5.61.0 | Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications |
kio | 5.61.0 | Resource and network access abstraction |
kio-extras | 19.08.0 | Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO |
kirigami2 | 5.61.0 | QtQuick plugins to build user interfaces based on the KDE UX guidelines |
kitemmodels | 5.61.0 | Models for Qt Model/View system |
kitemviews | 5.61.0 | Widget addons for Qt Model/View |
kjobwidgets | 5.61.0 | Widgets for tracking KJob instances |
kjs | 5.61.0 | Support for JS scripting in applications |
kjs-native | 5.61.0 | Support for JS scripting in applications |
kjsembed | 5.61.0 | Embedded JS |
kmag | 19.08.0 | KMag is a screen magnifier |
kmahjongg | 19.08.0 | KBlocks - Falling Blocks Game |
kmenuedit | 5.16.5 | KMENUEDIT |
kmines | 19.08.0 | KMines is the classic Minesweeper game |
kmix | 19.08.0 | KDE's audio mixer |
kmplot | 19.08.0 | Mathematical Function Plotter |
knewstuff | 5.61.0 | Support for downloading application assets from the network |
knotifications | 5.61.0 | Abstraction for system notifications |
knotifyconfig | 5.61.0 | Configuration system for KNotify |
kolourpaint | 19.08.0 | KolourPaint - Paint Program |
konsole | 19.08.0 | KDE's terminal emulator |
kpackage | 5.61.0 | Library to load and install packages of non binary files as they were a plugin |
kpackage-native | 5.61.0 | Library to load and install packages of non binary files as they were a plugin |
kparts | 5.61.0 | Document centric plugin system |
kpat | 19.08.0 | KPat offers a selection of solitaire card games |
kpeople | 5.61.0 | Provides access to all contacts |
kplotting | 5.61.0 | Lightweight plotting framework |
kpmcore | 2.0.0 | Library for managing partitions |
kproperty | 3.2.0 | Property editing framework with editor widget |
kpty | 5.61.0 | Pty abstraction |
kreport | 3.2.0 | Framework for creation and generation of reports |
kreversi | 19.08.0 | KReversi is is a simple strategy game played against the computer |
krita | 4.1.8 | Krita is a free digital painting application |
kross | 5.61.0 | Multi-language application scripting |
krunner | 5.61.0 | Framework for providing different actions given a string query |
kscreen | 5.16.5 | KDE's screen management software |
kscreenlocker | 5.16.5 | Library and components for secure lock screen architecture |
kservice | 5.61.0 | Advanced plugin and service introspection |
ksshaskpass | 5.16.5 | ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog |
ksudoku | 19.08.0 | KSudoku is a logic-based symbol placement puzzle |
ksysguard | 5.16.5 | KSYSGUARD |
ksystemlog | 19.08.0 | KDE SystemLog Application |
ktexteditor | 5.61.0 | Advanced embeddable text editor |
ktextwidgets | 5.61.0 | Advanced text editing widgets |
kunitconversion | 5.61.0 | Support for unit conversion |
kwallet | 5.61.0 | Secure and unified container for user passwords |
kwallet-pam | 5.16.5 | Unlock KWallet using PAM |
kwalletmanager | 19.08.0 | KDE Wallet Manager is a tool to manage the passwords on your KDE system |
kwave | 19.08.0 | Kwave is a sound editor for KDE |
kwayland | 5.61.0 | KWayland provides a Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries |
kwayland-integration | 5.16.5 | Integration plugins for wayland windowing system |
kwidgetsaddons | 5.61.0 | Addons to QtWidgets |
kwin | 5.16.5 | KDE's window manager |
kwindowsystem | 5.61.0 | Access to the windowing system |
kwrited | 5.16.5 | KWriteD: Listen to traditional system notifications |
kxmlgui | 5.61.0 | User configurable main windows |
kxmlrpcclient | 5.61.0 | Interaction with XMLRPC services |
ladspa-sdk | 1.13 | Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API, examples and tools |
libdbusmenu-qt5 | 0.9.3+16.04.20160218 | A library that provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec |
libdmtx | 0.7.5 | libdmtx is a library for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes |
libfm-qt | 0.14.1 | Qt port of libfm - a library to build desktop file managers |
libkdcraw | 19.08.0 | Libkdcraw is a C++ interface around LibRaw library |
libkdegames | 19.08.0 | Common code and data for many KDE games |
libkexiv2 | 19.08.0 | Libkexiv2 is a wrapper around Exiv2 library |
libkmahjongg | 19.08.0 | Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for Mahjongg games |
libkscreen | 5.16.5 | KDE's screen management software |
libksysguard | 5.16.5 | KSE sysguard library |
liblxqt | 0.14.1 | Core utility library for all LXQt components |
libmsym | 0.2.3 | Molecular point group symmetry lib |
libqtxdg | 3.3.1 | libqtxdg is An Qt implementation of xdg specifications |
libraw | 0.19.2 | raw image decoder |
libstatgrab | 0.91 | libstatgrab provides access to statistics about the system |
libsysstat | 0.4.2 | Library used to query system info and statistics |
liri-appcenter | 0.1.0+gitX | Software store |
liri-browser | 0.0.0+gitX | LIRI Web browser |
liri-calculator | 1.2.0+gitX | LIRI Calculator |
liri-cmake-shared | 1.0.0+gitX | Shared functions and macros for projects using the CMake build system |
liri-eglfs | 0.0.0+gitX | EGL fullscreen platform plugin |
liri-files | 0.2.0+gitX | File manager |
liri-fluid | 1.1.0+gitX | Library for QtQuick apps with Material Design |
liri-libliri | 0.9.0+gitX | Library for Liri apps |
liri-materialdecoration | 1.1.0+gitX | Client-side decoration for all Qt-based Wayland clients |
liri-networkmanager | 0.9.0+gitX | NetworkManager support for Liri |
liri-player | 0.0.0+gitX | Cross-platform media player |
liri-power-manager | 0.9.0+gitX | Power management support for Liri |
liri-pulseaudio | 0.9.0+gitX | PulseAudio support for Liri |
liri-qml-xwayland | 0.10.0+gitX | QML plugin with an XWayland implementation for QML compositors |
liri-qtaccountsservice | 1.3.0+gitX | Qt-style API to use's AccountsService DBus service |
liri-qtgsettings | 1.3.0+gitX | Qt wrapper for GSettings |
liri-qtudev | 1.1.0+gitX | Qt-style wrapper around udev |
liri-screenshot | 0.9.0+gitX | Utility to capture the screen of a Liri desktop |
liri-settings | 0.9.0+gitX | Settings application for Liri OS |
liri-shell | 0.9.0+gitX | Responsive shell for Liri OS |
liri-terminal | 0.2.0+gitX | A Material Design terminal |
liri-text | 0.4.1+gitX | Material Design text editor |
liri-themes | 0.9.0+gitX | Themes for a uniform look throughout Liri OS |
liri-wallpapers | 0.10.0+gitX | Wallpapers for Liri OS |
liri-world | 1.0 | Liri OS package collection |
lmdb | 0.9.23 | Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) |
lokalize | 19.08.0 | Computer-aided translation |
lumina | 1.5.0 | Lumina Desktop Environment |
lumina-calculator | 1.5.0 | Calculator Utility from the Lumina Desktop |
lumina-pdf | 1.5.0 | PDF Viewer Utility from the Lumina Desktop |
lumina-world | 1.0 | Lumina world |
lximage-qt | 0.14.1 | The image viewer and screenshot tool for LXQt |
lxmenu-data | 0.1.5 | Desktop menu files for LXDE |
lxqt-about | 0.14.1 | The standalone LXQt "About" dialog |
lxqt-admin | 0.14.1 | GUI tools to adjust settings of the operating system |
lxqt-build-tools | 0.6.0 | Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications |
lxqt-config | 0.14.1 | LXQt system settings center |
lxqt-connman-applet | 0 | LXQt system-tray applet for connman |
lxqt-globalkeys | 0.14.1 | Daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts |
lxqt-notificationd | 0.14.1 | The LXQt notification daemon |
lxqt-openssh-askpass | 0.14.1 | This is a very small helper app for ssh-agent |
lxqt-panel | 0.14.1 | The LXQt desktop panel |
lxqt-policykit | 0.14.1 | The LXQt PolicyKit agent |
lxqt-powermanagement | 0.14.1 | Power management module for LXQt |
lxqt-qtplugin | 0.14.0 | LXQt Qt platform integration plugin |
lxqt-runner | 0.14.1 | Tool used to launch programs quickly by typing their names |
lxqt-session | 0.14.1 | An alternative session manager ported from the original razor-session |
lxqt-sudo | 0.14.1 | GUI frontend for sudo/su |
lxqt-themes | 0.14.0 | Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt |
lxqt-world | 1.0 | All lxqt packages - just for build test |
marble | 19.08.0 | Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas |
meta-qt5-extra-world | 1.0 | All layer packages - just for build test |
milou | 5.16.5 | A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo |
minuet | 19.08.0 | A KDE Software for Music Education |
mlt | 6.16.0 | MLT Multimedia Framework |
modemmanager-qt | 5.61.0 | Qt wrapper for ModemManager API |
molequeue | 0.9.0 | Desktop integration of high performance computing resources |
muparser | 2.2.6 | Fast Math Parser Library |
networkmanager-qt | 5.61.0 | Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API |
nodeeditor | 2.1.2 | Qt Node Editor. Dataflow programming framework |
obconf-qt | 0.14.1 | Qt port of obconf, the Openbox configuration tool |
okteta | 0.25.4 | Okteta is a simple hex editor |
okular | 19.08.0 | KDE document viewer |
openbabel | 2.4.1 | The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox |
oxygen | 5.16.5 | OXYGEN |
oxygen-fonts | 5.4.3 | oxygen fonts |
oxygen-icons5 | 5.61.0 | KDE oxygen icons |
packagegroup-lxqt-base | 1.0 | All lxqt packages for a working system |
paper-icon-theme | 1.4.0 | Paper is an icon theme for GTK based desktops and fits perfectly the paper-gtk-theme |
partitionmanager | 2.0.0 | KDE Partition Manage |
pavucontrol-qt | 0.14.1 | pavucontrol-qt is the Qt port of pulseaudio volume control pavucontrol |
pcmanfm-qt | 0.14.1 | File manager and desktop icon manager (Qt port of PCManFM and libfm) |
peg-e | 1.2.7 | Peg-E is a peg solitaire game |
perl-path-tiny | 0.108 | File path utility |
perl-template-toolkit | 2.28 | Template processing system |
phonon | 4.10.3 | The Phonon multimedia library |
pipewire | 0.2.4 | Multimedia processing graphs |
plasma-browser-integration | 5.16.5 | Components necessary to integrate browsers into the Plasma Desktop |
plasma-desktop | 5.16.5 | KDE Plasma Desktop |
plasma-framework | 5.61.0 | Plugin based UI runtime used to write primary user interfaces |
plasma-integration | 5.16.5 | Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces |
plasma-mobile | 0.0.0+gitX | A complete Plasma workspace targeted from small handheld devices to larger tablets |
plasma-mobile-world | 1.0 | KDE plasma-mobile packages |
plasma-nm | 5.16.5 | KSE sysguard library |
plasma-pa | 5.16.5 | Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio |
plasma-phone-components | 0.0.0+gitX | Plasma Phone Components |
plasma-settings | 0.0.0+gitX | Settings application for Mobile Devices |
plasma-vault | 5.16.5 | A collection of package management tools for Debian-based systems |
plasma-workspace | 5.16.5 | Plasma workspace, applications and applets |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | 5.16.5 | Plasma wallpapers |
plasma-world | 1.0 | All KDE plasma packages - not just for build test |
polkit-kde-agent-1 | 5.16.5 | Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE |
polkit-qt-1 | 0.112.0 | PolicyKit Qt wrapper |
powerdevil | 5.16.5 | Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell |
prison | 5.61.0 | Barcode abstraction layer |
pulseview | 0.4.1 | PulseView is a Qt based logic analyzer, oscilloscope and MSO GUI for sigrok. |
purpose | 5.61.0 | Offers available actions for a specific purpose |
qca | 2.1.3+gitX | QCA provides a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API |
qpdfview | 0.4.16 | Light-weight tabbed PDF, DJVU and PostScript viewer |
qps | 1.10.20 | The Qt process manager |
qqc2-desktop-style | 5.61.0 | QtQuickControls 2 style that integrates with the desktop |
qskinny | 0.0.1+gitX | A lightweight framework on top of the Qt scene graph |
qterminal | 0.14.1 | Lightweight terminal emulator written in Qt |
qtermwidget | 0.14.1 | The qterminal widget |
qtiohelper | 0.4.0+gitX | A Qt5 library with input/output helpers |
scribus | 1.5.2 | Scribus: Open source desktop publishing |
sddm | 0.18.1 | SDDM is a modern display manager for X11 |
sddm-kcm | 5.16.5 | Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell |
simsu | 1.3.8 | Simsu is a basic Sudoku game |
slime-engine | 0.0.0+gitX | A QML webview wrapper to support both QtWebEngine and Oxide |
solid | 5.61.0 | Hardware integration and detection |
sonnet | 5.61.0 | Support for spellchecking |
sonnet-native | 5.61.0 | Support for spellchecking |
spectacle | 19.08.0 | The new screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshot |
spglib | 1.9.9 | C library for finding and handling crystal symmetries |
syndication | 5.61.0 | Syndication Library |
syntax-highlighting | 5.61.0 | Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code |
syntax-highlighting-native | 5.61.0 | Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code |
systemsettings | 5.16.5 | KDE system settings |
telepathy-qt | 0.9.7 | Telepathy-Qt |
tetzle | 2.1.5 | Tetzle is a jigsaw puzzle game that uses tetrominoes for the pieces |
threadweaver | 5.61.0 | High-level multithreading framework |
timidity++ | 2.14.0 | A software wavetable MIDI synthesizer |
timidity++-native | 2.14.0 | A software wavetable MIDI synthesizer |
touchegg-qt5 | 1.1.1+gitX | Linux multitouch gesture recognizer |
translate-toolkit | 2.3.1 | Tools to assist with translation and software localization |
umbrello | 19.08.0 | GUI for diagramming Unified Modelling Language (UML) |
umockdev | 0.12.1 | Mock hardware devices for creating unit tests and bug reporting |
user-manager | 5.16.5 | A simple system settings module to manage the users of your system |
xapian-core | 1.4.9 | Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library |
xcb-util-cursor | 0.1.2 | XCB: The X protocol C binding utilities |