Recipe Version Upstream version Upstream status Last Updated Patches Summary
a2jmidid 9 Unknown 2019-11-28 2 / 2 a2jmidid is daemon for exposing ALSA sequencer applications as JACK MIDI
abseil-cpp 20240722.0 Unknown 2024-09-23 4 / 5 Abseil is a cpp library like STL
ace 6.5.19 Unknown 2023-01-21 2 / 2 C++ framework for implementing distributed and networked applications
ace-cloud-editor 02.07.17+git 1.36.2 Unknown 2024-02-09 Ace is a code editor written in JavaScript. This repository has only generated files
acpitool 0.5.1 Unknown 2016-03-01
ade 0.1.1f Unknown 2019-08-24 A graph construction, manipulation, and processing framework
adw-gtk3 5.4 Unknown 2024-09-30 An unofficial GTK3 port of libadwaita.
aer-inject 1.0 Unknown 2024-03-27 0 / 1 Inject PCIE AER errors on the software level into a running Linux kernel.
agent-proxy 1.97 1.97 Up-to-date 2019-09-17 1 / 1 Proxy for UDP/TCP debug connections
alsa-oss 1.1.8 Unknown 2019-04-06 Alsa OSS Compatibility Package
aml 0.3.0+git Unknown 2023-08-27 Andri's Main Loop
android-tools 5.1.1.r37 Unknown 2024-09-05 12 / 25
android-tools-conf 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2016-09-15
android-tools-conf-configfs 1.0 Unknown 2023-03-14 android-tools-conf-configfs version 1.0-r0
anthy 9100h Unknown 2015-07-16 3 / 3
apitrace 11.1+11.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Tools for tracing OpenGL, Direct3D, and other graphics APIs
asio 1.30.2 Unknown 2024-04-23 1 / 1 Asio is C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
atkmm 2.28.2 Unknown 2023-11-11 C++ bindings for the atk
atkmm-2.36 2.36.3 Unknown 2024-06-07 C++ bindings for the atk
atop 2.4.0 Unknown 2019-02-12 1 / 3 Monitor for system resources and process activity
audiofile 0.3.6 0.3.6 Up-to-date 2016-12-26 1 / 3
audit 4.0.2 Unknown 2024-08-14 0 / 1 User space tools for kernel auditing
augeas 1.12.0 Unknown 2019-05-10 2 / 2 Augeas configuration API
autoconf-2.13-native 2.13 2.72 Not updated 2020-01-22 0 / 1 A GNU tool that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software
avro-c 1.11.3 Unknown 2023-12-21 Apache Avro data serialization system.
avro-c++ 1.11.3 Unknown 2024-04-05 1 / 3 Apache Avro data serialization system.
basu 0.2.1+git Unknown 2023-12-01 The sd-bus library, extracted from systemd.
bats 1.11.0 Unknown 2024-03-08 Bash Automated Testing System
bdftopcf 1.1 1.1 Up-to-date 2018-01-17 bdftopcf is a tool to convert BDF fonts to PCF fonts
bdwgc 8.2.8 Unknown 2024-09-19 A garbage collector for C and C++
beep 1.4.12 Unknown 2023-11-14 1 / 1 beep allows you to have the PC speaker issue beeps and beep patterns
bitwise 0.50 Unknown 2023-07-23 1 / 1 Bitwise terminal calculator
boinc-client 7.20.5 Unknown 2023-01-19 2 / 3 Open-source software for volunteer computing
bolt 0.9.6 Unknown 2023-11-15 Thunderbolt user-space management tool
bonnie++ 2.00a 1.04 Up-to-date 2024-01-29 Tests large file IO and creation/deletion of small files
boost-sml 1.1.11 Unknown 2024-03-20 [Boost::ext].SML (State Machine Language)
bootchart 1.17 Unknown 2016-04-28
botan 3.5.0 Unknown 2024-07-15 Crypto and TLS for C++11
bpftool 1.0 Unknown 2018-12-05 Inspect and manipulate eBPF programs and maps
breakpad 2023.06.01 Unknown 2024-02-01 7 / 10 An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system
broadcom-bt-firmware 0.0+gitAUTOINC+c0bd928b8a Unknown 2018-05-27 Broadcom Bluetooth firmware files
brotli 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-29 Lossless compression library and tool
btop 1.4.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes.
bubblewrap 0.10.0 Unknown 2024-08-21 bubblewrap version 0.8.0-r0
buildtools-imagemagick 1.0 Unknown 2024-03-17 Standalone tarball of imagemagick binaries
byacc 20230219 Unknown 2023-03-04 1 / 2 Berkeley LALR Yacc parser generator
c-ares 1.27.0 Unknown 2024-03-08 c-ares is a C library that resolves names asynchronously.
c-periphery 2.4.2 Unknown 2023-07-21 C-Periphery lib used to access GPIO, LED, PWM, SPI, I2C, MMIO, Serial
cabextract 1.11 Unknown 2024-06-12 0 / 1 Software for extracting Microsoft cabinet files
cairomm 1.14.3 Unknown 2023-11-11 C++ bindings for Cairo graphics library
cairomm-1.16 1.18.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 C++ bindings for Cairo graphics library
can-isotp 1.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09
can-utils 2023.03 Unknown 2023-03-24 Linux CAN network development utilities
canutils 4.0.6 4.0.6 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 1 canutils (PTX flavour)
capnproto 1.0.2 Unknown 2024-01-23 Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system
catch2 3.7.1 Unknown 2024-09-29
ccid 1.5.5 Unknown 2024-01-23 1 / 1 Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
cdrkit 1.1.11 Unknown 2015-11-06 5 / 8 CD/DVD command line tools
ceres-solver 2.2.0 Unknown 2023-10-23
cfengine 3.21.0 Unknown 2023-02-18 0 / 2 CFEngine is an IT infrastructure automation framework
cfengine-masterfiles 3.21.5 Unknown 2024-08-09 Base policy for CFEngine
cgdb 0.8.0 Unknown 2023-05-25 0 / 1 curses-based interface to GDB
cglm 0.9.4 Unknown 2024-06-07 OpenGL Mathematics Library for C
cjson 1.7.18 Unknown 2024-05-28
ckermit 302 Unknown 2014-09-26 1 / 1
cli11 2.3.2+gitAUTOINC+291c58789c Unknown 2023-01-11 0 / 1 C++11 command line parser
clinfo Unknown 2024-01-05 Enumerate all known properties of OpenCL platform and devices.
cloc 1.98 Unknown 2023-11-17 Count blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
cmark 0.31.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmatrix 2.0 Unknown 2023-08-03 Terminal based 'The Matrix' screen implementation
cmocka 1.1.7+gitAUTOINC+a01cc69ee9 Unknown 2023-03-22 1 / 1 cmocka version 1.1.7+gitAUTOINC+a01cc69ee9-r0
cmpi-bindings 1.0.4 Unknown 2023-12-31 3 / 4 Adapter to write and run CMPI-type CIM providers
collectd 5.12.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 5 / 6 Collects and summarises system performance statistics
colord 1.4.7 Unknown 2024-06-07 0 / 2 Making color management just work
colord-native 1.4.7 Unknown 2024-06-07 0 / 1 Making color management just work
composefs 1.0.5 Unknown 2024-08-19 Tools to handle creating and mounting composefs images
con2fbmap git Unknown 2020-05-06 0 / 1 Simple utility for swapping an fbtft-based device as the console.
concurrencykit 0.7.0+git 0.7.2 Not updated 2024-02-09 0 / 2
consolation 0.0.9 Unknown 2023-03-24 copy-paste for the Linux console
cpp-netlib 0.13.0 Unknown 2023-09-26 0 / 1 cpp-netlib version 0.13.0-r0
cppgenerate 0.3 Unknown 2024-08-14 C++ Code Generator library
cpprest 2.10.19 Unknown 2023-12-21 2 / 2 Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design.
cppunit 1.14.0 1.15.1 Up-to-date 2019-03-20 0 / 1
cppzmq 4.10.0 Unknown 2023-07-03
cpuburn-arm 1.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 3 / 3 A collection of cpuburn programs tuned for different ARM hardware
cpufrequtils 008 Unknown 2013-11-18 1 / 1
cpuid 20230614 Unknown 2023-11-17 1 / 1 Linux tool to dump x86 CPUID information about the CPU(s)
cpulimit 0.2 Unknown 2023-05-04 0 / 1 cpulimit is a tool which limits the CPU usage of a process
cpupower 1.0 Unknown 2017-09-22 Shows and sets processor power related values
cpuset 1.6.2 Unknown 2024-08-25 Cpuset manipulation tool
crash 8.0.5 Unknown 2024-09-12 4 / 5 Kernel analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
crash-cross-canadian-i686 8.0.5 Unknown 2024-09-12 4 / 5 Kernel analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
crucible 2023.11.02 Unknown 2023-11-06 Utility that provides userspace support for reading and writing to the i.MX fuses
cryptsetup 2.7.5 Unknown 2024-09-04 Manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted volumes
cscope 15.9 Unknown 2020-01-09 Cscope is a text screen based source browser
ctags 6.1.20240922.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 Universal Ctags
ctapi-common 1.1-14 Unknown 2016-08-22 Common files and packaging infrastructure for CT-API modules
cukinia 0.7.0 Unknown 2024-06-07 Linux firmware validation framework
cunit 2.1-3 Unknown 2015-04-13 0 / 1
cups-filters 2.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-12 1 / 1
cups-pk-helper 0.2.7 Unknown 2023-01-25 0 / 1 cups-pk-helper version 0.2.7-r0
cxxtest 4.4 Unknown 2019-03-20
cyaml 1.4.1 Unknown 2023-12-22 Cyaml library
cyrus-sasl 2.1.28 Unknown 2023-07-27 Generic client/server library for SASL authentication
czmq 4.2.1 Unknown 2023-10-24
daemonize 1.7.8 1.7.8 Up-to-date 2019-05-10 A tool to run a command as a daemon
daemontools 0.76 Unknown 2014-12-09 6 / 6 DJB daemontools
dash 0.5.12 Unknown 2024-04-06 Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell
dbd-mariadb 1.23 Unknown 2024-06-10 dbd-mariadb version 1.23-r0
dbench 4.0 4.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 2 The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks
dbus-broker 36 Unknown 2024-08-10 dbus broker
dbus-cxx 2.5.2 Unknown 2024-08-14 D-Bus wrapper in C++ for dbus
dbus-daemon-proxy 0.0.0+gitr Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1 dbus forwarding daemon
ddrescue 1.28 Unknown 2024-03-08 Data recovery tool
debootstrap 1.0.137 Unknown 2024-09-15 0 / 3 Install a Debian system into a subdirectory
debsums 2.2.2 Unknown 2017-06-14 Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
dediprog-flasher 1.0+ Unknown 2024-07-22 0 / 2 dediprog-flasher version 1.0+-r0
deqp-runner 0.20.0 Unknown 2024-08-27 0 / 1 A VK-GL-CTS/dEQP wrapper program to parallelize it across CPUs and report results against a baseline.
devmem2 2.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 Simple program to read/write from/to any location in memory
dfu-util 0.11 Unknown 2023-08-03
dfu-util-native 0.9 Unknown 2016-03-14
dhex 0.69 0.69 Up-to-date 2019-09-18 dhex is a hex editor that includes a diff mode
dhrystone 2.1 2.1 Up-to-date 2017-08-28 2 / 2 Dhrystone CPU benchmark
dialog 1.3-20240619 Unknown 2024-06-27 display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dietsplash 0.3+git 0.3 Up-to-date 2024-03-17 1 / 2 Simple bootsplash for systemd systems
digitemp 3.7.2 3.7.2 Up-to-date 2019-09-17 read temperature sensors in a 1-Wire net
directfb 1.7.7 Unknown 2016-07-29 11 / 14 Graphics abstraction library for the Linux Framebuffer Device
directfb-examples 1.7.0 1.7.0 Up-to-date 2016-07-29 1 / 2 Example DirectFB applications
distro-feed-configs 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Configuration files for online package repositories aka feeds
dlt-daemon 2.18.10 Unknown 2023-08-17 0 / 4 Diagnostic Log and Trace
dmalloc 5.5.2 5.6.5 Not updated 2016-12-13 0 / 8 Debug Malloc Library
dnf-plugin-tui 1.4 Unknown 2024-03-13 A text-based user interface plugin of dnf for user to manage packages.
dnfdragora 2.1.6 Unknown 2024-01-23 3 / 3 dnfdragora is a DNF frontend, based on rpmdragora from Mageia (originally rpmdrake) Perl code.
docopt.cpp 0.6.3+git 0.6.3 Not updated 2024-02-09 C++11 port of docopt command-line interface description language and parser
dool 1.3.2 Unknown 2024-05-19 Dool is a Python3 compatible fork of Dstat
double-conversion 3.3.0 Unknown 2023-05-25 Double conversion libraries
doxygen 1.9.3 Unknown 2023-05-28 0 / 1
driverctl 0.115 Unknown 2023-12-22 driverctl is a device driver control utility for Linux
dstat 0.7.4 Unknown 2019-07-22 versatile resource statics tool
duktape 2.7.0 Unknown 2024-05-23 Duktape embeddable Javascript engine
dumb-init 1.2.2 Unknown 2019-07-21 Simple wrapper script which proxies signals to a child
edac-utils 0.18+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 2 Userspace helper for Linux kernel EDAC drivers
edid-decode 0.0+git Unknown 2023-10-19 Decode EDID data in human-readable format
editorconfig-core-c 0.12.9 Unknown 2024-06-27 EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles across various editors and IDEs.
eject 2.1.5 Unknown 2013-11-18 2 / 5
emacs 29.1 Unknown 2023-08-30 0 / 2 Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor
emlog 0.70+git Unknown 2023-10-30 0 / 1
enca 1.19 Unknown 2023-05-09 1 / 4 Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser
enscript 1.6.6 1.6.6 Up-to-date 2017-06-14 3 / 3 A plain ASCII to PostScript converter
epeg git 0.9.3 Unknown 2015-08-24 0 / 1 Epeg is a small library for handling thumbnails
espeak 1.48.04 Unknown 2017-06-05 2 / 3
etcd 3.5.7 Unknown 2023-05-02 2 / 2 etcd version 3.5.7-r0
etcd-cpp-apiv3 0.15.4 Unknown 2024-05-23 0 / 2 etcd-cpp-apiv3 version 0.14.2-r0
evemu-tools 2.7.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Kernel evdev device emulation
evtest 1.35 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 1 Simple tool for input event debugging
exiftool 12.89 Unknown 2024-07-15 Exiftool
exiv2 0.28.3 Unknown 2024-07-14 Exif, Iptc and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools
exprtk git Unknown 2023-02-18 Expression parser
extract-cert 0.3 Unknown 2023-02-01 small helper program to extract X.509 certificates from PKCS#11 tokens
faad2 2.11.1+git Unknown 2023-12-20 An open source MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoding library
fb-test 1.1.0 Unknown 2014-10-03 Test suite for Linux framebuffer
fbgrab 1.3.3 Unknown 2020-04-19 FBGrab is a framebuffer screenshot program
fbida 2.14+gitAUTOINC+eb769e3d7f Unknown 2023-07-03 4 / 8 Framebuffer image and doc viewer tools
fbset 2.1 2.1 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 2 / 3 The fbset console tool
fbset-modes 0.1.0 Unknown 2013-11-18 Default display timings and resolutions for fbset
feh 3.10.3 Unknown 2024-07-01 X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users
fftw 3.3.10 Unknown 2023-05-14 1 / 2
figlet 2.2.5+git 2.2.5 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 0 / 1
fio 3.38 Unknown 2024-10-10 Filesystem and hardware benchmark and stress tool
firmwared 0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Linux Firmware Loader Daemon
flashrom 1.2 Unknown 2020-03-15 1 / 3
flatbuffers 24.3.25 Unknown 2024-04-02 Memory Efficient Serialization Library
flatcc 0.6.2+gitr Unknown 2024-01-29 0 / 1 FlatCC FlatBuffers in C for C
flatpak 1.15.10 Unknown 2024-08-21 0 / 1 flatpak version 1.15.3-r0
flatpak-xdg-utils 1.0.6 Unknown 2024-09-10 flatpak-xdg-utils version 1.0.5-r0
fltk 1.3.9 Unknown 2024-09-15 2 / 4 FLTK is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
fltk-native 1.3.9 Unknown 2024-09-15 2 / 4 FLTK is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
fluentbit 3.1.9 Unknown 2024-10-10 1 / 3 Fast Log processor and Forwarder
font-adobe-100dpi 1.0.3 100dpi-1.0.4 Not updated 2014-05-15 Adobe 100 DPI fonts
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi 1.0.4 100dpi-1.0.5 Not updated 2014-05-15 Adobe Utopia 100 DPI fonts
font-bh-100dpi 1.0.3 100dpi-1.0.4 Not updated 2014-05-15 Bigelow & Holmes 100 DPI fonts
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi 1.0.3 100dpi-1.0.4 Not updated 2014-05-15 Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter 100 DPI fonts
font-bitstream-100dpi 1.0.3 100dpi-1.0.4 Not updated 2014-05-15 Bitstream 100 DPI fonts
font-cursor-misc 1.0.3 1.0.4 Not updated 2014-08-01 cursor fonts
font-misc-misc 1.1.2 1.1.3 Not updated 2014-08-01 miscellaneous fonts
fontforge 20230101 Unknown 2023-09-07 4 / 4 A font editor
frame 2.5.0 2.5.0 Up-to-date 2016-02-01 1 / 1 Frame handles simultaneous touches
freeglut 3.4.0 Unknown 2023-01-11
freeipmi 1.6.14 Unknown 2024-09-10 0 / 1 freeipmi version 1.6.14-r0
freerdp 2.11.7 Unknown 2024-05-12 1 / 5
freerdp3 3.5.1 Unknown 2024-05-12 freerdp3 version 3.4.0-r0
fsverity-utils 1.5 Unknown 2023-01-25 Userspace utilities for fs-verity
ftgl 2.4.0+git Unknown 2024-08-21 0 / 1 OpenGL frontend to Freetype 2
function2 4.2.4+git Unknown 2023-11-09 Improved drop-in replacement for std::function
funyahoo-plusplus git Unknown 2019-05-24 Protocol plugin for New Yahoo (2016) for Adium, Pidgin, Miranda and Telepathy IM Framework
fuse3 3.16.2 Unknown 2024-05-19 Implementation of a fully functional filesystem in a userspace program
fvwm 2.7.0 Unknown 2024-05-12 0 / 4 F Virtual Window Manager
fwts 22.11.00 Unknown 2023-06-12 5 / 7 Firmware testsuite
fwupd 1.9.25 Unknown 2024-09-30 A simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware
fwupd-efi 1.6 Unknown 2024-06-10 1 / 1 EFI executable for fwupd
gammu 1.42.0 Unknown 2024-05-23 GNU All Mobile Managment Utilities
gattlib 0.2+gitAUTOINC+33a8a27592 0.7.2 Not updated 2023-05-28 1 / 1
gcab 1.6 Unknown 2023-11-06 1 / 1 A GObject library to create cabinet files
gcr3 3.41.2 Unknown 2024-01-23 0 / 1 A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing etc
gd 2.3.0 Unknown 2020-03-27 0 / 1 gd is a library used to create PNG, JPEG, or WBMP images
geany 1.36 Unknown 2019-10-25 1 / 1 A fast and lightweight IDE
geany-plugins 1.36 Unknown 2019-10-25 1 / 4
geis 2.2.17 2.2.17 Up-to-date 2016-02-01 3 / 3 An implementation of the GEIS interface
gengetopt 2.23 2.23 Up-to-date 2020-01-28 skeleton main.c generator
genimage 18 Unknown 2024-09-12 genimage - The image creation tool
gensio 2.8.7 Unknown 2024-09-10 A library to abstract stream I/O like serial port, TCP, telnet, etc
geoclue 2.7.2 Unknown 2024-09-12 1 / 1 The Geolocation Service
geos 3.12.1 Unknown 2024-02-09
gflags 2.2.2 2.2.2 Up-to-date 2019-09-16
giflib 5.2.2 Unknown 2024-06-14 0 / 1 shared library for GIF images
glade 3.22.2 3.40.0 Not updated 2020-03-18 1 / 1 Glade - A User Interface Designer
glfw 3.3.8+gitAUTOINC+7482de6071 Unknown 2023-07-07 A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
glib-testing 0.1.1 Unknown 2024-05-19 libglib-testing provides test harnesses and mock classes to complement GLib classes
glibmm 2.66.7 Unknown 2024-08-15 C++ bindings for the glib library
glibmm-2.68 2.80.0 Unknown 2024-06-07 C++ bindings for the glib library
glm Unknown 2023-03-02 1 / 2 OpenGL Mathematics Library
glmark2 2023.01 2023.01 Unknown 2023-02-27 0 / 3 OpenGL (ES) 2.0 benchmark
glog 0.6.0 Unknown 2023-02-18 1 / 2
gmime 3.2.15 Unknown 2024-08-09
gnome-common 3.18.0 3.18.0 Up-to-date 2017-07-14 Common macros for building GNOME applications
gnome-doc-utils-stub 1.0 Unknown 2016-06-08 Stub implementation of gnome-doc-utils
gnome-themes-extra 3.28 Unknown 2019-08-18 GTK+2 standard themes
gnulib 202401 Unknown 2024-03-08 The GNU portability library
gnuplot 5.4.3 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 3 Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility
googlebenchmark 1.8.4 Unknown 2024-05-28 0 / 2 googlebenchmark version 1.8.0-r0
googletest 1.15.2 Unknown 2024-08-09
gosu 1.17 Unknown 2024-03-08 Simple Go-based setuid+setgid+setgroups+exec
gperftools 2.15 Unknown 2024-03-21 2 / 3 Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gphoto2 2.5.28 Unknown 2023-03-02 1 / 3 gphoto2 - a command-line frontend to libgphoto2
gpm 1.99.7+gite82d1a653ca94aa4ed12441424da6ce780b1e530 Unknown 2024-03-17 Console mouse driver
gpsd 3.25 Unknown 2024-08-21 0 / 1 A TCP/IP Daemon simplifying the communication with GPS devices
gpsd-machine-conf 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Machine specific gpsd config
gradm 3.1-202111052217 Unknown 2024-07-24 3 / 3 Administration program for the grsecurity RBAC syste
grail 3.1.1 Unknown 2016-06-15 Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library
graphviz 8.1.0 Unknown 2023-07-13 0 / 2 Graph Visualization Tools
grpc 1.66.1 Unknown 2024-09-04 1 / 1 grpc version 1.50.1-r0
gsl 2.8 Unknown 2024-05-28
gsoap 2.8.134 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 1
gst-editing-services 1.22.7 Unknown 2023-11-17 Gstreamer editing services
gtk+ 2.24.33 Unknown 2024-05-12 3 / 7 Multi-platform toolkit for creating GUIs
gtkmm 2.24.5 4.16.0 Not updated 2017-01-25 C++ bindings for the GTK+ toolkit
gtkmm3 3.24.7 Unknown 2023-11-11 C++ bindings for the GTK+ toolkit V3
gtkmm4 4.14.0 Unknown 2024-03-23 C++ bindings for the GTK+ toolkit V4
gtkperf 0.40 Unknown 2014-03-15 4 / 4 GTK Performance tool
gtkwave 3.3.120 Unknown 2024-06-27 VCD (Value Change Dump) file waveform viewer
guider 3.9.8+gitAUTOINC+a502cd93b1 Unknown 2023-08-03 performance analyzer
gutenprint 5.3.4 Unknown 2023-10-12 gutenprint version 5.3.3+gitAUTOINC+66b0a7bc3f-r0
haveged 1.9.19 Unknown 2024-10-10 haveged - A simple entropy daemon
hddtemp 0.3-beta15 Unknown 2013-11-18 5 / 7 Hard disk temperature monitor daemon
hdf5 1.14.4-3 Unknown 2024-08-01 0 / 2 Management suite for extremely large and complex data collections
heaptrack 1.2.0 Unknown 2023-10-24 3 / 5 Heap memory profiler for Linux
hexedit 1.4.2 Unknown 2018-03-12 view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
hidapi 0.14.0 Unknown 2023-05-25 A Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices
highway 1.2.0 Unknown 2024-06-07 0 / 1 Highway is a C++ library for SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data)
hiredis 1.2.0 Unknown 2023-07-21
hostapd 2.11 Unknown 2024-08-09 User space daemon for extended IEEE 802.11 management
hplip 3.22.10 Unknown 2023-01-21 14 / 14 HP Linux Imaging and Printing
hstr 3.1.0 Unknown 2023-12-27 0 / 2 bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
htop 3.3.0 Unknown 2024-01-23 0 / 1 Interactive process viewer
hunspell 1.7.2 Unknown 2023-02-01 A spell checker and morphological analyzer library
hunspell-dictionaries 0.0.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Hunspell dictionaries used by Maliit
hwdata 0.388 Unknown 2024-10-11
hwloc 2.9.3 Unknown 2023-09-20 Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) software package
i2cdev 0.7.0+git Unknown 2024-01-27 0 / 2 i2c dev tools for Linux
iceauth 1.0.10 Unknown 2024-03-20 X.Org X11 X client utilities
icewm 3.6.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1
icon-slicer 0.3 0.3 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 1
icyque 0.1+gitr Unknown 2024-02-09 WIM Protocol plugin for ICQ for Adium, Pidgin, Miranda and Telepathy IM Framework
id3lib 3.8.3 Unknown 2013-11-18 1 / 1 Library for interacting with ID3 tags
idevicerestore 1.0.1+git Unknown 2023-11-20 A command-line application to restore firmware files to iOS devices
ifplugd 0.28 Unknown 2019-10-17 1 / 1
iksemel 1.5+git Unknown 2024-02-09 2 / 2 Fast and portable XML parser and Jabber protocol library
imagemagick 7.1.1-26 Unknown 2024-01-09 ImageMagick is an image conversion toolkit
imapfilter 2.8.2 Unknown 2024-01-02 1 / 1 IMAPFilter is a mail filtering utility that processes mailboxes based on IMAP queries
imlib2 1.12.3 Unknown 2024-07-15 A graphic library for file loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation
imx-cst 3.4.0 Unknown 2024-09-09 i.MX code signing tool
indent 2.2.12 Unknown 2019-04-29 3 / 4 A GNU program for formatting C code
influxdb 1.8.10 Unknown 2023-11-08 0 / 1 influxdb version 1.8.10-r0
iniparser 4.2.4 Unknown 2024-06-27 The iniParser library is a simple C library offering INI file parsing services (both reading and writing).
inotify-tools Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 3 Command line tools and C library providing a simple interface to inotify
inputattach-config 1.0 Unknown 2024-05-23 inputattach configuration file
intel-speed-select 1.0 Unknown 2024-10-09 A tool to validate Intel Speed Select commands
iotop 1.26 Unknown 2024-02-09 Simple top-like I/O monitor
iozone3 506 Unknown 2023-05-09 2 / 2 Filesystem and Disk Benchmarking Tool
ipc-run 20231003.0 Unknown 2023-10-23
iperf2 2.0.13 Unknown 2019-08-08 0 / 1
iperf3 3.17.1 Unknown 2024-06-07 2 / 2 Network benchmark tool
ipmitool 1.8.19 Unknown 2023-01-11 0 / 1 Utility for IPMI control
ipmiutil 3.1.9 Unknown 2023-05-26 1 / 2 ipmiutil is an easy-to-use set of IPMI server management utilities.It can get/set sensor thresholds, automate SEL management, do SOL console, etc.
iptraf-ng 1.2.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 2 / 2 A console-based network monitoring utility
irda-utils 0.9.18 Unknown 2019-05-18 2 / 2 Common files for IrDA
irssi 1.4.5 Unknown 2023-11-17 ncurses IRC client
isomd5sum 1.2.5 Unknown 2024-07-01 1 / 2 Tools for taking the MD5 sum of ISO images
iwd 2.20 Unknown 2024-09-18 0 / 1 Wireless daemon for Linux
jack 1.9.22 Unknown 2023-11-08 0 / 2
jansson 2.14 Unknown 2024-07-24 1 / 3 Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
jasper 4.1.1 Unknown 2023-12-06 Jpeg 2000 implementation
jemalloc 5.3.0+git Unknown 2024-05-23 General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
joe 4.6 Unknown 2019-07-10 Console text editor with good functionality, good choice for vi-haters
jpnevulator 2.3.6+gitAUTOINC+bc1d4f6587 2.3.6 Not updated 2023-04-05 A handy serial sniffer
jq 1.7.1 Unknown 2023-12-29 Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
json-schema-validator 2.2.0 Unknown 2023-08-22 0 / 4 JSON schema validator for JSON for Modern C++
json-spirit 4.08 4.08 Up-to-date 2017-03-11 1 / 2 A C++ JSON Parser/Generator Implemented with Boost Spirit.
jsoncpp 1.9.6 Unknown 2024-09-15 JSON C++ lib used to read and write json file.
jsonrpc 1.4.1 Unknown 2023-02-18 C++ framework for json-rpc 1.0 and 2.0
jwt-cpp 0.7.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 A header only library for creating and validating json web tokens in c++
kconfig-frontends Unknown 2018-08-19 1 / 3 Linux kernel style configuration framework for other projects
kernel-module-emlog 0.70+git 0.70 Up-to-date 2023-10-30
kernel-selftest 1.0 Unknown 2018-08-02 0 / 1 Kernel selftest for Linux
keyutils 1.6.3 Unknown 2023-01-26 5 / 7 Linux Key Management Utilities
kmsxx git Unknown 2023-11-10 C++ library for kernel mode setting
konkretcmpi 0.9.2 Unknown 2015-08-31 2 / 2 Tool for rapid CMPI providers development
kpatch 0.9.1 0.9.9 Not updated 2020-04-01 2 / 2 Linux dynamic kernel patching infrastructure
krb5 1.21.3 Unknown 2024-07-04 2 / 3 A network authentication protocol
lapack 3.12.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 Linear Algebra PACKage
lcdproc 0.5.9+gitAUTOINC+0e2ce9b9c4 Unknown 2023-02-01 Drivers for character-based LCD displays
lcms 2.16 Unknown 2024-01-19 Little cms is a small-footprint, speed optimized color management engine
lcov 1.16 Unknown 2023-04-26 A graphical front-end for gcov
ldns 1.8.4 Unknown 2024-07-28 LDNS is a DNS library that facilitates DNS tool programming
ledmon 0.97 Unknown 2023-11-18 1 / 2 Intel(R) Enclosure LED Utilities
lemon 3.44.2 Unknown 2023-12-21
leptonica 1.84.1 Unknown 2024-08-09
leveldb 1.23 Unknown 2023-10-18 1 / 2 LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library
libabigail 2.5 Unknown 2024-07-01 1 / 1 The ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library
libass 0.17.3 Unknown 2024-07-15
libatasmart 0.19 Unknown 2013-11-18 1 / 1 ATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Parsing Library
libb64 Unknown 2023-01-29 1 / 4 Base64 Encoding/Decoding Routines
libbacktrace 1.0+git Unknown 2023-10-18 A C library that may be linked into a C/C++ program to produce symbolic backtraces
libblockdev 3.2.0 Unknown 2024-10-06 0 / 1
libbpf 1.4.6 Unknown 2024-09-10 Library for BPF handling
libburn 1.5.2 Unknown 2020-01-13 Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
libbytesize 2.11 Unknown 2024-08-28
libc-bench 20110206+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1 Tests to compare standard functions of different libc implementations
libcanberra 0.30 Unknown 2015-06-23 3 / 3 Implementation of XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications
libcbor 0.11.0 Unknown 2024-02-09 library for CBOR
libcdio 2.1.0 2.1.0 Up-to-date 2019-05-03 2 / 2 The GNU Compact Disc Input and Control library (libcdio) contains a library for CD-ROM and CD image access.
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.93+1 Unknown 2016-12-09 library to read digital audio CDs with error correction
libcec 5.0.0 Unknown 2020-04-28 2 / 4 USB CEC Adaptor communication Library
libcereal 1.3.2+gitAUTOINC+ebef1e9298 Unknown 2023-01-21 0 / 4 A C++11 library for serialization
libconfig 1.7.2 Unknown 2018-06-14 C/C++ Configuration File Library
libconfig-general-perl 2.65 Unknown 2024-01-09 libconfig-general-perl version 2.65-r0
libconfuse 3.3 Unknown 2024-09-12 0 / 1 libconfuse version 3.3-r0
libcppkafka 0.4.0+git Unknown 2024-01-05 high level C++ wrapper for rdkafka
libcupsfilters 2.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-12 0 / 1 libcupsfilters version 2.0.0-r0
libcyusbserial 1.0.0+git 1.0.0 Up-to-date 2023-09-03 1 / 1 Enable userspace control of Cypress USB-Serial bridge devices
libdbi 0.9.0 Unknown 2015-08-18
libdbi-perl 1.644 Unknown 2024-09-03 0 / 1 The Perl Database Interface
libdbus-c++ 0.9.0 Unknown 2016-11-23 1 / 7 DBus-C++ Library
libdecor 0.2.2 Unknown 2024-01-23 libdecor - A client-side decorations library for Wayland clients
libdeflate 1.20 Unknown 2024-04-02 0 / 1 libdeflate is a library for fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based compression and decompression.
libdev-checklib-perl 1.14 Unknown 2019-11-22 0 / 1 A Perl module that checks whether a particular C library and its headers are available
libdevmapper 2.03.26 Unknown 2024-09-12 3 / 7
libdivecomputer 0.8.0 0.8.0 Not updated 2023-05-14
libdvdread 6.1.1 Unknown 2020-04-15 DVD access multimeda library
libee 0.4.1 Unknown 2014-07-21 An Event Expression Library inspired by CEE
libei 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 libei is a library for Emulated Input, primarily aimed at the Wayland stack.
libeigen 3.4.0 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 1
libestr 0.1.11 0.1.11 Up-to-date 2018-11-15 some essentials for string handling (and a bit more)
libev 4.33 Unknown 2020-03-19 A full-featured and high-performance event loop that is loosely modelled after libevent.
libexecinfo 1.1 Unknown 2017-04-05 0 / 2
libfaketime 0.9.10 Unknown 2023-08-27 1 / 1 libfaketime version 0.9.10-r0
libfann 2.2.0+git 2.2.0 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) Library
libfastjson 1.2304.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 A fork of json-c library
libfido2 1.15.0 Unknown 2024-06-27 FIDO 2.0 support library
libfile-fnmatch-perl 0.02 0.02 Up-to-date 2017-06-14 Perl module that provides simple filename and pathname matching
libforms 1.2.5pre1 Unknown 2023-06-19 5 / 5
libftdi 1.5 Unknown 2023-05-06
libgee 0.20.6 Unknown 2023-11-11
libglvnd 1.7.0 Unknown 2023-09-20 libglvnd version 1.7.0-r0
libgnt 2.14.1 Unknown 2024-07-24 0 / 1 GNT: The GLib Ncurses Toolkit
libgphoto2 2.5.31 Unknown 2023-09-07 0 / 3 libgphoto2 allows you to access digital cameras
libgpiod 2.1.3 Unknown 2024-08-01 0 / 1 C library and tools for interacting with the linux GPIO character device
libgusb 0.3.10 Unknown 2023-03-30 GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1
libgxim 0.5.0 0.5.0 Up-to-date 2014-12-31 4 / 4 GObject-based XIM protocol library
libharu 2.4.4 Unknown 2023-12-29 free PDF library
libhugetlbfs 2.24 Unknown 2024-10-08 7 / 13 A library which provides easy access to huge pages of memory
libid3tag 0.15.1b Unknown 2024-03-17 4 / 6 Library for interacting with ID3 tags in MP3 files
libidn 1.42 Unknown 2024-09-29 0 / 1 Internationalized Domain Name support library
libiio 0.25 Unknown 2023-08-11 Library for interfacing with IIO devices
libimobiledevice 1.3.0+gitAUTOINC+860ffb707a 1.3.0 Not updated 2023-05-10 0 / 1 A protocol library to access an iPhone or iPod Touch in Linux
libimobiledevice-glue 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-06-27 Library with common code used by the libraries and tools around the libimobiledevice project
libinih 58 Unknown 2024-02-09 C and C++ INI Library
libio-pty-perl 1.20 Unknown 2024-01-09 Perl module for pseudo tty IO
libiodbc 3.52.16 Unknown 2024-08-09 iODBC driver manager maintained by OpenLink Software.
libirecovery 1.2.0 Unknown 2024-06-08 The libirecovery library allows communication with iBoot/iBSS of iOS devices via USB
libjcat 0.2.1 Unknown 2024-02-09 Library for reading and writing Jcat files
libjs-jquery 3.3.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 JavaScript library for dynamic web applications
libjs-jquery-cookie 3.0.5 Unknown 2023-05-09 A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies.
libjs-jquery-icheck 1.0.3 Unknown 2024-05-30 libjs-jquery-icheck version 1.0.3-r0
libjs-sizzle 1.10.18 1.10.18 Up-to-date 2015-08-31 Pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine
libjson-perl 4.02000 Unknown 2020-02-17 Perl module to decode/encode json files
libjxl 0.10.3 Unknown 2024-09-11 0 / 1 Reference implementation of JPEG XL (encoder and decoder)
libkcapi 1.5.0 Unknown 2024-01-19 Linux Kernel Crypto API User Space Interface Library
liblbxutil 1.1.0 Unknown 2013-11-18 XFIXES Extension
libleak 0.3.6 Unknown 2023-05-27 0 / 1 libleak detects memory leak by hooking memory functions (e.g. malloc) by LD_PRELOAD
liblightmodbus 2.0.2 3.0 Not updated 2019-08-03 0 / 1 A cross-platform, lightweight Modbus RTU library
liblockfile 1.17 Unknown 2023-03-10 2 / 6 File locking library
liblogging 1.0.6 1.0.6 Up-to-date 2019-10-25 An easy to use logging library
liblognorm 2.0.6 Unknown 2023-11-30 0 / 1 Fast samples-based log normalization library
libmad 0.15.1b Unknown 2016-07-29 2 / 6 MPEG Audio Decoder library
libmanette 0.2.9 Unknown 2024-09-19 The simple GObject game controller library
libmbim 1.30.0 Unknown 2024-04-05 libmbim is library for talking to WWAN devices by MBIM protocol
libmcrypt 2.5.8 Unknown 2013-11-18 Replacement for the old crypt() package and crypt(1) command, with extensions
libmikmod Unknown 2019-05-29
libmimetic 0.9.8 0.9.8 Up-to-date 2020-02-14 2 / 2 Mimetic Library for multi-part parsing
libmms 0.6.4 Unknown 2016-02-25 MMS stream protocol library
libmng 2.0.3 Unknown 2016-12-26
libmodbus 3.1.10 Unknown 2023-11-30 A Modbus library
libmodplug Unknown 2019-09-13 1 / 1 Library for reading mod-like audio files
libmspack 0.11alpha Unknown 2024-06-12 A library for Microsoft compression formats
libmtp 1.1.21 Unknown 2023-11-17 0 / 1 libmtp is an Initiator implementation of the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
libmxml 4.0.3 Unknown 2024-05-02
libndp 1.9 Unknown 2024-07-01 0 / 1 Library for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol
libnet 1.3 Unknown 2023-10-04 A packet dissection and creation library
libnewt 0.52.24 Unknown 2024-06-19 3 / 3 A library for text mode user interfaces
libnfc 1.8.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
libnfs 5.0.3 Unknown 2024-02-13 1 / 2 NFS client library
libnice 0.1.22 Unknown 2024-04-09 Interactive Connectivity Establishment library
libnss-nisplus 1.3+gitAUTOINC+c6934373c7 Unknown 2019-08-08 NSS module for glibc, to provide NIS+ support for glibc
libnvme 1.10 Unknown 2024-08-09 libnvme development C library
liboauth 1.0.3 Unknown 2014-05-03 0 / 1
libol 0.3.18 Unknown 2013-11-18 A tiny C support library
liboop 1.0.1 1.0.1 Up-to-date 2019-05-10 0 / 1
libopus 1.5.2 Unknown 2024-04-18 Opus Audio Codec
libopusenc 0.2.1 Unknown 2024-07-24 Opus Audio Codec
libosinfo 1.11.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 0 / 2 API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices.
libotr 4.1.1 4.1.1 Up-to-date 2017-08-13 3 / 3 (OTR) Messaging allows you to have private conversations over instant messaging
libp11 11 Unknown 2020-02-15 Library for using PKCS
libpaper 2.2.5 Unknown 2024-08-09 libpaper version 2.1.0-r0
libpcsc-perl 1.4.15 Unknown 2024-08-09 Perl interface to the PC/SC smart card library
libpeas 1.36.0 Unknown 2023-03-25 0 / 1 libpeas is a gobject-based plugins engine
libperfetto 47.0 Unknown 2024-09-26 2 / 2 Perfetto - System profiling, app tracing and trace analysis.
libperlio-gzip-perl 0.20 0.20 Up-to-date 2020-02-17 Perl module to manipulate and access gzip files
libpfm4 4.13.0 Unknown 2023-04-04 2 / 2 Monitoring tools exploiting the performance monitoring events
libplacebo 7.349.0 Unknown 2024-08-30 Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives
libplist 2.3.0+git Unknown 2024-04-16 A library to handle Apple Property List format whereas it's binary or XML
libppd 2.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-12 libppd version 2.0.0-r0
libpwquality 1.4.5 Unknown 2023-12-01 0 / 2
libqb 2.0.8 Unknown 2023-08-01 An IPC library for high performance servers
libqmi 1.34.0 Unknown 2024-04-05 libqmi is a library for talking to WWAN devices by QMI protocol
libqrtr-glib 1.2.2+git Unknown 2024-02-09 library to use and manage the QRTR bus
libraw 0.21.2 Unknown 2024-01-09 raw image decoder
libraw1394 2.1.2 2.1.2 Up-to-date 2017-04-05 base library for low-level IEEE 1394 accesses
librelp 1.11.0 Unknown 2023-01-17 0 / 5 A reliable logging library
libreport 2.17.15 Unknown 2024-03-20 0 / 4 Generic library for reporting various problems
librsync 2.3.4 Unknown 2023-03-09 Remote delta-compression library.
libsass 3.6.6 Unknown 2024-01-09 C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler
libsdl 1.2.15 Unknown 2019-07-24 3 / 15 Simple DirectMedia Layer
libsdl-gfx 2.0.27 Unknown 2024-08-09 SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
libsdl-image 1.2.12 Unknown 2013-11-18 0 / 2 Simple DirectMedia Layer image library
libsdl-mixer 1.2.12 1.2.12-1 Not updated 2013-11-18 0 / 1 Simple DirectMedia Layer mixer library
libsdl-net 1.2.8 1.2.8-1 Not updated 2018-08-19 0 / 2
libsdl-ttf 2.0.11 Unknown 2016-02-25 0 / 1 Simple DirectMedia Layer truetype font library
libsdl2-image 2.8.2 Unknown 2024-05-28 Simple DirectMedia Layer image library v2
libsdl2-mixer 2.0.4 Unknown 2020-01-13 1 / 1 Simple DirectMedia Layer mixer library V2
libsdl2-net 2.0.1 Unknown 2018-08-19
libsdl2-ttf 2.20.2 Unknown 2023-03-02 1 / 2 Simple DirectMedia Layer truetype font library
libserialport 0.1.1 0.1.1 Up-to-date 2018-11-27
libsigc++-2.0 2.12.1 Unknown 2023-11-17 A library for loose coupling of C++ method calls
libsigc++-3 3.6.0 Unknown 2023-11-17 A library for loose coupling of C++ method calls
libsigrok 0.5.2 0.5.2 Up-to-date 2020-01-08
libsigrokdecode 0.5.2 0.5.3 Up-to-date 2018-11-27 1 / 2
libsmi 0.5.0 Unknown 2016-01-14 3 / 3 A Library to Access SMI MIB Information
libsoc 0.8.2 0.8.2 Up-to-date 2016-10-25 Library for interfacing with common SoC peripherals
libsocketcan 0.0.11 Unknown 2019-09-13 Control basic functions in socketcan from userspace
libsodium 1.0.20 Unknown 2024-06-07 The Sodium crypto library
libsombok3 2.4.0 2011.5 Not updated 2017-07-14 0 / 1 Sombok - Unicode Text Segmentation Package.
libspatialite 5.1.0 Unknown 2024-08-24 3 / 3
libspiro 20240903 Unknown 2024-09-10 LibSpiro is an adaptation of Spiro formula and functions into a sharable library
libssh 0.11.1 Unknown 2024-09-15 0 / 1 Multiplatform C library implementing the SSHv2 and SSHv1 protocol
libstatgrab 0.92.1 Unknown 2024-07-24
libstemmer 2.2.0 Unknown 2023-04-02 1 / 1 Snowball compiler and stemming algorithms
libtar 1.2.20 1.2.20 Up-to-date 2017-07-24 2 / 14 libtar, tar manipulating library
libteam 1.32 Unknown 2024-05-13 1 / 5 Library for controlling team network device
libtinyxml 2.6.2 Unknown 2013-11-18 2 / 2 a simple, small, minimal, C++ XML parser
libtinyxml2 10.0.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 TinyXML-2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrating into other programs
libtomcrypt 1.18.2 Unknown 2023-05-04 0 / 1 LibTomCrypt is a public domain open source cryptographic toolkit
libtommath 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-04-02 LibTomMath is a number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libtorrent 0.13.8+git Unknown 2023-11-08
libtorrent-rasterbar 2.0.10 Unknown 2024-04-12 libtorrent-rasterbar version 2.0.10-r0
libtracefs 1.8.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 1 / 1 Library to parse raw trace event formats
libubox 1.0.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 2 / 3
libuio 0.2.1+0.2.2+git 0.2.1 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 Libuio - helper library for UIO subsystem
liburing 2.7 Unknown 2024-09-17 0 / 3 This is the io_uring library, liburing.
libusb-compat 0.1.8 Unknown 2023-02-18 1 / 2 libusb-0.1 compatibility layer for libusb1
libusbg 0.1.0 0.1.0 Up-to-date 2014-02-01 0 / 1 USB Gadget Configfs Library
libusbgx 0.2.0+git Unknown 2024-02-15 0 / 2 USB Gadget neXt Configfs Library
libusbgx-config 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2018-12-01 USB Gadget Configuration Files
libusbmuxd 2.0.2+git 2.1.0 Not updated 2024-02-09
libutempter 1.1.6 Unknown 2014-12-10 1 / 2 A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates
libvdpau 1.3 Unknown 2019-09-16 Video Decode and Presentation API for UNIX
libvncserver 0.9.14 Unknown 2023-09-22
libvpx 1.14.1 Unknown 2024-06-07 1 / 1 VPX multi-format codec
libwebsockets 4.3.3 Unknown 2023-11-22 Canonical websocket library
libwmf Unknown 2013-11-18 3 / 3 Library for converting WMF files
libx86-1 1.1 Unknown 2015-11-02 5 / 5 x86 real-mode library
libxaw 1.0.16 Unknown 2024-03-20 X Athena Widget Set
libxkbui 1.0.2 Unknown 2013-11-18 X11 keyboard UI presentation library
libxml++ 2.40.1 Unknown 2017-03-11 C++ wrapper for libxml library
libxml++-5.0 5.0.1 Unknown 2023-11-20 C++ wrapper for libxml library
libxpresent 1.0.0 Unknown 2018-08-19 X Athena Widget Set
libyang 2.1.148 Unknown 2024-01-23 0 / 1 YANG data modeling language library
libyui 4.6.2 Unknown 2024-08-19 0 / 2 Libyui is a widget abstraction library providing Qt, GTK and ncurses frontends.
libyui-ncurses 4.6.2 Unknown 2024-08-19 0 / 1 Character Based User Interface for libyui
libzip 1.11.1 Unknown 2024-09-30
links 2.29 Unknown 2023-04-04 1 / 1
links-x11 2.26 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 1
linpack 1.0 Unknown 2017-11-16 1 / 1 LINPACK is a software library for performing numerical linear algebra on digital computers
linux-serial-test 0+gitAUTOINC+2ee6148416 Unknown 2023-07-08 linux-serial-test version 0+gitAUTOINC+cacd2790ea-r0
linuxconsole 1.7.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 1 Linux Console Project
linuxptp 4.4 Unknown 2024-09-29
lirc 0.10.2 Unknown 2023-03-17 3 / 5
live555 20210824 Unknown 2024-05-23
lmbench 3.0-a9 Unknown 2013-11-18 10 / 16 Tools for performance analysis
lmdb 0.9.31 Unknown 2023-07-21 2 / 2 Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB)
lmsensors 3.6.0 3 Unknown 2019-11-02 0 / 2 Hardware health monitoring applications
lmsensors-config 1.0 Unknown 2013-11-18 lm_sensors configuration files
lockdev 1.0.3+gitAUTOINC+16b899645d 1.0.3 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 3 Locking devices library
lockfile-progs 0.1.19 Unknown 2023-05-23 Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes
log4c 1.2.4 Unknown 2014-10-27 1 / 2 Log4c is a C library for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations
log4cpp 1.1.4 Unknown 2023-05-09 1 / 1
logwarn 1.0.17 Unknown 2024-08-09 A utility for finding interesting messages in log files
logwatch 7.11 Unknown 2024-08-09 A log file analysis program
loudmouth 1.5.4 Unknown 2023-11-12
lprng 3.8.C Unknown 2015-04-21 1 / 1 An Enhanced Printer Spooler
lshw 02.20+git Unknown 2024-01-23 0 / 1 Hardware lister
lsscsi 030 Unknown 2023-11-06 The lsscsi command lists information about SCSI devices in Linux
ltrace 7.91+git Unknown 2024-02-09 13 / 13 ltrace intercepts and records dynamic library calls
lua 5.3.5 Unknown 2019-04-11
luajit 2.1.0~beta3 Unknown 2020-02-28 1 / 2 Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
luaposix 36.2.1 Unknown 2023-11-17
lvgl 9.1.0+git Unknown 2024-03-21 0 / 3 Light and Versatile Graphics Library
lvgl-demo-fb 9.1.0+git Unknown 2024-03-21 0 / 7 LVGL Demo Application for Framebuffer
lvm2 2.03.26 Unknown 2024-09-12 4 / 9
lxdm 0.5.3 Unknown 2016-02-25 1 / 15 LXDM is the lightweight display manager
magic-enum 0.9.6 Unknown 2024-08-28 Static reflection for enums
mailcap 2.1.54 Unknown 2023-05-25 Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
mailx 12.5-5 Unknown 2017-05-23 mailx is the traditional command-line-mode mail user agent
makedumpfile 1.7.5 Unknown 2024-04-18 0 / 1 VMcore extraction tool
makeself 2.5.0 Unknown 2023-03-17 A self-extracting archiving tool for Unix systems, in 100% shell script.
malcontent 0.12.0 Unknown 2024-05-21 malcontent implements support for restricting the type of content.
malcontent-ui 0.12.0 Unknown 2024-05-21 User-Interface for malcontent.
mariadb 10.11.9 Unknown 2024-08-29 9 / 14 A robust, scalable, and reliable SQL server
mariadb-native 10.11.9 Unknown 2024-08-29 9 / 14 A robust, scalable, and reliable SQL server
mbpoll 1.5.2 Unknown 2023-06-14 Command line utility to communicate with ModBus slave (RTU or TCP)
mbuffer 20140310 Unknown 2014-06-10
mbw 2.0 Unknown 2023-04-24 MBW determines the copy memory bandwidth available to userspace programs
mce-inject git git-new-commits-available Not updated 2015-12-18 Linux machine check injector tool
mce-test 20230601+git Unknown 2024-09-12 1 / 2 MCE test suite
mcelog 200 Unknown 2024-06-27 1 / 1 mcelog daemon accounts memory and some other errors in various ways.
mcpp 2.7.2 Unknown 2013-12-21 3 / 3 MCPP is a portable C/C++ preprocessor
md4c 0.5.2 Unknown 2024-02-09 Markdown for C
md5deep 4.4+gitAUTOINC+877613493f 4.4 Up-to-date 2023-08-03 1 / 2 md5deep and hashdeep to compute and audit hashsets of amounts of files.
mdbus2 2.3.3+git 2.3.3 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 1 / 1 Mickey's DBus Introspection and Interaction Utility V2
memstat 1.0 Unknown 2014-07-21 0 / 1 Display virtual memory allocation
memtester 4.3.0 Unknown 2016-02-01 0 / 1 Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
memtool 2018.03.0 Unknown 2024-07-25 A tool to manipulate and read memory mapped registers
mercurial 6.6.3 Unknown 2024-06-07 The Mercurial distributed SCM
meta-oe-image 1.0 Unknown 2018-11-12 meta-oe build test image
meta-oe-image-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-oe build test image
meta-oe-image-base 1.0 Unknown 2018-11-12 meta-oe build test image
meta-oe-image-ptest 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-oe ptest test image
meta-oe-image-ptest-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-oe-image-ptest-all version 1.0-r0
meta-oe-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-oe-image-ptest-fast version 1.0-r0
meta-oe-ptest-image 1.0 Unknown 2018-11-12 meta-oe ptest test image
mg 20230501 Unknown 2023-05-09 0 / 2 A portable version of the mg maintained by the OpenBSD team
microcom 2023.09.0 Unknown 2023-09-07 Minimalistic terminal program for communicating with devices over a serial connection
microsoft-gsl 4.0.0 Unknown 2024-03-28 0 / 3 GSL: Guidelines Support Library
mime-support 3.48 Unknown 2013-11-18 MIME files 'mime.types' & 'mailcap', and support programs
minicoredumper 2.0.7 Unknown 2024-01-27 0 / 1 minicoredumper provides an alternate core dump facility for Linux to allow minimal and customized crash dumps
minifi-cpp 0.15.0 Unknown 2024-03-21 1 / 9 A subproject of Apache NiFi to collect data where it originates.
minini 1.2.b Unknown 2015-06-23 A minimal INI file parser
minio 01b87ecc02ffad47dfe13c2154ac31db3e3115df Unknown 2023-05-28 MinIO Client is a replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems and object storage.
mksh 59c Unknown 2023-11-08
mm-common 1.0.6 Unknown 2024-09-12 Common GNOME build files for C++ bindings
modemmanager 1.22.0 Unknown 2023-11-07 ModemManager is a daemon controlling broadband devices/connections
mongodb 4.4.24 Unknown 2023-09-18 15 / 21 mongodb
monit 5.34.0 Unknown 2024-06-07
monocypher 4.0.2 Unknown 2023-12-01 Monocypher is an easy-to-use crypto library
mosh 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-05-02 1 / 1 Remote shell supporting roaming and high-latency connections
mozjs 60.9.0 Unknown 2020-01-22 SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++
mozjs-115 115.11.0 Unknown 2024-06-09 5 / 14 SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++
mpich 4.2.2 Unknown 2024-07-15 Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementation
mpv 0.38.0 Unknown 2024-08-30 0 / 1 Open Source multimedia player
mraa 2.2.0+git Unknown 2024-01-01 0 / 3 Linux Library for low speed I/O Communication
mscgen 0.20 Unknown 2019-02-24 Mscgen is a small program that parses Message Sequence Chart descriptions and produces PNG, SVG, EPS or server side image maps (ismaps) as the output.
msgpack-c 6.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-28 MessagePack implementation for C and C++
msgpack-cpp 6.1.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 MessagePack implementation for C and C++
msktutil 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-01-26 0 / 1 Program for interoperability with Active Directory
msr-tools 1.3 Unknown 2015-01-28 utilies to read and write Intel model-specific registers
mstpd 0.1.0+git Unknown 2023-11-08 mstpd version 0.1+gitAUTOINC+181c453fc1-r1
multipath-tools 0.10.0 Unknown 2024-10-06 10 / 12 The upstream project used to drive the Device Mapper multipathing driver
musl-rpmatch 1.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Implementation of rpmatch(3) for musl libc.
mysql-python 1.2.5 Unknown 2015-09-23 Python interface to MySQL
nana 2.5+git Unknown 2024-02-09 2 / 2 Support for assertion checking and logging in GNU C/C++
nano 8.2 Unknown 2024-09-10 Small and friendly console text editor
nanopb 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-10
nanopb-generator 0.4.9 Unknown 2024-09-30 nanopb-generator version 0.4.8-r0
nanopb-runtime 0.4.9 Unknown 2024-09-30 nanopb-runtime version 0.4.8-r0
nativesdk-systemd-systemctl 1.0 Unknown 2024-05-23 Wrapper for enabling systemd services
nbench-byte 2.2.3 2.2.3 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 2 A CPU benchmark utility
ndctl v79 Unknown 2024-05-19 0 / 1 libnvdimm utility library
ne10 1.2.1+git 1.2.1 Unknown 2024-02-09 2 / 2
neatvnc 0.8.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 A liberally licensed VNC server library
neon 0.33.0 Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 2 An HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface
netplan 1.1 Unknown 2024-09-15 0 / 1 The network configuration abstraction renderer
nicstat 1.95 Unknown 2014-11-24 0 / 1
nlohmann-fifo 1.0.0+git 1.0.0-new-commits-available Not updated 2024-02-09 fifo maps for c++
nlohmann-json 3.11.3 Unknown 2024-03-04 JSON for modern C++
nmap 7.95 Unknown 2024-09-04 4 / 4 network auditing tool
nmon 16m Unknown 2024-05-23 2 / 2 nmon performance monitor
nodejs 20.18.0 Unknown 2024-10-04 0 / 7
nodejs-oe-cache-native 20.18 Unknown 2024-10-04 nodejs-oe-cache-native version 18.12-r0
nspr 4.35 Unknown 2023-01-21 5 / 7 Netscape Portable Runtime Library
nss 3.103 Unknown 2024-08-09 4 / 7 Mozilla's SSL and TLS implementation
numlockx 1.2 Unknown 2013-11-18 Enable NumLock in X11 sessions
nvme-cli 2.10.2 Unknown 2024-08-19 NVMe management command line interface
obconf 2.0.4+gitAUTOINC+63ec47c5e2 Unknown 2023-08-03 1 / 1 Openbox configuration tool
obex-data-server 0.4.6 Unknown 2013-11-18 1 / 1
obexftp 0.24.2 Unknown 2016-12-02 2 / 3
ocl-icd 2.3.2 Unknown 2023-11-17 OpenCL ICD library
octave 4.4.1 Unknown 2019-02-24 0 / 1
onig 6.9.9 Unknown 2024-01-05 1 / 2 Regular expressions library
openbox 3.6.1 Unknown 2015-09-23 2 / 3 openbox Window Manager
openbox-xdgmenu 0.3 Unknown 2023-08-03 3 / 3 Openbox configuration tool
opencl-clhpp 2.0.16+git Unknown 2024-02-09 OpenCL API C++ bindings
opencl-headers 2024.05.08 Unknown 2024-05-19 OpenCL API Headers
opencl-icd-loader 2024.05.08 Unknown 2024-05-19 OpenCL ICD Loader
openct 0.6.20 Unknown 2015-01-28 3 / 4
opencv 4.10.0 Unknown 2024-09-20 4 / 6 Opencv : The Open Computer Vision Library
opengl-es-cts Unknown 2024-09-10 1 / 2 opengl-es-cts version
openjpeg 2.5.2 Unknown 2024-09-15 0 / 1
openldap 2.6.8 Unknown 2024-06-27 1 / 3 OpenLDAP Directory Service
openlmi-tools 0.10.5 Unknown 2015-08-31 Set of CLI tools for Openlmi providers
openobex 1.7.2 Unknown 2016-12-02
openocd 0.12+gitrAUTOINC+91bd431344 0.12.0 Not updated 2023-04-27 Free and Open On-Chip Debugging, In-System Programming and Boundary-Scan Testing
opensc 0.25.1 Unknown 2024-04-18 Smart card library and applications
opentelemetry-cpp 1.16.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1 Open Telemetry Library
openwsman 2.7.2 Unknown 2023-07-25 2 / 3 Opensource Implementation of WS-Management
oprofile 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-02-07 6 / 13 System-Wide Profiler
orrery 2.7 Unknown 2013-11-18 Astronomical application which displays the night sky
osinfo-db 20240701 Unknown 2024-08-14 osinfo-db provides the database files for use with the libosinfo library
osinfo-db-tools 1.11.0 Unknown 2024-08-14 0 / 1 Tools for managing the libosinfo database files
ostree 2024.8 Unknown 2024-09-30 Versioned Operating System Repository.
p7zip 16.02 Unknown 2016-09-11 3 / 6 7-zip is a commandline utility handling 7z archives.
p8platform 8 Not updated 2023-01-21 Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
p910nd 0.97 Unknown 2019-11-28 0 / 1
packagegroup-basic 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Basic task to get a device online
packagegroup-boot 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Basic task to get a device booting
packagegroup-fonts-truetype 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Install one of these tasks to get support for truetype fonts
packagegroup-meta-oe 1.0 Unknown 2018-11-12 Meta-oe ptest packagegroups
packagegroup-sdk-target 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Packages required for a target (on-device) SDK
packagegroup-tools-bluetooth 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2016-05-06 Set of Bluetooth related tools for inclusion in images
paho-mqtt-c 1.3.13 Unknown 2023-10-20 Paho MQTT - C libraries for the MQTT and MQTT-SN protocols
paho-mqtt-cpp 1.4.1+git Unknown 2024-09-09 1 / 1 Paho MQTT - C++ libraries for the MQTT and MQTT-SN protocols
pahole 1.27 Unknown 2024-09-30 0 / 1 Shows and manipulates data structure layout
pam-plugin-ccreds 11 Unknown 2018-06-05 0 / 1 PAM cached credentials module
pam-plugin-ldapdb 1.3 Unknown 2018-05-27 PAM searchless LDAP authentication module
pam-ssh-agent-auth 0.10.3 Unknown 2017-08-13 3 / 3 pam-ssh-agent-auth
pangomm 2.46.2 Unknown 2023-11-11 C++ bindings for the pango library
pangomm-2.48 2.52.0 Unknown 2024-06-07 C++ bindings for the pango library
paprefs 1.2 Unknown 2023-05-10 paprefs version 1.2-r0
parallel-deqp-runner 2020.06.15+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 2 parallel-deqp-runner version 2020.06.15+git-r0
passwdqc 2.0.3 Unknown 2023-07-07 1 / 1 A password/passphrase strength checking and enforcement toolset
pavucontrol 5.0 Unknown 2024-08-09
pax-utils 1.2.2 Unknown 2018-07-28 Security-focused ELF files checking tool
pcapplusplus 23.09 Unknown 2023-10-28 0 / 2 A multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting of network packets
pcimem 2.0 Unknown 2020-02-15 Simple program to read & write to a pci device from userspace
pcmciautils 018 018 Up-to-date 2018-08-19 2 / 3 Linux kernel userland utilities for the PCMCIA subsystem
pcp 6.0.5 Unknown 2023-07-04 3 / 5 System-level performance monitoring and performance management
pcp-native 6.0.5 Unknown 2023-07-04 1 / 2 System-level performance monitoring and performance management
pcsc-lite 2.0.3 Unknown 2024-03-20 PC/SC Lite smart card framework and applications
pcsc-tools 1.7.2 Unknown 2024-08-28 Some tools to be used with smart cards and PC/SC
pegtl 3.2.8 Unknown 2024-09-19
perfetto 47.0 Unknown 2024-09-26 2 / 3 Perfetto - System profiling, app tracing and trace analysis.
phoronix-test-suite 10.8.4 Unknown 2023-02-09 0 / 1 Phoronix Test Suite
php 8.2.20 Unknown 2024-06-27 4 / 11 A server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language
picocom 2024 Unknown 2024-08-09 Lightweight and minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
pidgin 2.14.13 Unknown 2024-07-09 1 / 2 multi-protocol instant messaging client
pidgin-otr 4.0.2 4.0.2 Up-to-date 2017-09-18 (OTR) Messaging allows you to have private conversations over instant messaging
pidgin-sipe 1.25.0 Unknown 2019-10-17 3 / 4 Protocol plugin for Office 365/Lync/OCS for Adium, Pidgin, Miranda and Telepathy IM Framework
pim435 git Unknown 2024-08-09 A userspace driver application for PIM435 written in C
pkcs11-helper 1.30.0+1.30.0+git Unknown 2023-12-19 A library for using PKCS
pkcs11-provider 0.5 Unknown 2024-07-05 0 / 1 An OpenSSL provider that allows direct interfacing with pkcs11 drivers
plocate 1.1.22 Unknown 2024-01-23 1 / 1 plocate, a much faster locate
ply 2.3.0 2.3.0 Unknown 2023-06-12 Ply: A light-weight dynamic tracer for eBPF
plymouth 24.004.60 Unknown 2024-02-15 0 / 6 Plymouth is a project from Fedora providing a flicker-free graphical boot process.
pm-graph 5.5 5.13 Not updated 2019-09-11 0 / 4 Timing analysis tools for suspend/resume/boot
pm-qa 0.5.2 Unknown 2017-09-13
pmdk 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-06-07 Persistent Memory Development Kit
pmtools 20130209+git 20130209 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 1 / 1
pngcheck 2.3.0 Unknown 2013-11-18 3 / 3 pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files
poco 1.13.3 Unknown 2024-06-07 0 / 1 Modern, powerful open source cross-platform C++ class libraries
pointercal 0.0 Unknown 2016-09-26 Touchscreen calibration data
poke 4.2 Unknown 2024-07-15 1 / 1 GNU poke is an extensible editor for structured binary data
polkit 125 Unknown 2024-08-13 0 / 1 PolicyKit Authorization Framework
polkit-group-rule-datetime 1.0 Unknown 2013-11-18
polkit-group-rule-network 1.0 Unknown 2013-11-18
polkit-group-rule-udisks2 1.0 Unknown 2024-05-23 polkit-group-rule-udisks2 version 1.0-r0
poppler 24.09.0 Unknown 2024-09-06 2 / 3 Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base
poppler-data 0.4.12 Unknown 2023-02-20 Encoding files for Poppler
portaudio-v19 19.7.0+gitAUTOINC+929e2e8f7a Unknown 2023-07-27 A portable audio library
postgresql 16.4 Unknown 2024-08-28 1 / 6 PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system.
pps-tools 1.0.2 Unknown 2018-07-20 User-space tools for LinuxPPS
procmail 3.22 3.22 Up-to-date 2014-12-09 4 / 4 Mail processing program
proj 9.3.1 Unknown 2024-02-09 PROJ.4 - Cartographic Projections library
properties-cpp 0.0.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 A very simple convenience library for handling properties and signals in C++11.
protobuf 4.25.5 Unknown 2024-09-23 1 / 1 Protocol Buffers - structured data serialisation mechanism
protobuf-c 1.5.0 Unknown 2024-01-04 Protocol Buffers - structured data serialisation mechanism
proxy-libintl 20100902 Unknown 2013-11-18 Proxy libintl
psqlodbc 16.00.0000 Unknown 2023-09-20 1 / 3 ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
psutils 2.10 Unknown 2023-05-10 psutils version 2.10-r0
pty-forward-native 1.1+gitr 0710 Not updated 2024-02-09 Receive a forwarded serial from serial-forward and provide a PTY
pugixml 1.14 Unknown 2023-10-04 Light-weight C++ XML Processing Library
purple-skypeweb 1.7+git 1.7 Not updated 2024-02-09 Skype protocol plug-in for libpurple
pv 1.6.20 Unknown 2023-07-13 1 / 1 Terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline
pxaregs 1.14 Unknown 2013-11-18 4 / 4 Tool to display and modify PXA registers at runtime
python3-apscheduler 3.10.4 Unknown 2024-01-23 Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code to be executed later, either just once or periodically.
python3-apt 2.5.3 Unknown 2023-03-23 Python-apt is a wrapper to use features of apt from python.
python3-distutils-extra 2.39 Unknown 2016-11-23 python-distutils extension
python3-drgn 0.0.27 Unknown 2024-08-22 drgn (pronounced dragon) is a debugger with an emphasis on programmability. drgn exposes the types and variables in a program for easy, expressive scripting in Python.
python3-flatbuffers 24.3.25 Unknown 2024-04-02 Memory Efficient Serialization Library - Python3 Modules
python3-looseversion 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-05-19 Version numbering for anarchists and software realists
python3-psycopg 3.2.2 Unknown 2024-09-19 Psycopg 3 is the implementation of a PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
python3-pycups 2.0.4 Unknown 2024-04-23 CUPS bindings for Python
pyxdg 0.26 Unknown 2018-07-12
qad 0.0+gitAUTOINC+ae0c099c1f Unknown 2023-08-10 0 / 1 Simple, REST-API compliant daemon for automated testing
qcbor 1.4.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 qcbor version 1.2+git-r0
qpdf 11.9.1 Unknown 2024-06-27
qperf 0.4.11 Unknown 2023-08-03 Measure socket and RDMA performance
qrencode 4.1.1 Unknown 2023-04-11 C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
rabbitmq-c 0.13.0 Unknown 2023-03-09 0 / 1
rapidjson 1.1.0+gitAUTOINC+0ccdbf364c 1.1.0 Up-to-date 2023-08-21 A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
raptor2 2.0.16 Unknown 2023-03-10 1 / 2 Library for parsing and serializing RDF syntaxes
rarpd ss981107 981107 Unknown 2014-11-24 5 / 5 The RARP daemon.
rasdaemon 0.8.0 Unknown 2023-06-22 rasdaemon version 0.8.0-r0
rdfind 1.6.0 Unknown 2023-06-19 Rdfind is a program that finds duplicate files
re2 2024.03.01 Unknown 2024-03-08 re2 version 2023.03.01-r0
read-edid 3.0.2 3.0.2 Up-to-date 2018-11-30 1 / 2 A pair of tools for reading the EDID from a monitor
reboot-mode git Unknown 2023-03-28 Reboot the device to a specific mode.
redis 7.2.6 Unknown 2024-10-10 6 / 6 Redis key-value store
redis-plus-plus 1.3.11 Unknown 2024-01-02 0 / 1 redis-plus-plus version 1.3.7-r0
remmina 1.4.35 Unknown 2024-06-12
renderdoc 1.33 Unknown 2024-07-03 0 / 1 RenderDoc recipe providing renderdoccmd
reptyr 0.10.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 Reparent a running program to a new terminal
rfkill 0.5 Unknown 2015-01-08 0 / 2 Radio enable/disable command line utility
rocksdb 9.0.0 Unknown 2024-03-21 3 / 9 RocksDB an embeddable, persistent key-value store
rrdtool 1.8.0 Unknown 2023-04-05 0 / 1 High performance data logging and graphing system for time series data
rsnapshot 1.4.2+gitAUTOINC+27209563f9 Unknown 2016-10-26 1 / 1 A filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync
rsyslog 8.2408.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 1 / 3 Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd
rtkit 0.13 Unknown 2023-02-02 rtkit version 0.13-r0
rtorrent 0.9.8+gitAUTOINC+d067bd802e Unknown 2023-01-21 Torrent client
rwmem 1.2+gitAUTOINC+8416326777 1.2 Up-to-date 2023-01-28 0 / 1 A small tool to read/write memory
s-nail 14.9.25 Unknown 2024-09-12 0 / 3 Feature-rich BSD mail(1)
s-suite 3.6 3.4 Unknown 2019-10-26 Small collection of benchmarks for storage I/O
safec 3.5 Unknown 2019-09-11 0 / 1 Safe C Library
sanlock 3.9.4+git Unknown 2024-08-28 1 / 2 A shared storage lock manager
sassc 3.6.1 3.6.2 Not updated 2020-01-20 libsass command line driver
satyr 0.43 Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1
sblim-cmpi-devel 2.0.3 Unknown 2015-07-30 1 / 1 SBLIM CMPI Provider Development Support
sblim-sfc-common 1.0.1 Unknown 2015-10-13 Common functions for SBLIM Small Footprint CIM Broker and CIM Client Library.
sblim-sfcb 1.4.9 Unknown 2016-04-28 13 / 13 Small Footprint CIM Broker
sblim-sfcc 2.2.8 Unknown 2015-07-30 2 / 3 Small Footprint CIM Client Library
scsirastools 1.6.6 Unknown 2017-06-22 1 / 1 Linux SCSi tools to service maintain disk storage devices
sdbus-c++ 2.0.0+git Unknown 2024-04-28 sdbus-c++
sdbus-c++-libsystemd 255.6 Unknown 2024-06-01 1 / 1 libsystemd static library
sdbus-c++-tools 2.0.0 Unknown 2024-04-28 sdbus-c++ native tools
sdmon 0.9.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 Get SD card health data
sdparm 1.11 Unknown 2020-03-18 1 / 1 fetch and change SCSI mode pages
sedutil 1.20.0 1.49.4 Not updated 2023-01-28 0 / 2 The Drive Trust Alliance Self Encrypting Drive Utility
ser2net 4.6.2 Unknown 2024-05-02 A serial to network proxy
serial 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-05-10 1 / 1 Cross-platform library for interfacing with rs-232 serial like ports
serial-forward 1.1+gitrAUTOINC+07c6fdede0 0710 Not updated 2023-08-03 2 / 2 Forward a serial using TCP/IP
serialcheck 1.0.0 Unknown 2015-04-21 Application to verify operation of serial ports
sessreg 1.1.3 Unknown 2023-12-07 1 / 1 a simple program for managing utmp/wtmp entries
setxkbmap 1.3.4 Unknown 2023-05-25 A program to compile XKB keyboard description
sexpect 2.3.14 Unknown 2024-06-07 sexpect is another implementation of Expect which is specifically designed for Shell scripts
sg3-utils 1.48 Unknown 2023-09-07 Utilities for working with generic SCSI devices
sgpio Unknown 2015-07-16 1 / 2 SGPIO captive backplane tool
sharutils 4.15.2 Unknown 2017-04-24 4 / 7 This is the set of GNU shar utilities.
shunit2 2.1.8 Unknown 2023-11-03 shUnit2 is a xUnit based unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts
sigrok-cli 0.7.1 Unknown 2019-12-09
sip 6.8.3 Unknown 2024-02-20 A Python bindings generator for C/C++ libraries
sip3 4.19.19 Unknown 2019-11-10 SIP is a C++/Python Wrapper Generator
smartmontools 7.4 Unknown 2023-08-16 0 / 1 Control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T
smarty 4.4.1 Unknown 2024-03-08 smarty version 4.3.4-r0
smem 1.5 1.5 Up-to-date 2020-02-05 0 / 1 Report application memory usage in a meaningful way
smemstat 0.02.13 Unknown 2024-01-23 smemstat reports the physical memory usage taking into consideration shared memory
smstools3 3.1.21 3.1.21 Up-to-date 2018-01-17 1 / 3 SMS Gateway software
snappy 1.1.10 Unknown 2023-12-08 0 / 1 A compression/decompression library
soci 4.0.3 Unknown 2024-03-26 0 / 1
softhsm 2.6.1 Unknown 2023-02-01 0 / 2 PKCS#11 HSM/Token Emulator
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8 0.8 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 Freedesktop sound theme
source-code-pro-fonts 2.030 Unknown 2024-05-23 Adobe Source Code Pro
source-han-sans-cn-fonts 2.004 Unknown 2024-05-19 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Simplified Chinese
source-han-sans-jp-fonts 2.004 Unknown 2024-05-19 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Japanese
source-han-sans-kr-fonts 2.004 Unknown 2024-05-19 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Korean
source-han-sans-tw-fonts 2.004 Unknown 2024-05-19 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Traditional Chinese
span-lite 0.11.0 Unknown 2024-02-09 single-file header-only version of a C++20-like span for C++98, C++11 and later
spdlog 1.14.1 Unknown 2024-05-04
speedtest-cli 2.1.2 Unknown 2020-03-11 Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
spidev-test 1.0 Unknown 2020-02-15 Test SPI devices
spirv-shader-generator git 2021 Unknown 2018-12-22 SPIRV-Cross is a tool designed for parsing and converting SPIR-V to other shader languages
spitools 1.0.2 1.0.2 Not updated 2023-08-03
sqlite 2.8.17 Unknown 2013-11-18 An Embeddable SQL Database Engine
sqlite-orm 1.5 1.9 Not updated 2020-01-09 SQLite ORM light header only library for modern C++
squashfs-tools-ng 1.3.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 New set of tools for working with SquashFS images
srecord 1.65.0 Unknown 2023-05-01 0 / 3 A collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files.
ssd1306 git Unknown 2024-01-02 SSD1306 OLED I2C drive
ssiapi 1.3.0 Unknown 2019-08-31 0 / 10 Intel RSTe with Linux OS SSI API Library
st 0.9.2 Unknown 2024-04-18 st version 0.9-r0
stalonetray 0.8.3 Unknown 2019-11-24 Stand-alone system tray
stm32flash 0.5 Unknown 2018-05-17 Open source flash program for STM32 using the ST serial bootloader
stressapptest 1.0.11 Unknown 2023-10-08 Stressful Application Test
suitesparse 5.10.1 Unknown 2023-02-01 0 / 3 suitesparse version 5.10.1-r0
surf 2.1 Unknown 2023-04-05 2 / 2 Simple web browser
switchtec-user 4.2 Unknown 2024-02-13 Easy to use CLI and C library for communicating with Microsemi's Switchtec management interface
synergy 1.10.1+git 1.18.0 Not updated 2024-02-09 Synergy - control multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse
sysbench 1.0.20 Unknown 2023-08-31 System performance benchmark
sysdig 0.28.0 Unknown 2023-02-03 1 / 2 A New System Troubleshooting Tool Built for the Way You Work
syslog-ng 4.7.0 Unknown 2024-09-26 1 / 2 Alternative system logger daemon
system-config-keyboard 1.4.0 Unknown 2015-01-28
syzkaller git Unknown 2023-06-20 0 / 3 syzkaller version git-r0
tbb 2021.13.0 Unknown 2024-09-17
tclap 1.2.2 Unknown 2018-07-20 1 / 1 Templatized C++ Command Line Parser
tcsh 6.24.12 Unknown 2024-04-18 2 / 2
telepathy-glib 0.24.1 0.99.11 Not updated 2019-08-18 Telepathy Framework glib-base helper library
telepathy-idle 0.2.0 Unknown 2015-01-05 Telepathy IRC connection manager
terminus-font 4.49.1 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 1 Terminus fonts packages (console and X11)
tesseract 5.4.1 Unknown 2024-06-27 A commercial quality OCR engine
tesseract-lang 4.0.0 Unknown 2019-09-26 tesseract-ocr language files
testfloat 3e Unknown 2024-05-23 2 / 2 Berkeley TestFloat 3e
thin-provisioning-tools 1.0.13 Unknown 2024-07-15 Tools of dm-thin device-mapper
thingsboard-gateway 3.5.1 Unknown 2024-06-27 Open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management
thrift 0.21.0 Unknown 2024-09-29 1 / 1 Apache Thrift
tigervnc 1.14.0 Unknown 2024-10-11 2 / 3
tinymembench 0.4.9+git 0.4 Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1
tio 2.7 Unknown 2023-10-24 tio - a simple serial device I/O tool
tiobench 0.3.3 Unknown 2013-11-18 3 / 4 Threaded I/O tester
tipcutils 2.2.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 3 / 4 Transparent Inter-Process Communication protocol
tiptop 2.3.1 Unknown 2018-02-24 4 / 4 Hardware performance monitoring counters
tk 8.6.15 Unknown 2024-09-29 3 / 3 Tool Command Language ToolKit Extension
tmate 2.4.0 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 1 Instant terminal sharing
tmux 3.5 Unknown 2024-09-30 Terminal multiplexer
tokyocabinet 1.4.48 Unknown 2016-07-29 1 / 2 A modern implementation of DBM
tomoyo-tools 2.6.1 Unknown 2023-11-28 TOMOYO Linux tools
toscoterm git Unknown 2013-11-18 A very small and simple terminal emulator
toybox 0.8.11 Unknown 2024-04-18 Toybox combines common utilities together into a single executable.
toybox-inittab 0.8.2 Unknown 2024-03-05 Toybox Inittab Configuration
trace-cmd 3.1.5 Unknown 2023-01-11 0 / 3 User-space front-end command-line tool for ftrace
transmission 4.0.6 Unknown 2024-08-15 transmission version 3.00-r0
tree 2.1.3 Unknown 2024-07-15 A recursive directory listing command
triggerhappy 0.5.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 A lightweight hotkey daemon
trompeloeil v47 Unknown 2024-06-14 trompeloeil version v47-r0
tslib 1.23 Unknown 2024-06-12 An abstraction layer for touchscreen panel events
ttf-abyssinica 2.201 Unknown 2024-08-09 Ethiopia and Eritrea (Amharic) font - TTF Edition
ttf-arphic-uming 20080216 Unknown 2013-11-18 Unicode Mingti (printed) TrueType Font
ttf-dejavu 2.37 Unknown 2016-09-15 DejaVu font - TTF Edition
ttf-droid 0.1+gitr Unknown 2024-02-09 Droid fonts - TTF Edition
ttf-gentium 1.02 Unknown 2013-11-18 Gentium fonts - TTF Version
ttf-google-fira 1.0 Unknown 2023-08-19 Google Fira Fonts- TTF Edition
ttf-hunkyfonts 0.3.1 Unknown 2020-02-21 Hunky fonts - TTF Version
ttf-inconsolata 20100526 Unknown 2013-11-18 Inconsolata font - TTF Version
ttf-ipa 003.03.01 Unknown 2024-05-24 Ipa fonts - TTF Version
ttf-liberation 0.2 Unknown 2013-11-18 Liberation fonts - TTF Version
ttf-liberation-sans-narrow 1.07.4 Unknown 2016-07-29 Liberation(tm) Fonts
ttf-lklug 0.6-14.20090803cvs.fc24 Unknown 2016-08-15 Fonts for Sinhala language - TTF Edition
ttf-lohit 2.92.1 Unknown 2024-05-24 The project goal is to improve existing offerings of the fonts - making sure the Lohit fonts deliver the best available quality and functions to the community.
ttf-mplus 027 Unknown 2013-11-18 MPlus font - TTF Edition
ttf-noto-emoji 20200916 Unknown 2024-05-24 Google noto emoji font pack
ttf-pt-sans 1.1 1.1 Up-to-date 2016-03-25 PT Sans Fonts
ttf-roboto 2.138 Unknown 2019-10-21 Roboto fonts
ttf-sazanami 20040629 Unknown 2013-11-18 Sazanami Gothic/Mincho Japanese TrueType fonts
ttf-takao 003.03.01 Unknown 2015-08-24 Takao Fonts are a community developed derivatives of IPA Fonts.
ttf-tlwg 0.6.1 Unknown 2015-07-16 Thai Linux Working Group Fonts
ttf-ubuntu-font-family 0.83 Unknown 2024-03-17 Ubuntu Font Family - TTF Version
ttf-vlgothic 20200720 Unknown 2023-08-03 Japanese TrueType fonts from Vine Linux
ttf-wqy-zenhei 0.9.45 Unknown 2015-07-16 WenQuanYi Zen Hei - A Hei-Ti Style Chinese font
turbostat 3.4 Unknown 2018-05-29 Frequency and Idle power monitoring tools for Linux
twm 1.0.10 Unknown 2019-03-05 tiny window manager
uchardet 0.0.8 Unknown 2023-02-22 uchardet is an encoding detector library
udisks2 2.10.1 Unknown 2023-09-25 0 / 1 udisks provides dbus interfaces for disks and storage devices
uftrace 0.16 Unknown 2024-05-02 0 / 1 Trace and analyze execution of a program written in C/C++
uhubctl 2.6.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 USB hub per-port power control
uim 1.8.9 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 1
uml-utilities 20040406 Unknown 2013-11-18 4 / 6 Utilities for User-Mode-Linux
unclutter-xfixes 1.6 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 1 Remove idle cursor image from screen.
unicode-ucd 14.0.0 Unknown 2023-05-01 Unicode Character Database
unixodbc 2.3.12 Unknown 2024-04-13 0 / 3 An Open Source ODBC sub-system
upm 2.0.0+git Unknown 2023-12-31 3 / 6 Sensor/Actuator repository for Mraa
upower 0.99.11 Unknown 2019-09-16
uriparser 0.9.8 Unknown 2024-05-19 RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library
usb-modeswitch 2.6.1 Unknown 2023-02-24 A mode switching tool for controlling 'flip flop' (multiple device) USB gear
usb-modeswitch-data 20191128 20191128 Up-to-date 2020-04-01 Data files for usbmodeswitch
usbguard 1.1.3 Unknown 2024-06-11 1 / 1 USBGuard daemon for blacklisting and whitelisting of USB devices
usbids 2023.01.16 Unknown 2023-08-27 usb device database.
usbip-tools 1.0 Unknown 2023-02-01 userspace usbip from Linux kernel tools
usbmuxd 1.1.2+gitAUTOINC+01c94c77f5 1.1.1 Unknown 2023-05-10
usleep 1.2 Unknown 2024-01-04 0 / 1 A user tool to support sleeping some number of microseconds
uthash 2.1.0 Unknown 2019-02-23 Hash table and linked list for C structures
utouch-evemu 1.0.6+git 1.0.5 Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1 Kernel evdev device emulation
utouch-frame 1.1.2+git 1.1.2 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 2 / 3 Touch Frame Library
utouch-mtview 1.1.7+git 1.1.7 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 Multitouch viewer
uutils-coreutils 0.0.27 Unknown 2024-06-27 coreutils ~ GNU coreutils (updated); implemented as universal (cross-platform) utils, written in Rust
uw-imap 2007f 2007f Up-to-date 2015-01-08 9 / 10 UW c-client library for mail protocols
v4l-utils 1.28.1 Unknown 2024-09-17 0 / 2 v4l2 and IR applications
valijson 1.0.3 Unknown 2024-09-10 Header-only C++ library for JSON Schema validation
valkey 8.0.0 Unknown 2024-09-26 5 / 5 Valkey key-value store
vboxguestdrivers 7.0.20 Unknown 2024-07-18 VirtualBox Linux Guest Drivers
vdpauinfo 1.5 Unknown 2024-08-22 vdpauinfo version 1.5-r0
vlock 2.2.3 Unknown 2017-08-28 2 / 3 Virtual Console lock program
volume-key 0.3.12 0.3.12 Up-to-date 2018-11-27
vulkan-cts Unknown 2024-09-10 1 / 2 vulkan-cts version
wavpack 5.6.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 0 / 2
waylandpp 1.0.0 Unknown 2023-01-28 0 / 1 C++ binding for Wayland using the most modern C++ technology
wbxml2 0.10.8 Unknown 2013-11-18 WBXML parsing and encoding library
webkitgtk3 2.44.3 Unknown 2024-08-21 2 / 7 WebKit web rendering engine for the GTK+ platform
websocketpp 0.8.2 Unknown 2020-04-25 0 / 5 C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library.
whetstone 1.2 Unknown 2017-11-16 CPU benchmark to measure floating point performance
wifi-test-suite 10.10.1 Unknown 2024-07-08 2 / 6 Wi-Fi Test Suite Linux Control Agent
wipe 0.24 0.24 Up-to-date 2019-09-16 2 / 2 A UNIX tool for secure deletion
wtmpdb 0.11.0 Unknown 2024-03-26 0 / 1 Y2038 safe version of wtmp
wvdial 1.61 Unknown 2013-11-18 1 / 2
wvstreams 4.6.1 Unknown 2013-11-18 14 / 15 WvStreams is a network programming library in C++
wxwidgets 3.2.1 Unknown 2023-07-28 6 / 8 Cross-Plattform GUI Library
x11vnc 0.9.16+gitAUTOINC+87cd0530f4 0.9.16 Up-to-date 2023-08-03 0 / 2 Exports your X session or FrameBuffer(fbdev) on-the-fly via VNC
xbitmaps 1.1.3 Unknown 2023-12-07 Common X11 Bitmaps
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.3 Unknown 2020-04-19 XCB port of libXcursor
xclock 1.0.9 Unknown 2019-09-13 analog / digital clock for X
xcursor-themes 1.0.7 Unknown 2023-12-07 Default set of cursor themes for use with libXcursor
xcursorgen 1.0.8 Unknown 2023-12-07
xdelta3 3.1.0 3.1.0 Up-to-date 2019-12-14 Xdelta is a tool for differential compression
xdg-dbus-proxy 0.1.6 Unknown 2024-08-28 xdg-dbus-proxy is a filtering proxy for D-Bus connections
xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4 Unknown 2024-05-19 0 / 1 A portal frontend service for Flatpak and possibly other desktop containment frameworks.
xdg-user-dirs 0.17 Unknown 2018-04-09
xdotool 3.20211022.1 Unknown 2023-05-02 xdotool - command-line X11 automation tool - utilising X11 XTEST interface
xerces-c 3.2.5 Unknown 2024-01-09 1 / 1 Xerces-c is a validating xml parser written in C++
xf86-input-tslib 1.1.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 X.Org X server -- tslib input driver
xf86-input-void 1.4.2 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X server -- void input driver
xf86-video-amdgpu 23.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-23 X.Org X server -- AMD Radeon GPU display driver
xf86-video-armsoc 1.4.1 1.4.1 Up-to-date 2018-07-12 X.Org X server -- ARM SOC display driver
xf86-video-ati 22.0.0 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X server -- ATI Radeon video driver
xf86-video-mga 2.0.1 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X server -- Matrox MGA display driver
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.16 Unknown 2019-09-21 0 / 1 X.Org X server -- nouveau video driver
xfontsel 1.0.6 Unknown 2019-09-13 xfontsel provides point and click selection of X11 font names
xgamma 1.0.7 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xkbevd 1.1.5 Unknown 2023-12-07 A program to compile XKB keyboard description
xkbprint 1.0.5 Unknown 2019-11-08 A program to compile XKB keyboard description
xkbutils 1.0.6 Unknown 2024-05-12 XKeyboard (XKB) extension to the X11 protocol
xlsatoms 1.1.4 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xlsclients 1.1.5 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xlsfonts 1.0.8 Unknown 2024-05-12 server font list displayer for X
xmag 1.0.6 Unknown 2019-09-13 xmag is a tool to magnify parts of the screen
xmessage 1.0.7 Unknown 2024-03-20 Display a message or query in a window
xmlrpc-c 1.60.03 Unknown 2024-10-09 1 / 1
xmlsec1 1.3.5 Unknown 2024-08-09 2 / 6 XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2
xmlstarlet 1.6.1 Unknown 2017-06-22 2 / 4 Command line XML toolkit
xorg-docs 1.7.2 Unknown 2023-12-07 Documentation for the X Window System
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2014-05-15 Xorg 100 DPI font set
xorg-sgml-doctools 1.12 Unknown 2023-12-07
xorgxrdp 0.2.5+gitAUTOINC+c122544f18 Unknown 2018-01-17 Xorg drivers for xrdp.
xpext 1.0-5 1.0-5 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 0 / 1 X Server Nokia 770 extensions library
xrdb 1.2.2 Unknown 2023-06-05 X server resource database utility
xrdp 0.9.19 Unknown 2024-05-23 3 / 4 An open source remote desktop protocol(rdp) server.
xrefresh 1.1.0 Unknown 2024-03-20 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xscreensaver 6.04 Unknown 2023-09-23 1 / 3 X screen saver and locker
xserver-common 1.34 Unknown 2013-11-18 11 / 12 Common X11 scripts and support files
xserver-xorg-cvt-native 1.20.5 Unknown 2019-12-03 X.Org X cvt
xsetmode 1.0.0 Unknown 2014-11-24 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xsetroot 1.1.3 Unknown 2023-12-08 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xsp 1.0.0-8 1.0.0-8 Up-to-date 2013-11-18 1 / 1 X Server Nokia 770 extensions library
xstdcmap 1.0.5 Unknown 2023-12-07 X.Org X11 X client utilities
xterm 394 Unknown 2024-09-10 0 / 1 xterm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System
xwd 1.0.9 Unknown 2023-06-05 xwd is a tool to capture an X window or screen to file
xwud 1.0.5 Unknown 2018-05-02 X.Org X11 X client utilities
yad 6.0 14.1 Not updated 2020-04-13 Yet Another Dialog
yajl 2.1.0 1.0.12 Up-to-date 2014-04-20 0 / 3 Yet Another JSON Library.
yaml-cpp 0.8.0 Unknown 2023-08-16 yaml-cpp parser and emitter library
yasm 1.3.0+gitAUTOINC+ba463d3c26 1.3.0 Up-to-date 2023-07-21 1 / 5 x86 (SSE) assembler supporting NASM and GAS-syntaxes
yavta 0.0 Unknown 2013-11-18 Yet Another V4L2 Test Application
ydotool 1.0.4+git Unknown 2024-04-16 Generic Linux command-line automation tool (no X!)
zabbix 6.2.7 Unknown 2023-02-22 0 / 2 Open-source monitoring solution for your IT infrastructure
zbar 0.23.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 2 / 2 A bar code library
zchunk 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-12-29
zeromq 4.3.5 Unknown 2023-11-22 1 / 1
zile 2.4.14 Unknown 2018-01-17 0 / 1 Zile is lossy Emacs
zlog 1.2.14 Unknown 2019-09-16
zram 0.2 0.2 Up-to-date 2019-10-07 Linux zram compressed in-memory swap
zsh 5.9 Unknown 2024-08-24 UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell
zsync-curl 0.6.2+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 2 File transfer tool optimised for large files (curl port)
adcli 0.9.2 Unknown 2023-03-24 Active Directory enrollment
aoetools 36 Unknown 2014-09-08 2 / 3 ATA over Ethernet Tools
arno-iptables-firewall 2.1.2 Unknown 2024-05-28 IPTables based firewall scripts
arptables 0.0.5+git 0.0.5 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 2 / 2 Administration tool for arp packet filtering
atftp 0.8.0 Unknown 2023-02-18 Advanced TFTP server and client
autofs 5.1.9 Unknown 2024-09-11 9 / 10 Kernel based automounter for linux
autossh 1.4g Unknown 2023-04-05 autossh version 1.4g-r0
babeld 1.13.1 Unknown 2023-08-01 Babel is a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol
bearssl 0.6+git Unknown 2023-12-29 1 / 1 BearSSL is an implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246) written in C
blueman 2.4.3 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1
bluepy 1.3.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 0 / 1 bluepy version 1.3.0+git-r0
bluez-tools git Unknown 2024-03-18 0 / 2 Bluez Tools
bridge-utils 1.6 Unknown 2018-01-08 3 / 4 Tools for ethernet bridging
cannelloni 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-12 0 / 1 a SocketCAN over Ethernet tunnel
celt051 0.11.3 Not updated 2024-02-09 2 / 2 The CELT codec is a compression algorithm for audio
chrony 4.5 Unknown 2024-01-09 1 / 1 Versatile implementation of the Network Time Protocol
cifs-utils 6.10 Unknown 2020-02-19
cim-schema-docs 2.40.0 Unknown 2014-06-16 Common Information Model (CIM) Schema
cim-schema-exper 2.50.0 Unknown 2018-03-05 Common Information Model (CIM) Schema
cim-schema-final 2.40.0 Unknown 2015-08-31 Common Information Model (CIM) Schema
civetweb 1.16 Unknown 2023-11-12 0 / 1 Civetweb embedded web server
conntrack-tools 1.4.8 Unknown 2023-10-24 Connection tracking userspace tools for Linux
corosync 3.1.6 Unknown 2024-05-23 The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
curlpp 0.8.1 0.8.1 Up-to-date 2017-03-24 2 / 2 C++ library for client-side URL transfers
cyrus-sasl 2.1.27 Unknown 2018-09-05 Generic client/server library for SASL authentication
dante 1.4.3 Unknown 2023-01-30 A free SOCKS server
daq 2.0.7 Unknown 2023-07-28 1 / 3 The dump DAQ test the various inline mode features
dhcp-relay 4.4.3p1 Unknown 2023-05-24 0 / 3 Internet Software Consortium DHCP Relay Agent
dibbler 1.0.1+1.0.2RC1+gita7c6cf58a88a510cb00841351e75030ce78d36bf 1.0.1 Up-to-date 2023-01-16 3 / 4 Dibbler DHCPv6 client
dlm 4.2.0 Unknown 2023-07-14 4 / 5
dnsmasq 2.90 Unknown 2024-02-26 Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server
dovecot 2.3.21 Unknown 2023-09-20 3 / 3 Dovecot is an open source IMAP and POP3 email server
drbd 9.0.19-1 Unknown 2019-08-29 0 / 1 Distributed block device driver for Linux
drbd-utils 9.28.0 Unknown 2024-09-11 1 / 1 Distributed block device driver for Linux
dropwatch 1.5.4 Unknown 2024-01-22 0 / 1 Dropwatch is a utility to diagnose where packets are getting dropped
ebtables 2.0.11 Unknown 2024-05-23 0 / 1 Filtering tool for a Linux-based bridging firewall
esmtp 1.2 Unknown 2014-11-21 0 / 1 User configurable send-only Mail Transfer Agent
ettercap Unknown 2023-03-23 0 / 1 A suite for man in the middle attacks
ez-ipupdate 3.0.11b7 Unknown 2016-12-14 1 / 5 daemon that sends updates when your IP changes
fetchmail 6.4.38 Unknown 2024-03-08 Fetchmail retrieves mail from remote mail servers and forwards it via SMTP
firewalld 2.2.1 Unknown 2024-10-07 Dynamic firewall daemon with a D-Bus interface
fping 5.2 Unknown 2024-05-02 sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
freediameter 1.5.0+git Unknown 2024-04-16 2 / 4 An open source implementation of the diameter protocol
freeradius 3.2.5 Unknown 2024-09-11 6 / 17 High-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
frr 10.1.1 Unknown 2024-09-16 BGP/OSPF/RIP routing daemon
fwknop 2.6.11 Unknown 2024-08-18 0 / 1 fwknop - Single Packet Authorization
geoip 1.6.12 1.6.12 Up-to-date 2018-07-27 C library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping
geoip-perl 1.51 1.51 Up-to-date 2018-05-17 GeoIP perl API library to access location database
geoipupdate 2.5.0 Unknown 2018-04-04 Crontab entry to provide weekly updates of the GeoIP free databases.
htpdate 1.3.7 Unknown 2023-02-17 HTTP based time synchronization tool
http-parser 2.9.4 Unknown 2023-08-03 HTTP request/response parser for C
ifenslave 2.14 Unknown 2023-12-19 Configure network interfaces for parallel routing
ifmetric 0.3 0.3 Up-to-date 2019-08-29 0 / 4
iftop 1.0pre2 1.0pre4 Up-to-date 2013-11-11 1 / 1 iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage
igmpproxy 0.2.1 Unknown 2019-03-20 simple dynamic multicast routing daemon that only uses IGMP signalling
ipcalc 1.0.3 Unknown 2023-06-14 Tool to assist in network address calculations for IPv4 and IPv6.
ippool 1.3 Unknown 2017-06-28 13 / 17 An IP address pool manager
ipset 7.22 Unknown 2024-07-15 1 / 1 ipset version 7.19-r0
ipvsadm 1.31 1.31 Up-to-date 2023-05-27 4 / 5 Linux Virtual Server administration Utility
iscsi-initiator-utils 2.1.10 Unknown 2024-06-07 0 / 1 iSCSI daemon and utility programs
keepalived 2.2.8 Unknown 2023-09-13 0 / 1 High Availability monitor built upon LVS, VRRP and service pollers
kronosnet 1.15 Unknown 2020-03-08 0 / 1 Kronosnet, often referred to as knet, is a network abstraction layer designed for High Availability use cases, where redundancy, security, fault tolerance and fast fail-over are
lftp 4.9.1 Unknown 2020-02-05
libcacard 2.8.1 Unknown 2023-08-27 This library provides emulation of smart cards to a virtual card reader running in a guest virtual machine.
libcoap 4.3.4 Unknown 2023-10-23 0 / 1 A C implementation of the Constrained Application Protocol
libcpr 1.10.5 Unknown 2024-03-26 Curl for People - C++ Requests
libdaq 3.0.16 Unknown 2024-08-02 1 / 1 LibDAQ: The Data AcQuisition Library
libdnet 1.18.0 Unknown 2024-03-20 dumb networking library
libesmtp 1.0.6 Unknown 2014-11-21 0 / 1 SMTP client library
libexosip2 5.3.0 Unknown 2023-10-18 Extend the capability of the oSIP library
libiec61850 1.5.3 Unknown 2024-06-07 1 / 2 Open source iec61850 implementation
libldb 2.8.1 Unknown 2024-06-21 0 / 4 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors
libmemcached 1.0.18 1.0.18 Not updated 2017-03-24 0 / 4
libnetfilter-acct 1.0.3 1.0.3 Up-to-date 2016-10-20 0 / 1 libnetfilter_acct accounting infrastructure.
libnetfilter-conntrack 1.1.0 Unknown 2024-09-29 Netfilter connection tracking library
libnetfilter-cthelper 1.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-06 Netfilter connection tracking helper library
libnetfilter-cttimeout 1.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-06 Netfilter connection tracking timeout library
libnetfilter-log 1.0.1 Unknown 2014-02-14 Netfilter logging library
libnetfilter-queue 1.0.5 Unknown 2023-07-28 Netfilter packet queue access library
libnfnetlink 1.0.2 Unknown 2023-03-06 Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication
libnftnl 1.2.8 Unknown 2024-10-08 0 / 1 Library for low-level interaction with nftables Netlink's API over libmnl
libosip2 5.3.1 Unknown 2023-10-18 The GNU oSIP library is an implementation of SIP - rfc3261
libowfat 0.32 0.33 Not updated 2019-11-02 1 / 2 reimplement libdjb
libtalloc 2.4.2 Unknown 2024-03-08 0 / 2 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors
libtdb 1.4.12 Unknown 2024-08-28 0 / 2 The tdb library
libtevent 0.16.1 Unknown 2024-05-10 0 / 2 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors
linux-atm 2.5.2 Unknown 2015-01-07 10 / 10 Drivers and tools to support ATM networking under Linux
lksctp-tools 1.0.21 Unknown 2024-09-29 The Linux Kernel Stream Control Transmission Protocol (lksctp) project
lldpd 1.0.18 Unknown 2024-01-23 A 802.1ab implementation (LLDP) to help you locate neighbors of all your equipments
lowpan-tools 0.3.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 5 / 7 Utilities for managing the Linux LoWPAN stack
macchanger 1.7.0 Unknown 2019-04-10 0 / 1 Tool to view/change network interface MAC addresses
mbedtls 2.28.9 Unknown 2024-09-11 Lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library
mctp 1.1 Unknown 2023-04-17 Management Component Control Protocol utilities
mdio-netlink 1.3.1 Unknown 2024-01-10 mdio-netlink version 1.2.0-r0
mdio-tools 1.3.1 Unknown 2024-01-10 mdio-tools version 1.2.0-r0
mdns 2200.140.11 Unknown 2024-08-28 5 / 16 Publishes & browses available services on a link according to the Zeroconf / Bonjour protocol
memcached 1.5.20 Unknown 2020-04-16 1 / 2 A high-performance memory object caching system
meta-networking-image 1.0 Unknown 2019-01-13 meta-networking build test image
meta-networking-image-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 A console-only image that fully supports the target device hardware.
meta-networking-image-base 1.0 Unknown 2019-01-13 meta-networking build test image
meta-networking-image-ptest 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-23 meta-networking ptest test image
meta-networking-image-ptest-all 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-23 meta-networking-image-ptest-all version 1.0-r0
meta-networking-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-23 meta-networking-image-ptest-fast version 1.0-r0
miniupnpd 2.1.20191006 Unknown 2019-11-02 0 / 1 Lightweight UPnP IGD daemon
mosquitto 2.0.18 Unknown 2023-09-26 2 / 3 Open source MQTT implementation
mtr 0.93 Unknown 2019-11-02 Combined traceroute and ping utility
nanomsg 1.2.1 Unknown 2024-02-09 nanomsg socket library
nbd 3.26.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 0 / 2
nbdkit 1.33.11 Unknown 2023-03-24 0 / 1 nbdkit is a toolkit for creating NBD servers.
ncftp 3.2.7 Unknown 2024-04-09 2 / 3
ncp 1.2.4 Unknown 2016-12-14 a fast file copy tool for LANs
ndisc6 1.0.8 Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 2
net-snmp 5.9.4 Unknown 2024-03-08 6 / 13 Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol
netcat 0.7.1 Unknown 2013-11-11 4 / 4 GNU Netcat
netcat-openbsd 1.195 1.195 Up-to-date 2018-11-27 1 / 1 OpenBSD Netcat
netcf 0.2.8+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1 netcf
netkit-ftp 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-01
netkit-rpc 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-03
netkit-rsh 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-19
netkit-rusers 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-03
netkit-rwho 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-03
netkit-telnet 0.17 Unknown 2015-02-12
netkit-tftp 0.17 Unknown 2014-12-19 tftp - Trivial file transfer protocol client
netperf 2.7.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 4 / 5 A networking benchmarking tool
netplan 0.98+gitAUTOINC+5d22e9d22c Unknown 2019-12-06 The network configuration abstraction renderer
netsniff-ng 0.6.8 Unknown 2023-10-24 1 / 1 netsniff-ng version 0.6.8-r0
networkd-dispatcher 2.2.4 Unknown 2024-03-20 Dispatcher service for systemd-networkd connection status changes
networkmanager 1.48.10 Unknown 2024-08-28 0 / 1 NetworkManager
networkmanager-fortisslvpn 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-05-15 0 / 2 Fortinet SSLVPN support for NetworkManager
networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.8 Unknown 2023-05-15 OpenConnect VPN client for NetworkManager
networkmanager-openvpn 1.12.0 Unknown 2024-06-27 NetworkManager-openvpn-plugin
nfacct 1.0.2 Unknown 2016-10-20 nfacct is the command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting objects
nftables 1.1.1 Unknown 2024-10-08 Netfilter Tables userspace utillites
nghttp2 1.40.0 Unknown 2020-01-22 HTTP/2 C Library and tools
nng 1.7.3 Unknown 2024-04-18 nanomsg-next-generation -- light-weight brokerless messaging
nopoll 0.4.6.b400 429 Not updated 2018-09-08 OpenSource WebSocket Toolkit
ntimed 0.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 1 Network time synchronization software, NTPD replacement
ntopng 5.2.1 Unknown 2023-02-01 1 / 7 Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
ntp 4.2.8p18 Unknown 2024-06-07 5 / 5 Network Time Protocol daemon and utilities
ntpsec 1.2.2a Unknown 2023-09-22 1 / 1 The Network Time Protocol suite, refactored
nuttcp 8.2.2 Unknown 2019-04-29 network performance measurement tool
nvmetcli 0.7 Unknown 2020-04-09 NVM-Express target user space configuration utility.
open-isns 0.99 Unknown 2019-04-10 1 / 1 iSNS daemon and utility programs
open-vm-tools 12.4.5 Unknown 2024-09-16 12 / 14 Tools to enhance VMWare guest integration and performance
open62541 1.3.8 Unknown 2023-11-21 0 / 1 open62541 version 1.3.3-r0
openconnect 9.12 Unknown 2023-09-07 0 / 1 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN
openflow 1.0+git Unknown 2024-03-24 6 / 6 OpenFlow communications protocol
openfortivpn 1.22.1 Unknown 2024-06-07 Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services
openhpi 3.8.0 Unknown 2018-09-09 16 / 20 Hardware Platform Interface Library and Tools
openipmi 2.0.36 Unknown 2024-08-09 3 / 4 IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools
openl2tp 1.8 Unknown 2015-01-26 13 / 16 An L2TP client/server, designed for VPN use.
openlldp 1.1.1+git Unknown 2024-03-20 3 / 4 Open-LLDP
opensaf 5.22.01 Unknown 2023-01-26 7 / 12 OpenSAF is an open source implementation of the SAF AIS specification
openvpn 2.6.12 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1 A full-featured SSL VPN solution via tun device.
ot-br-posix 0.3.0+git Unknown 2024-02-09 3 / 4 OpenThread Border Router
ot-daemon 0.1+git Unknown 2024-02-09 OpenThread Daemon is an OpenThread POSIX build mode that runs OpenThread as a service.
packagegroup-meta-networking 1.0 Unknown 2019-01-13 Meta-networking packagegroups
pgpool2 4.5.1 Unknown 2024-03-05 1 / 2 a language independent connection pool server for PostgreSQL.
phodav 3.0 Unknown 2023-08-27 phodav is a WebDav server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918).
phytool 2+git 2 Up-to-date 2024-02-09 PHY interface tool for Linux
pimd 2.3.2 Unknown 2017-09-08 1 / 1 pimd is a lightweight stand-alone PIM-SM v2 multicast routing daemon.
postfix 3.8.6 Unknown 2024-03-08 2 / 5 Postfix Mail Transport Agent
pptp-linux 1.10.0 Unknown 2019-05-10 Client for Microsoft PPTP VPNs
proftpd 1.3.8b Unknown 2024-08-16 1 / 4 Secure and configurable FTP server
ptpd 2.3.1 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 3 The PTP daemon (PTPd)
pure-ftpd 1.0.52 Unknown 2024-09-30 0 / 2 FTP Server with a strong focus on software security
python3-ldap 3.2.0 Unknown 2019-05-21 Provides a wrapper in Python to LDAP
python3-networkmanager 2.1 Unknown 2019-03-15 Easy communication with NetworkManager from Python
python3-scapy 2.6.0 Unknown 2024-09-29 Network scanning and manipulation tool
quagga 1.2.4 Unknown 2018-04-09 BGP/OSPF/RIP routing daemon
radiusclient-ng 0.5.6 Unknown 2014-12-16 1 / 1 RADIUS protocol client library
radvd 2.19 Unknown 2023-08-05 0 / 1 IPv6 router advertisement daemon
rdate 1.5 1.5 Up-to-date 2017-06-28 0 / 2 Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine.
rdist 6.1.5 Unknown 2017-06-28 0 / 17 Remote file distribution client and server
rdma-core 51.0 Unknown 2024-04-18 1 / 3 Userspace support for InfiniBand/RDMA verbs
relayd 0.0.1+git 0.0.1-new-commits-available Not updated 2023-10-02
restinio 0.6.13 Unknown 2023-04-07 Header-only C++14 library that gives you an embedded HTTP server
rp-pppoe 3.15 Unknown 2023-03-10 4 / 7 A user-mode PPPoE client and server suite for Linux
ruli 0.36 0.36 Up-to-date 2016-12-14 4 / 5 RULI stands for Resolver User Layer Interface It's a library built on top of an asynchronous DNS stub resolver
samba 4.19.8 Unknown 2024-08-28 3 / 7
sethdlc 1.18 Unknown 2019-07-10 1 / 1
smcroute 2.5.7 Unknown 2024-05-19 Static Multicast Routing Daemon
sngrep 1.8.2 Unknown 2024-07-15 Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer
snort 2.9.20 Unknown 2023-07-12 1 / 4
snort3 Unknown 2024-08-29 1 / 2 snort3
spice 0.15.2 Unknown 2023-08-27 Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments
spice-gtk 0.42 Unknown 2023-02-09 A Gtk client and libraries for SPICE remote desktop servers.
spice-guest-vdagent 0.22.1 Unknown 2023-08-27 Spice agent for Linux
spice-protocol 0.14.4 Unknown 2023-08-28 Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments
squid 6.10 Unknown 2024-08-05 1 / 4 A fully-featured http proxy and web-cache daemon for Linux
sshpass 1.10 Unknown 2023-02-20 sshpass version 1.10-r0
ssmping 0.9.1 Unknown 2014-09-26 0 / 1 ssmping is a tool for checking whether one can receive SSM from a given host
ssmtp 2.64 Unknown 2016-12-14 4 / 5 extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub
strongswan 5.9.14 Unknown 2024-03-26 strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec implementation
stunnel 5.73 Unknown 2024-09-19 1 / 1 Program for providing universal TLS/SSL tunneling service
system-config-printer 1.5.18 Unknown 2023-02-02 system-config-printer version 1.5.18-r0
tayga 0.9.2 Unknown 2023-10-04 1 / 1 tayga version 0.9.2-r0
tcpdump 4.99.5 Unknown 2024-09-01 1 / 1 A sophisticated network protocol analyzer
tcpreplay 4.5.1 Unknown 2024-08-02 0 / 1 Use previously captured traffic to test network devices
tcpslice 1.8 Unknown 2024-09-23 tcpslice
tftp-hpa 5.2 5.2 Up-to-date 2013-11-11 14 / 14 Client for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol
tgt 1.0.90 Unknown 2024-01-09 3 / 4 tgt version 1.0.83-r0
tinyproxy 1.11.1 Unknown 2023-02-10 1 / 2 Lightweight http(s) proxy daemon
tnftp 20230507 Unknown 2023-11-06 1 / 3 Enhanced NetBSD ftp client
traceroute 2.1.6 Unknown 2024-09-19 A new modern implementation of traceroute(8) utility for Linux systems
tsocks 1.8beta5 Unknown 2015-10-21 1 / 1 Libraries and wrapper for using a SOCKS proxy
tunctl 1.5 Unknown 2013-11-11 1 / 1 Tool for controlling the Linux TUN/TAP driver
udpcast 20230924 Unknown 2024-06-11 1 / 1 UDP broadcast file distribution and installation
uftp 5.0.3 Unknown 2023-12-29
ufw 0.33 Unknown 2014-12-03 1 / 4 Uncomplicated Firewall
ulogd2 2.0.8+git Unknown 2024-02-09 Userspace logging daemon for netfilter/iptables
unbound 1.21.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
usbredir 0.14.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 usbredir libraries and utilities
usrsctp git git-new-commits-available Not updated 2017-01-19
vblade 25 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 2 Virtual EtherDrive blade AoE target
vlan 1.9 Unknown 2014-03-15 1 / 2 VLAN provides vconfig utility
vpnc 0.5.3r550-2jnpr1 Unknown 2023-08-03 9 / 9 A client for the Cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
vsftpd 3.0.5 Unknown 2024-05-23 4 / 8 Very Secure FTP server
vsomeip 3.4.10 Unknown 2024-01-02 1 / 7 The implementation of SOME/IP
wavemon 0.9.6 Unknown 2024-08-09 wavemon is a wireless device monitoring application
weechat 4.0.4 Unknown 2023-08-27 0 / 1 Full-featured IRC plugin: multi-servers, proxy support, IPv6, SASL authentication, nicklist, DCC, and many other features
wireguard-module 1.0.20200401 Unknown 2020-04-08 WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN
wireguard-tools 1.0.20210914 Unknown 2023-11-10 WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN
wireshark 4.2.7 Unknown 2024-09-09 3 / 4
wolfssl 5.7.2 Unknown 2024-07-15 wolfSSL Lightweight Embedded SSL/TLS Library
wpan-tools 0.9 0.9 Up-to-date 2019-04-29 Userspace tools for Linux IEEE 802.15.4 stack
wpantund 0.07.01+git Unknown 2024-03-25 1 / 1 wpantund, Userspace WPAN Network Daemon
xl2tpd 1.3.14 Unknown 2019-05-18 Xelerance version of the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) daemon
yp-tools 4.2.3 Unknown 2018-04-25 NIS client programs
ypbind-mt 2.7.2 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 1
zeroconf 0.9 Unknown 2013-11-11 3 / 3 IPv4 link-local address allocator
znc 1.8.2 Unknown 2024-07-28 ZNC, an advanced IRC bouncer
libcgi-perl 4.66 Unknown 2024-06-27 libcgi-perl version 4.55-r0
libclass-method-modifiers-perl 2.15 Unknown 2023-03-24 Class::Method::Modifiers - provides Moose-like method modifiers
libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl 2.213 Unknown 2024-09-10 Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
libcompress-raw-lzma-perl 2.213 Unknown 2024-09-10 Low-Level Interface to lzma compresion library.
libcompress-raw-zlib-perl 2.213 Unknown 2024-09-10 Perl interface to the zlib compression library.
libconfig-autoconf-perl 0.319 Unknown 2023-10-24 A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl
libconfig-tiny-perl 2.30 Unknown 2023-11-06 Perl module for read/write .ini style files
libcrypt-openssl-random-perl 0.17 Unknown 2024-06-27 Crypt::OpenSSL::Random - OpenSSL/LibreSSL pseudo-random number generator access
libcurses-perl 1.45 Unknown 2024-06-28 1 / 1 libcurses-perl version 1.41-r0
libdbd-sqlite-perl 1.74 Unknown 2023-11-06 A Perl DBI driver for SQLite
liberror-perl 0.17029 Unknown 2024-03-31 Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
libextutils-cppguess-perl 0.27 Unknown 2023-11-22 ExtUtils::CppGuess - guess C++ compiler and flags
libextutils-helpers-perl 0.028 Unknown 2024-09-10 ExtUtils::Helpers - Various portability utilities for module builders
libio-compress-lzma-perl 2.213 Unknown 2024-09-10 Perl interface to allow reading and writing of lzma files/buffers.
libio-compress-perl 2.213 Unknown 2024-09-10 Perl interface to allow reading and writing of compressed data.
libio-socket-ssl-perl 2.089 Unknown 2024-09-10 Perl library for transparent SSL
libmime-types-perl 2.26 Unknown 2024-02-20 MIME::Types - Definition of MIME types
libmodule-build-tiny-perl 0.048 Unknown 2024-05-02 Module::Build::Tiny - A tiny replacement for Module::Build
libmodule-pluggable-perl 5.2 5.2 Up-to-date 2023-08-03 Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
libmoo-perl 2.005005 Unknown 2023-01-11 Moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
libnet-dns-perl 1.47 Unknown 2024-09-30 libnet-dns-perl version 1.37-r0
libnet-idn-encode 2.500 Unknown 2023-09-29 0 / 1 IDN Perl module
libnet-ldap-perl 0.68 Unknown 2023-10-24 LDAP Perl module
libtest-deep-perl 1.204 Unknown 2023-03-24 Test::Deep - Extremely flexible deep comparison
libtest-harness-perl 3.50 Unknown 2024-08-28 Test::Harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
libtext-diff-perl 1.41 1.41 Up-to-date 2023-10-13 Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
libunix-statgrab 0.112 0.112 Up-to-date 2023-10-24 Perl interface to the libstatgrab library
libxml-libxml-perl 2.0134 Unknown 2023-01-17 2 / 4 Perl interface to the libxml2 library
logcheck 1.4.3 Unknown 2023-08-01 Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email
meta-perl-image-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-perl build test image
meta-perl-image-ptest 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 A console-only image that fully supports the target device hardware.
meta-perl-image-ptest-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-perl-image-ptest-all version 1.0-r0
meta-perl-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-perl-image-ptest-fast version 1.0-r0
packagegroup-meta-perl 1.0 Unknown 2023-04-04 Meta-perl packagegroup
gyp 0.1+git Unknown 2023-12-22 gyp version 0.1+git-r0
meta-python-image-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-python build test image
meta-python-image-ptest 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-python ptest test image
meta-python-image-ptest-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-python-image-ptest-all version 1.0-r0
meta-python-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 meta-python-image-ptest-fast version 1.0-r0
packagegroup-meta-python 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2023-02-18 Meta-python ptest packagegroups
pamela 1.2.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 pamela version 1.0.0-r0
pyrtm 0.4.2 0.4.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Python interface for Remember The Milk API
python-libusb1 3.1.0 Unknown 2024-06-14 Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0
python3-a2wsgi 1.10.7 Unknown 2024-08-09 Convert WSGI app to ASGI app or ASGI app to WSGI app.
python3-absl 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-01-23 Abseil Python Common Libraries
python3-aenum 3.1.15 Unknown 2023-07-07 Advanced Enumerations library
python3-aiodns 3.2.0 Unknown 2024-04-18 Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
python3-aiofiles 24.1.0 Unknown 2024-07-01 File support for asyncio
python3-aiohappyeyeballs 2.4.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 Happy Eyeballs
python3-aiohttp 3.10.9 Unknown 2024-10-10 Async http client/server framework
python3-aiohttp-jinja2 1.6 Unknown 2024-01-09 jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio)
python3-aiohue 4.7.3 Unknown 2024-08-28 python3-aiohue version 4.6.1-r0
python3-aioredis 2.0.1 Unknown 2023-05-18 The library is intended to provide simple and clear interface to Redis based on asyncio.
python3-aioserial 1.3.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 1 / 1 python3-aioserial version 1.3.1-r0
python3-aiosignal 1.3.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 A list of registered asynchronous callbacks
python3-alembic 1.13.3 Unknown 2024-09-30 python3-alembic version 1.9.2-r0
python3-aniso8601 9.0.1 Unknown 2023-11-09 python3-aniso8601 version 9.0.1-r0
python3-annotated-types 0.7.0 Unknown 2024-05-28 Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated
python3-ansi2html 1.9.2 Unknown 2024-06-27 python3-ansi2html version 1.8.0-r0
python3-ansicolors 1.1.8 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-ansicolors version 1.1.8-r0
python3-antlr4-runtime 4.13.1 Unknown 2023-09-20 ANTLR runtime for Python
python3-anyio 4.6.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations
python3-apiflask 2.1.1 Unknown 2024-03-20 APIFlask is a lightweight Python web API framework based on Flask and marshmallow-code projects.
python3-apispec 6.6.1 Unknown 2024-08-12 A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification).
python3-appdirs 1.4.4 1.4.4 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A small Python module for determining appropriate + platform-specific dirs, e.g. a user data dir.
python3-apply-defaults 0.1.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 Apply values to optional params
python3-argcomplete 3.5.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script.
python3-argexec 1.0.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 Expose your Python functions to the command line with one easy step!
python3-argh 0.31.3 Unknown 2024-07-15 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths.
python3-arpeggio 2.0.2 Unknown 2023-07-17 Arpeggio is a recursive descent parser with memoization based on PEG grammars (aka Packrat parser)
python3-arrow 1.3.0 Unknown 2023-10-13 Better dates and times for Python
python3-asciitree 0.3.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 Draws ASCII trees.
python3-asgiref 3.8.1 Unknown 2024-04-02 python3-asgiref version 3.6.0-r0
python3-aspectlib 2.0.0 Unknown 2023-02-08 An aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library.
python3-astor 0.8.1 0.8.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Easy manipulation of Python source via the AST.
python3-astroid 3.3.5 Unknown 2024-10-09 An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support.
python3-asttokens 2.4.1 Unknown 2023-11-06 The asttokens module annotates Python abstract syntax trees (ASTs)
python3-async-timeout 4.0.3 Unknown 2023-12-19 asyncio-compatible timeout context manager
python3-asyncinotify 4.1.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 A simple optionally-async python inotify library, focused on simplicity of use and operation, and leveraging modern Python features
python3-asyncio-glib 0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 An implementation of the Python 3 asyncio event loop on top of GLib
python3-asyncio-throttle 1.0.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-asyncio-throttle version 1.0.2-r0
python3-attr 0.3.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-attr version 0.3.2-r0
python3-attrdict3 2.0.2 Unknown 2023-06-24 AttrDict is an MIT-licensed library that provides mapping objects that allow their elements to be accessed both as keys and as attributes
python3-autobahn 24.4.2 Unknown 2024-08-09 python3-autobahn version 23.1.1-r0
python3-autoflake 2.3.1 Unknown 2024-06-12 Removes unused imports and unused variables
python3-automat 24.8.1 Unknown 2024-08-24 python3-automat version 22.10.0-r0
python3-awesomeversion 24.6.0 Unknown 2024-07-01 python3-awesomeversion version 22.9.0-r0
python3-aws-iot-device-sdk-python 1.5.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 python3-aws-iot-device-sdk-python version 1.5.2-r0
python3-backcall 0.2.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API
python3-bandit 1.7.10 Unknown 2024-09-30 Security oriented static analyser for python code.
python3-beautifulsoup4 4.12.3 Unknown 2024-01-23 Screen-scraping library
python3-behave 1.2.6+git9520119376046aeff73804b5f1ea05d87a63f370 1.2.6 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A behavior-driven development framework, Python style
python3-betamax 0.9.0 Unknown 2024-02-29 0 / 1 python3-betamax version 0.8.1-r0
python3-bidict 0.23.1 Unknown 2024-06-12 The bidirectional mapping library for Python.
python3-binwalk 2.3.4 Unknown 2023-07-23 Firmware analysis tool
python3-bitarray 2.9.2 Unknown 2024-01-09 A high-level Python efficient arrays of booleans -- C extension
python3-bitstring 4.2.3 Unknown 2024-05-28 Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data.
python3-bitstruct 8.19.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 python3-bitstruct version 8.17.0-r0
python3-bleak 0.22.2 Unknown 2024-06-30 Bleak is a GATT client software, capable of connecting to BLE devices acting as GATT servers.
python3-blinker 1.7.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 python3-blinker version 1.5-r0
python3-blivet 3.9.2 Unknown 2024-04-02 8 / 9 python3-blivet version 3.8.2-r0
python3-blivetgui 2.5.0 Unknown 2024-03-20 python3-blivetgui version 2.3.0-r0
python3-brotli 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-09-21 Brotli compression format
python3-cachecontrol 0.14.0 Unknown 2024-02-03 httplib2 caching for requests
python3-cached-property 1.5.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 A decorator for caching properties in classes.
python3-cachetools 5.5.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
python3-can 4.2.2 Unknown 2023-06-27 Controller Area Network (CAN) interface module for Python
python3-cantools 39.4.8 Unknown 2024-09-30 python3-cantools version 38.0.1-r0
python3-cassandra-driver 3.29.1 Unknown 2024-04-02 DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
python3-casttube 0.2.1 Unknown 2024-04-08 YouTube Chromecast API
python3-cbor2 5.6.4 Unknown 2024-06-22 python3-cbor2 version 5.4.6-r0
python3-cchardet 2.1.7 Unknown 2023-03-18 Universal character encoding detector
python3-cerberus 1.3.5 Unknown 2023-09-21 Lightweight, extensible schema and data validation tool for Python dictionaries.
python3-charset-normalizer 3.3.2 Unknown 2023-11-06 The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet.
python3-cheetah 3.2.6.post1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python template engine and code generation tool
python3-classes 0.4.1 Unknown 2023-06-07 Smart, pythonic, ad-hoc, typed polymorphism for Python.
python3-click-repl 0.3.0 Unknown 2023-06-19 REPL plugin for Click
python3-click-spinner 0.1.10 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Spinner for Click
python3-cloudpickle 3.0.0 Unknown 2023-12-21 Pickler class to extend the standard pickle.Pickler functionality
python3-cmake 3.28.3 Unknown 2024-02-20 1 / 1 CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software
python3-cmd2 2.4.3 Unknown 2023-02-08 Extra features for standard library's cmd module
python3-colorama 0.4.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 Cross-platform colored terminal text.
python3-colorclass 2.2.2 Unknown 2023-11-02 Colorful worry-free console applications for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
python3-coloredlogs 15.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-coloredlogs version 15.0.1-r0
python3-colorlog 6.8.2 Unknown 2024-01-27 python3-colorlog version 6.7.0-r0
python3-colorzero 2.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 colorzero is a color manipulation library for Python
python3-configargparse 1.7 Unknown 2023-08-01 A drop-in replacement for argparse that allows options to also be set via config files and/or environment variables.
python3-configobj 5.0.9 Unknown 2024-09-30 Config file reading, writing and validation.
python3-configshell-fb 1.1.30 Unknown 2023-09-21 A Python library for building configuration shells
python3-constantly 23.10.4 Unknown 2023-12-22 python3-constantly version 15.1.0-r0
python3-contextlib2 21.6.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-contextlib2 version 21.6.0-r0
python3-covdefaults 2.3.0 Unknown 2023-06-26 A coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings
python3-coverage 7.6.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Code coverage measurement for Python
python3-cppy 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 1 / 1 C++ headers for C extension development
python3-crc32c 2.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 A python package implementing the crc32c algorithmin hardware and software
python3-crcmod 1.7 1.7 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 1 / 1 A Python module for generating objects that compute the Cyclic Redundancy Check.
python3-croniter 3.0.3 Unknown 2024-08-09 python3-croniter version 1.3.8-r0
python3-cson 1.0.9+1.0.10 1.0.9 Unknown 2023-02-09 1 / 1 python3-cson version 1.0.9+1.0.10-r0
python3-custom-inherit 2.4.1 Unknown 2023-09-21 0 / 1 A Python package that provides customized docstring inheritance schemes between derived classes and their parents.
python3-cvxopt 1.3.2 Unknown 2024-01-09 Convex optimization package
python3-cycler 0.12.1 Unknown 2023-12-19 Composable style cycles
python3-cytoolz 0.12.3 Unknown 2024-01-27 Cython implementation of the toolz package, which provides high performance utility functions for iterables, functions, and dictionaries.
python3-daemon 3.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-23 0 / 1 python3-daemon version 2.3.2-r0
python3-dasbus 1.7 Unknown 2024-05-30 Dasbus is a DBus library written in Python 3, based on GLib and inspired by pydbus.
python3-dateparser 1.2.0 Unknown 2023-11-22 python3-dateparser version 1.1.6-r0
python3-dateutil 2.9.0 Unknown 2024-03-05 Extensions to the standard Python datetime module
python3-dbus-fast 2.24.2 Unknown 2024-09-10 A faster version of dbus-next originally from the great DBus next library.
python3-dbus-next 0.2.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 A zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support
python3-dbussy 1.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 language bindings for libdbus, for Python 3.5 or later
python3-decorator 5.1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python decorator utilities
python3-decouple 3.8 Unknown 2023-03-04 Strict separation of settings from code.
python3-defusedxml 0.7.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules
python3-deprecated 1.2.14 Unknown 2023-05-31 Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
python3-dill 0.3.9 Unknown 2024-09-30 Serialize all of python
python3-dirty-equals 0.8.0 Unknown 2024-08-15 Doing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals.
python3-diskcache 5.6.3 Unknown 2023-09-07 python3-diskcache version 5.4.0-r0
python3-distlib 0.3.8 Unknown 2023-12-14 A library which implements low-level functions that relate to packaging and distribution of Python software.
python3-distro 1.9.0 Unknown 2023-12-29 Distro is an OS platform information API
python3-django 5.0.9 Unknown 2024-09-13 A high-level Python Web framework
python3-django-south 1.0.2 1.0.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Migrations for Django
python3-djangorestframework 3.15.2 Unknown 2024-06-27 djangorestframework
python3-dnspython 2.6.1 Unknown 2024-03-08 python3-dnspython version 2.3.0-r0
python3-docopt 0.6.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile
python3-dominate 2.9.1 Unknown 2023-12-29 Dominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API.
python3-dynamic-dispatch 1.0.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 dynamic dispatch decorator for classes and functions
python3-ecdsa 0.19.0 Unknown 2024-04-12 ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
python3-editor 1.0.4 1.0.4 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-editor version 1.0.4-r0
python3-elementpath 4.5.0 Unknown 2024-09-19 python3-elementpath version 4.0.1-r0
python3-email-validator 2.2.0 Unknown 2024-06-27 A robust email address syntax and deliverability validation library.
python3-engineio 4.9.0 Unknown 2024-02-20 Engine.IO server
python3-et-xmlfile 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 et_xmlfile is a low memory library for creating large XML files
python3-eth-abi 5.1.0 Unknown 2024-04-18 Python utilities for working with Ethereum ABI definitions, especially encoding and decoding.
python3-eth-account 0.12.1 Unknown 2024-04-18 Assign Ethereum transactions and messages with local private keys.
python3-eth-hash 0.7.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 The Ethereum hashing function, keccak256, sometimes (erroneously) called sha3.
python3-eth-keyfile 0.7.0 Unknown 2023-12-15 A library for handling the encrypted keyfiles used to store ethereum private keys.
python3-eth-keys 0.5.0 Unknown 2024-01-23 A common API for Ethereum key operations with pluggable backends.
python3-eth-rlp 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-04-02 RLP definitions for common Ethereum objects in Python
python3-eth-typing 4.1.0 Unknown 2024-04-18 Common type annotations for ethereum python packages.
python3-eth-utils 5.0.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Common utility functions for codebases which interact with ethereum.
python3-evdev 1.7.1 Unknown 2024-06-12 Python evdev lib
python3-eventlet 0.37.0 Unknown 2024-09-19 python3-eventlet version 0.33.3-r0
python3-execnet 2.1.1 Unknown 2024-04-18 execnet: rapid multi-Python deployment
python3-executing 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information
python3-expandvars 0.12.0 Unknown 2023-12-19 Expand system variables Unix style
python3-fann2 1.1.2 1.1.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Python bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Networks 2.2.0 (FANN >= 2.2.0)
python3-fasteners 0.19 Unknown 2023-09-21 A python package that provides useful locks.
python3-fastjsonschema 2.20.0 Unknown 2024-08-14 Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
python3-fastnumbers 5.1.0 Unknown 2023-12-15 Super-fast and clean conversions to numbers.
python3-fields 5.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Container class boilerplate killer.
python3-file-magic 0.4.1 Unknown 2023-11-13 Python front end for libmagic
python3-filelock 3.16.1 Unknown 2024-09-19 A single module, which implements a platform independent file lock in Python, which provides a simple way of inter-process communication
python3-flask 3.0.3 Unknown 2024-06-01 A microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
python3-flask-babel 4.0.0 Unknown 2023-10-23 python3-flask-babel version 2.0.0-r0
python3-flask-bootstrap Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-bootstrap version
python3-flask-cors 4.0.0 Unknown 2023-09-30 0 / 1 A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support
python3-flask-httpauth 4.8.0 Unknown 2023-09-15 Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes.
python3-flask-jsonpify 1.5.0 1.5.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-jsonpify version 1.5.0-r0
python3-flask-jwt 0.3.2 0.3.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-jwt version 0.3.2-r0
python3-flask-jwt-extended 4.6.0 Unknown 2023-12-22 Extended JWT integration with Flask
python3-flask-login 0.6.3 Unknown 2023-11-06 User session management for Flask
python3-flask-mail 0.9.1 0.10.0 Not updated 2023-03-18 Flask extension for sending email
python3-flask-marshmallow 1.2.1 Unknown 2024-04-02 Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs
python3-flask-migrate 4.0.7 Unknown 2024-03-20 python3-flask-migrate version 4.0.1-r0
python3-flask-nav 0.6 0.6 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-nav version 0.6-r0
python3-flask-pymongo 2.3.0 2.3.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 PyMongo support for Flask applications
python3-flask-restful 0.3.10 Unknown 2023-05-25 Simple framework for creating REST APIs
python3-flask-restx 1.3.0 Unknown 2023-12-14 python3-flask-restx version 1.2.0-r0
python3-flask-sijax 0.4.1 0.4.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-sijax version 0.4.1-r0
python3-flask-socketio 5.3.6 Unknown 2023-09-20 Socket.IO integration for Flask applications
python3-flask-sqlalchemy 3.1.1 Unknown 2023-12-07 python3-flask-sqlalchemy version 2.5.1-r0
python3-flask-uploads 0.2.1 0.2.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-flask-uploads version 0.2.1-r0
python3-flask-user 0.6.19 Not updated 2023-03-18 Customizable user account management for Flask
python3-flask-versioned 0.9.4-20101221 Unknown 2023-03-18 Add version info to file paths.
python3-flask-wtf 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-12-22 python3-flask-wtf version 1.1.0-r0
python3-flask-xstatic 0.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 1 / 1 python3-flask-xstatic version 0.0.1-r0
python3-flexcache 0.3 Unknown 2024-04-10 Saves and loads to the cache a transformed versions of a source object.
python3-flexparser 0.3.1 Unknown 2024-06-27 Parsing made fun ... using typing.
python3-freezegun 1.5.1 Unknown 2024-05-19 FreezeGun is a library that allows your Python tests to travel through time by mocking the datetime module.
python3-frozenlist 1.4.1 Unknown 2023-12-19 A list-like structure which implements, and which can be made immutable.
python3-fsspec 2024.9.0 Unknown 2024-09-13 A specification that python filesystems should adhere to.
python3-future 1.0.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 python3-future version 0.18.3-r0
python3-gast 0.6.0 Unknown 2024-07-01 A generic AST to represent Python2 and Python3's Abstract Syntax Tree(AST).
python3-gcovr 8.0 Unknown 2024-10-09 python3-gcovr version 6.0-r0
python3-geojson 3.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-09 Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
python3-geomet 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-17 Convert GeoJSON to WKT/WKB (Well-Known Text/Binary), and vice versa.
python3-gevent 24.2.1 Unknown 2024-02-20 1 / 2 A coroutine-based Python networking library
python3-git-pw 2.6.0 Unknown 2024-01-23 A tool for integrating Git with Patchwork
python3-gmpy2 2.2.1 Unknown 2024-10-10 GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python 2.6+ and 3.x
python3-gmqtt 0.6.16 Unknown 2024-05-19 Client for MQTT protocol
python3-gnupg 0.5.3 Unknown 2024-09-30 A wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG)
python3-google-api-core 2.19.1 Unknown 2024-07-01 python3-google-api-core version 2.11.0-r0
python3-google-api-python-client 2.135.0 Unknown 2024-07-01 The Google API Client for Python is a client library for accessing the Plus, Moderator, and many other Google APIs.
python3-google-auth 2.30.0 Unknown 2024-06-27 python3-google-auth version 2.16.0-r0
python3-google-auth-oauthlib 1.2.0 Unknown 2024-02-01 Google Authentication Library
python3-googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2 Unknown 2024-07-01 python3-googleapis-common-protos version 1.58.0-r0
python3-gpiod 2.2.1 Unknown 2024-08-01 Python bindings for libgpiod.
python3-gpsd-py3 0.3.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-gpsd-py3 version 0.3.0-r0
python3-graphviz 0.20.3 Unknown 2024-04-02 python3-graphviz version 0.20.1-r0
python3-greenlet 3.1.1 Unknown 2024-09-30 Python lightweight in-process concurrent programming
python3-greenstalk 2.0.2 Unknown 2023-07-23 A Python 3 client for the beanstalkd work queue
python3-grpcio 1.66.1 Unknown 2024-09-04 3 / 6 python3-grpcio version 1.51.1-r0
python3-grpcio-channelz 1.62.2 Unknown 2024-06-20 python3-grpcio-channelz version 1.62.2-r0
python3-grpcio-reflection 1.62.2 Unknown 2024-06-20 python3-grpcio-reflection version 1.62.2-r0
python3-grpcio-tools 1.62.2 Unknown 2024-04-23 1 / 2 python3-grpcio-tools version 1.51.1-r0
python3-gsocketpool 0.1.6 0.1.6 Up-to-date 2023-06-24 A simple connection pool for gevent
python3-gspread 6.1.2 Unknown 2024-05-28 Google Spreadsheets Python API
python3-gunicorn 23.0.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
python3-h11 0.14.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
python3-h2 4.1.0 Unknown 2024-02-20 python3-h2 version 4.1.0-r0
python3-h5py 3.12.1 Unknown 2024-09-30 0 / 1 Provides both a high- and low-level interface to the HDF5 library from Python.
python3-hatch-requirements-txt 0.4.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Hatchling plugin to read project dependencies from requirements.txt
python3-haversine 2.8.1 Unknown 2024-01-23 Calculate the distance between 2 points on Earth
python3-hexbytes 1.2.1 Unknown 2024-06-20 Python bytes subclass that decodes hex, with a readable console output.
python3-hpack 4.0.0 Unknown 2023-06-24 python3-hpack version 4.0.0-r0
python3-html2text 2024.2.26 Unknown 2024-06-12 Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text
python3-html5lib 1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specifcation
python3-httpcore 1.0.5 Unknown 2024-06-12 A minimal low-level HTTP client.
python3-httplib2 0.22.0 Unknown 2023-04-05 A comprehensive HTTP client library, httplib2 supports many features left out of other HTTP libraries.
python3-httptools 0.6.1 Unknown 2024-03-09 A collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils.
python3-httpx 0.27.2 Unknown 2024-09-10 A next generation HTTP client for Python.
python3-huey 2.5.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 a little task queue for python
python3-humanfriendly 10.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-humanfriendly version 10.0-r0
python3-humanize 4.11.0 Unknown 2024-10-09 Python humanize utilities
python3-hyperlink 21.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-hyperlink version 21.0.0-r0
python3-icecream 2.1.3 Unknown 2024-03-08 Never use print() to debug again; inspect variables, expressions, and program execution with a single, simple function call.
python3-icu 2.13.1 Unknown 2024-06-01 0 / 1 Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
python3-idna-ssl 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
python3-ifaddr 0.2.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-ifaddr version 0.2.0-r0
python3-imageio 2.35.1 Unknown 2024-08-28 Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats.
python3-imgtool 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-05-19 MCUboot's image signing and key management tool
python3-importlib-metadata 8.4.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Read metadata from Python packages
python3-incremental 24.7.2 Unknown 2024-08-10 python3-incremental version 22.10.0-r0
python3-inflate64 1.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-09 0 / 1 deflate64 compression/decompression library
python3-inflection 0.5.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 A port of Ruby on Rails' inflection to Python.
python3-inotify git Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 An adapter to Linux kernel support for inotify directory-watching.
python3-intelhex 2.3.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python library for Intel HEX files manipulations
python3-intervals 1.10.0 1.10.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-intervals version 1.10.0-r0
python3-invoke 2.2.0 Unknown 2024-03-08 Pythonic task execution
python3-ipaddress 1.0.23 1.0.23 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Python 3.3+'s ipaddress for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2.
python3-iperf 0.1.11 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python wrapper around iperf3
python3-ipy 1.01 Unknown 2023-03-18 IPy - class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
python3-ipython 8.27.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 IPython: Productive Interactive Computing
python3-ipython-genutils 0.2.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Vestigial utilities from IPython
python3-iso3166 2.1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Self-contained ISO 3166-1 country definitions
python3-isort 5.13.2 Unknown 2023-12-21 A Python utility / library to sort Python imports.
python3-itsdangerous 2.2.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back.
python3-janus 1.0.0 Unknown 2024-01-30 Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio tasks and classic threads
python3-javaobj-py3 0.4.4 Unknown 2024-04-18 Module for serializing and de-serializing Java objects.
python3-jdatetime 5.0.0 Unknown 2024-04-02 python3-jdatetime version 4.1.0-r0
python3-jdcal 1.4.1 1.4.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 This module contains functions for converting between Julian dates and calendar dates
python3-jedi 0.19.1 Unknown 2023-10-23 An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
python3-jmespath 1.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 JMESPath (pronounced 'james path') allows you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document.
python3-joblib 1.4.2 Unknown 2024-05-19 Joblib is a set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python.
python3-jsbeautifier 1.15.1 Unknown 2024-02-20 JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier.
python3-jsmin 3.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 python3-jsmin version 3.0.1-r0
python3-jsonpatch 1.33 Unknown 2023-07-25 Appling JSON patches in Python 2.6+ and 3.x
python3-jsonpath-rw 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-jsonpath-rw version 1.4.0-r0
python3-jsonref 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-08 1 / 1 jsonref is a library for automatic dereferencing of JSON Reference objects for Python
python3-jsonrpcclient 4.0.3 Unknown 2024-02-02 Generate JSON-RPC requests and parse responses in Python
python3-jstyleson 0.0.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 Library to parse JSON with js-style comments.
python3-kconfiglib 14.1.0 14.1.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-kconfiglib version 14.1.0-r0
python3-keras-applications 1.0.8 1.0.8 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Reference implementations of popular deep learning models
python3-keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 Easy data preprocessing and data augmentation for deep learning models
python3-kivy 2.3.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 1 / 1 Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.
python3-kiwisolver 1.4.7 Unknown 2024-09-10 A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
python3-langtable 0.0.68 Unknown 2024-08-09 python3-langtable version 0.0.61-r0
python3-lazy 1.6 Unknown 2023-09-20 Lazy attributes are computed attributes that are evaluated only once, the first time they are used.
python3-lazy-object-proxy 1.10.0 Unknown 2023-12-21 A fast and thorough lazy object proxy
python3-ldap 3.4.4 Unknown 2023-11-22 Provides a wrapper in Python to LDAP
python3-libconf 2.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 A pure-Python libconfig reader/writer with permissive license
python3-libevdev 0.11 Unknown 2023-05-04 python3-libevdev version 0.11-r0
python3-linux-procfs 0.7.3 Unknown 2023-11-17 python3-linux-procfs version 0.7.1-r0
python3-lockfile 0.12.2 0.12.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Platform-independent file locking module
python3-lorem 0.1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-lorem version 0.1.1-r0
python3-lrparsing 1.0.17 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Python LR parsing library
python3-lru-dict 1.3.0 Unknown 2023-11-09 A fixed size dict like container which evicts Least Recently Used (LRU) items once size limit is exceeded.
python3-luma-core 2.4.2 Unknown 2024-02-02 A component library to support SBC display drivers
python3-luma-oled 3.13.0 Unknown 2023-08-16 A small library to drive an OLED device
python3-lz4 4.3.3 Unknown 2024-01-09 python3-lz4 version 4.3.2-r0
python3-m2crypto 0.40.1 Unknown 2023-11-06 1 / 4 A Python crypto and SSL toolkit
python3-marshmallow 3.22.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Simplified object serialization in python
python3-matplotlib 3.7.2 Unknown 2023-07-25 0 / 1 matplotlib: plotting with Python
python3-matplotlib-inline 0.1.7 Unknown 2024-08-09 Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
python3-mccabe 0.7.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-mccabe version 0.7.0-r0
python3-meh 0.52 Unknown 2024-06-27 A python library for handling exceptions
python3-meld3 2.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 meld3 templating system used by Supervisor
python3-mock 5.1.0 Unknown 2023-07-21 python3-mock version 5.0.1-r0
python3-monotonic 1.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 This module provides a monotonic() function which returns the value (in fractional seconds) of a clock which never goes backwards.
python3-moteus 0.3.72 Unknown 2024-07-15 moteus brushless controller library and tools
python3-mpmath 1.3.0 Unknown 2023-03-10 Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
python3-msgpack 1.1.0 Unknown 2024-09-17 MessagePack (de)serializer
python3-msk 0.4.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 A tool to help with creating, uploading, and upgrading Mycroft skills on the skills repo.
python3-msm 0.8.8 Unknown 2023-03-18 Mycroft Skill Manager, in python!
python3-multidict 6.1.0+git Unknown 2024-10-09 Multidicts are useful for working with HTTP headers, URL query args etc.
python3-multivolumefile 0.2.3 Unknown 2023-11-02 Multi volume file wrapper library
python3-mypy 1.10.0 Unknown 2024-05-02 Optional static typing for Python 3 and 2 (PEP 484)
python3-mypy-extensions 1.0.0 Unknown 2023-08-11 Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker
python3-natsort 8.4.0 Unknown 2023-06-27 Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
python3-netaddr 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 A network address manipulation library for Python.
python3-netifaces 0.11.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 python3-netifaces version 0.11.0-r0
python3-networkx 3.1 Unknown 2023-04-10 python3-networkx version 3.0-r0
python3-ninja Unknown 2023-12-21 0 / 2 Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed
python3-ninja-syntax 1.7.2 Unknown 2023-06-07 Python module for generating .ninja files.
python3-nmap 1.9.1 Unknown 2024-09-19 python3-nmap version 1.6.0-r0
python3-nocasedict 2.0.4 Unknown 2024-08-28 A case-insensitive ordered dictionary for Python
python3-nocaselist 2.0.3 Unknown 2024-08-28 A case-insensitive list for Python
python3-ntplib 0.4.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-ntplib version 0.4.0-r0
python3-oauth2client 4.1.3 Unknown 2023-08-27 python3-oauth2client version 4.1.2-r0
python3-oauthlib 3.2.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
python3-obd 0.7.2 Unknown 2023-07-21 python3-obd version 0.7.1-r0
python3-objectpath 0.6.1 Unknown 2023-11-01 python3-objectpath version 0.6.1-r0
python3-olefile 0.47 Unknown 2023-12-14 Python package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
python3-oletools 0.60.2 Unknown 2024-07-15 Python tools to analyze security characteristics of MS Office and OLE files
python3-openpyxl 3.1.5 Unknown 2024-07-01 openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files
python3-ordered-set 4.1.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 A MutableSet that remembers its order, so that every entry has an index.
python3-outcome 1.3.0.post0 Unknown 2024-09-26 Capture the outcome of Python function calls.
python3-padaos 0.1.10 0.1.10 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A rigid, lightweight, dead-simple intent parser
python3-padatious 0.4.8 Unknown 2023-03-18 An efficient and agile neural network intent parser. Padatious is a core component of Mycroft AI.
python3-paho-mqtt 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-06-22 MQTT version 3.1/3.1.1 client library
python3-pako 0.3.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 The universal package manager library
python3-pandas 2.2.2 Unknown 2024-08-24 0 / 2 pandas library for high-performance data analysis tools
python3-parallax 1.0.6 1.0.6 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Execute commands and copy files over SSH to multiple machines at once.
python3-paramiko 3.5.0 Unknown 2024-09-19 python3-paramiko version 3.0.0-r0
python3-parse 1.20.2 Unknown 2024-06-27 Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax
python3-parse-type 0.6.3 Unknown 2024-09-10 Simplifies building parse types based on the parse module
python3-parsimonious 0.10.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Parsimonious aims to be the fastest arbitrary-lookahead parser written in pure Python.
python3-parso 0.8.4 Unknown 2024-04-18 A Python Parser
python3-passlib 1.7.4 Unknown 2023-03-18 comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
python3-pastedeploy 3.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-22 Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
python3-path 17.0.0 Unknown 2024-08-15 A module wrapper for os.path
python3-pathlib2 2.3.7 Unknown 2024-08-09 Object-oriented filesystem paths
python3-pathtools3 0.2.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Filesystem events monitoring
python3-pcodedmp 1.2.6 Unknown 2023-11-02 A VBA p-code disassembler
python3-pdm 2.19.1 Unknown 2024-09-26 A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
python3-pdm-backend 2.4.1 Unknown 2024-09-26 The build backend used by PDM that supports latest packaging standards
python3-pdm-build-locked 0.3.3 Unknown 2024-09-26 pdm plugin to publish locked dependencies as optional-dependencies
python3-pep8 1.7.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-pep8 version 1.7.1-r0
python3-periphery 2.4.1 Unknown 2023-04-24 python3-periphery version 2.3.0-r0
python3-petact 0.1.2 0.1.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Petact is a library used for installing and updating compressed tar files
python3-pexpect 4.9.0 Unknown 2023-11-28 1 / 1 A Pure Python Expect like Module for Python
python3-piccata 2.0.3 Unknown 2023-08-30 Python CoAP Toolkit
python3-pickleshare 0.7.5 Unknown 2023-03-18 Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support
python3-pid 3.0.4 Unknown 2023-03-18 Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking, can also be used as context-manager or decorator
python3-pika 1.3.2 Unknown 2023-05-09 Pika is a RabbitMQ (AMQP 0-9-1) client library for Python.
python3-pillow 10.4.0 Unknown 2024-07-15 0 / 1 Python Imaging Library (Fork). Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Alex Clark and Contributors. PIL is the Python Imaging Library by Fredrik Lundh and Contributors.
python3-pint 0.24.3 Unknown 2024-09-26 Physical quantities module
python3-pkcs11 0.7.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) support for Python
python3-pkgconfig 1.5.5 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python module to interface with the pkg-config command line too
python3-platformdirs 4.3.6 Unknown 2024-09-19 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
python3-pocketsphinx 5.0.3 Unknown 2024-02-20 0 / 1 This package provides a python interface to CMU Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx libraries created with SWIG and Setuptools.
python3-polyline 2.0.2 Unknown 2024-02-20 A Python implementation of Google's Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format
python3-portalocker 2.10.1 Unknown 2024-07-15 Cross-platform locking library
python3-portion 2.5.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 python3-portion version 2.3.1-r0
python3-posix-ipc 1.1.1 Unknown 2023-09-22 python3-posix-ipc version 1.0.5-r0
python3-prctl 1.8.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Control process attributes through prctl
python3-precise-runner 0.3.1 0.3.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A lightweight, simple-to-use, RNN wake word listener.
python3-prettytable 3.11.0 Unknown 2024-08-12 Python library for displaying tabular data in a ASCII table format
python3-process-tests 3.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 Tools for testing processes.
python3-progress 1.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 Easy progress reporting for Python
python3-prompt-toolkit 3.0.48 Unknown 2024-09-30 Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
python3-propcache 0.2.0 Unknown 2024-10-10 Fast property caching
python3-protobuf 4.25.3 Unknown 2024-02-20 python3-protobuf version 4.22.0-r0
python3-ptyprocess 0.7.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
python3-pulsectl 24.8.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 Python (3.x and 2.x) high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse), mostly focused on mixer-like controls and introspection-related operations (as opposed to e.g. submitting
python3-pure-eval 0.2.3 Unknown 2024-08-09 Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects
python3-py 1.11.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
python3-py-cpuinfo 9.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Get CPU info with pure Python 2 & 3
python3-py-ubjson 0.16.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-py-ubjson version 0.16.1-r0
python3-py7zr 0.22.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 Pure Python 7-zip library
python3-pyalsaaudio 0.11.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 ALSA bindings
python3-pyasn1-modules 0.4.1 Unknown 2024-09-19 0 / 1 A collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules.
python3-pyatspi 2.46.1 Unknown 2024-01-23 Python bindings for DBus AT-SPI2 accessibility
python3-pyaudio 0.2.14 Unknown 2023-11-17 1 / 1 PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library
python3-pybcj 1.0.2 Unknown 2023-11-06 bcj filter library
python3-pybind11 2.12.0 Unknown 2024-06-28 Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
python3-pybind11-json 0.2.14 Unknown 2024-06-12 Using nlohmann::json with pybind11
python3-pybluez 0.23 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 2 python3-pybluez version 0.23-r0
python3-pycares 4.4.0 Unknown 2023-10-23 Python interface for c-ares
python3-pychromecast 14.0.2 Unknown 2024-10-10 1 / 1 Library for Python 3.6+ to communicate with the Google Chromecast.
python3-pycocotools 2.0.8 Unknown 2024-06-22 0 / 1 COCO is a large image dataset designed for object detection, segmentation, person keypoints detection, stuff segmentation, and caption generation.
python3-pycodestyle 2.12.1 Unknown 2024-08-28 Python style guide checker (formly called pep8)
python3-pycurl 7.45.3 Unknown 2024-05-28 A Python Interface To The cURL library
python3-pydantic 2.8.2 Unknown 2024-08-09 Data validation and settings management using Python type hinting
python3-pydantic-core 2.21.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1 Provides the core functionality for pydantic validation and serialization.
python3-pydicti 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-03-04 Case insensitive derivable dictionary
python3-pydot 2.0.0 Unknown 2024-01-02 pydot is is an interface to Graphviz.
python3-pyephem 4.1.5 Unknown 2023-10-23 PyEphem astronomical calculations
python3-pyexpect 1.0.22 Unknown 2023-03-10 Python expectaton library
python3-pyfanotify 0.3.0 Unknown 2024-08-09 0 / 1 Python wrapper for Linux fanotify.
python3-pyfirmata 1.1.0 1.1.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A Python interface for the Firmata protocol
python3-pyflakes 3.2.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 passive checker of Python programs
python3-pyhamcrest 2.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 Hamcrest framework for matcher objects
python3-pyiface 0.0.11 0.0.11 Up-to-date 2023-09-27 Pyiface is a package that exposes the network interfaces of the operating system in a easy to use and transparent way
python3-pyjks 20.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Pure-Python Java Keystore (JKS) library
python3-pyjwt 2.9.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 JSON Web Token implementation in Python
python3-pykickstart 3.48 Unknown 2023-06-14 1 / 4 python3-pykickstart version 3.43-r0
python3-pykwalify 1.8.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 YAML/JSON validation library
python3-pylint 3.2.2 Unknown 2024-05-28 0 / 1 Pylint is a Python source code analyzer
python3-pylyrics 1.1.0 1.1.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Pythonic Implementation of
python3-pymemcache 4.0.0 Unknown 2023-11-02 python3-pymemcache version 4.0.0-r0
python3-pymetno 0.13.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 Python library to talk to the api
python3-pymisp 2.4.198 Unknown 2024-09-19 python3-pymisp version 2.4.168-r0
python3-pymodbus 3.7.3 Unknown 2024-10-10 A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
python3-pymongo 4.9.1 Unknown 2024-09-30 Python driver for MongoDB <>
python3-pymysql 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-09-27 A pure-Python MySQL client library
python3-pynacl 1.5.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
python3-pynetlinux 1.1 1.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 0 / 2 Linux network configuration library for Python
python3-pyparted 3.12.0 Unknown 2023-06-07 Python bindings for libparted
python3-pyperclip 1.9.0 Unknown 2024-06-22 python3-pyperclip version 1.8.2-r0
python3-pyperf 2.7.0 Unknown 2024-05-28 A toolkit to write, run and analyze benchmarks
python3-pypng 0.20220715.0 Unknown 2023-06-07 PNG module for Python.
python3-pyppmd 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 PPMd compression/decompression library
python3-pyproj 3.6.1 Unknown 2023-09-27 0 / 1 Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
python3-pyproject-api 1.7.2 Unknown 2024-09-19 pyproject-api aims to abstract away interaction with pyproject.toml style projects in a flexible way.
python3-pyrad 2.4 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 RADIUS tools
python3-pyro4 4.82 Unknown 2024-02-20 Python Remote Objects
python3-pyroute2 0.7.12 Unknown 2024-06-12 A pure Python netlink and Linux network configuration library
python3-pyruvate 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-04-08 0 / 6 WSGI server implemented in Rust.
python3-pyscaffold 4.5 Unknown 2023-06-27 Python project template generator with batteries included
python3-pyserial 3.5 Unknown 2023-03-18 Serial Port Support for Python
python3-pyserial-asyncio 0.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python Serial Port Extension - Asynchronous I/O support
python3-pysonos 0.0.54 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-pysonos version 0.0.54-r0
python3-pystemd 0.13.2 Unknown 2023-11-14 Python bindings for interacting with systemd over DBus
python3-pytest-aiohttp 1.0.5 Unknown 2024-10-10 pytest plugin for aiohttp support
python3-pytest-asyncio 0.23.6 Unknown 2024-04-02 python3-pytest-asyncio version 0.16.0-r0
python3-pytest-benchmark 4.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 A ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer.
python3-pytest-cache 1.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
python3-pytest-cov 5.0.0 Unknown 2024-04-02 Pytest plugin for measuring coverage.
python3-pytest-forked 1.6.0 Unknown 2023-02-27 run tests in isolated forked subprocesses
python3-pytest-freezer 0.4.8 Unknown 2024-05-24 Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for spulec/freezegun
python3-pytest-helpers-namespace 2021.12.29 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-pytest-helpers-namespace version 2021.12.29-r0
python3-pytest-html 4.1.1 Unknown 2023-12-22 python3-pytest-html version 3.2.0-r0
python3-pytest-json-report 1.5.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 pytest-json-report is a plugin that creates test reports as JSON
python3-pytest-lazy-fixtures 1.1.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Allows you to use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize.
python3-pytest-localserver 0.8.1 Unknown 2024-03-08 pytest plugin to test server connections locally.
python3-pytest-metadata 2.0.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-pytest-metadata version 2.0.2-r0
python3-pytest-mock 3.14.0 Unknown 2024-09-15 Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest
python3-pytest-runner 6.0.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution
python3-pytest-socket 0.7.0 Unknown 2024-05-24 Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests
python3-pytest-tempdir 2019.10.12 2019.10.12 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-pytest-tempdir version 2019.10.12-r0
python3-pytest-timeout 2.3.1 Unknown 2024-03-20 py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
python3-pytest-unordered 0.6.0 Unknown 2024-05-24 Test equality of unordered collections in pytest
python3-pytest-xdist 3.5.0 Unknown 2023-11-28 pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
python3-python-multipart 0.0.11 Unknown 2024-09-30 A streaming multipart parser for Python
python3-python-vlc 3.0.20123 Unknown 2023-11-09 This module provides ctypes-based bindings for the native libvlc API of the VLC video player.
python3-pythonping 1.1.4 Unknown 2023-03-18 PythonPing is simple way to ping in Python.
python3-pytoml 0.1.21 Unknown 2023-03-18 A TOML-0.4.0 parser/writer for Python
python3-pyu2f 0.1.5 Unknown 2023-12-19 U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device over USB.
python3-pyudev 0.24.3 Unknown 2024-05-19 A libudev binding
python3-pyunormalize 16.0.0 Unknown 2024-09-19 Unicode normalization forms (NFC, NFKC, NFD, NFKD). A library independent from the Python core Unicode database.
python3-pyusb 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 PyUSB provides USB access on the Python language
python3-pywbem 1.7.2 Unknown 2024-04-23 Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface
python3-pywbemtools 1.3.0 Unknown 2024-04-23 A set of tools using pywbem
python3-pyyaml-include 2.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 Extending PyYAML with a custom constructor for including YAML files within YAML files
python3-pyzmq 25.1.2 Unknown 2023-12-14 0 / 1 PyZMQ: Python bindings for ZMQ
python3-pyzstd 0.16.1 Unknown 2024-08-28 python3-pyzstd version 0.15.7-r0
python3-qface 2.0.11 Unknown 2024-08-09 A generator framework based on a common modern IDL
python3-qrcode 7.4.2 Unknown 2023-02-12 QR Code image generator
python3-rapidjson 1.19 Unknown 2024-08-09 Python wrapper around rapidjson
python3-rarfile 4.2 Unknown 2024-04-18 RAR archive reader for Python
python3-raven 6.10.0 6.10.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Raven is the legacy Python client for Sentry (
python3-redis 5.1.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 Python client for Redis key-value store
python3-reedsolo 2.1.0b1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
python3-regex 2024.9.11 Unknown 2024-09-19 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.
python3-requests-file 2.1.0 Unknown 2024-06-20 File transport adapter for Requests
python3-requests-ftp 0.3.1 0.3.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 FTP Transport Adapter for Requests
python3-requests-futures 1.0.1 Unknown 2023-06-27 Small add-on for the python requests http library. Makes use of python 3.2’s concurrent.futures or the backport for prior versions of python.
python3-requests-mock 1.12.1 Unknown 2024-05-24 Mocked responses for the requests library
python3-requests-oauthlib 2.0.0 Unknown 2024-04-02 python3-requests-oauthlib version 1.3.1-r0
python3-requests-toolbelt 1.0.0 Unknown 2023-05-09 0 / 2 python3-requests-toolbelt version 0.10.1-r0
python3-requests-unixsocket 0.3.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
python3-responses 0.25.3 Unknown 2024-06-27 python3-responses version 0.25.0-r0
python3-rfc3986-validator 0.1.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 1 / 1 Pure python rfc3986 validator
python3-rich 13.8.1 Unknown 2024-09-19 Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal
python3-rlp 4.0.1 Unknown 2024-05-02 A Python implementation of Recursive Length Prefix encoding (RLP).
python3-robotframework 7.1 Unknown 2024-09-19 A Python generic test automation framework
python3-robotframework-seriallibrary 0.4.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 Robot Framework test library for serial connection
python3-rsa 4.9 Unknown 2023-03-18 Pure-Python RSA implementation
python3-schedule 1.2.1 Unknown 2023-10-24 Job scheduling for humans
python3-schedutils 0.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-schedutils version 0.6-r0
python3-scikit-build 0.18.1 Unknown 2024-09-10 Improved build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
python3-screeninfo 0.8.1 Unknown 2023-11-03 python3-screeninfo version 0.8.1-r0
python3-scrypt 0.8.24 Unknown 2024-03-08 1 / 1 python3-scrypt version 0.8.20-r0
python3-sdbus 0.12.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 Modern Python library for the systemd D-Bus
python3-sdnotify 0.3.2 0.3.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 0 / 1 A pure Python implementation of systemd's service notification protocol (sd_notify)
python3-semver 3.0.2 Unknown 2023-10-24 python3-semver version 2.13.0-r0
python3-send2trash 1.8.3 Unknown 2024-04-18 Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
python3-sentry-sdk 1.45.0 Unknown 2024-04-18 The new Python SDK for
python3-serpent 1.41 Unknown 2023-03-18 Serialization based on ast.literal_eval
python3-service-identity 21.1.0 Unknown 2023-03-22 python3-service-identity version 21.1.0-r0
python3-setproctitle 1.3.3 Unknown 2024-09-25 A Python module to customize the process title
python3-setuptools-declarative-requirements 1.3.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 File support for setuptools declarative setup.cfg
python3-sh 2.0.7 Unknown 2024-06-12 Python subprocess replacement
python3-shellingham 1.5.4 Unknown 2023-11-06 Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell
python3-sijax 0.3.2 0.3.2 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-sijax version 0.3.2-r0
python3-simpleeval 0.9.13 Unknown 2023-02-27 A simple, safe single expression evaluator library
python3-simplejson 3.19.3 Unknown 2024-08-28 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
python3-slip-dbus 0.6.5 Unknown 2023-03-18 2 / 2 Convenience functions for dbus services in Python 2.x
python3-smbus 4.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 0 / 1 Set of i2c tools for linux - Python module
python3-smbus2 0.4.3 Unknown 2023-09-07 Drop-in replacement for smbus-cffi/smbus-python in pure Python
python3-smpplib 2.2.3 Unknown 2023-05-09 SMPP library for python
python3-snagboot 1.3 Unknown 2024-06-12 Snagboot intends to be an open-source replacement vendor-specific tools used to recover and/or reflash embedded platforms.
python3-snappy 0.6.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-snappy version 0.6.1-r0
python3-sniffio 1.3.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 Sniff out which async library your code is running under
python3-socketio 5.11.2 Unknown 2024-04-02 Socket.IO server
python3-socksio 1.0.0 Unknown 2024-02-10 0 / 1 Sans-I/O implementation of SOCKS4, SOCKS4A, and SOCKS5.
python3-soupsieve 2.6 Unknown 2024-08-14 CSS selector library for python-beautifulsoup4
python3-speaklater 1.3 1.3 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 python3-speaklater version 1.3-r0
python3-speedtest-cli 2.1.3 Unknown 2023-03-18 Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
python3-spidev 3.6 Unknown 2023-03-18 Python bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev
python3-sqlalchemy 2.0.35 Unknown 2024-10-10 python3-sqlalchemy version 1.4.46-r0
python3-sqlparse 0.5.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 python3-sqlparse version 0.4.3-r0
python3-sqlsoup 0.9.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 A one step database access tool, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM.
python3-stack-data 0.6.3 Unknown 2023-10-24 Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays
python3-starlette 0.39.1 Unknown 2024-09-30 Starlette is a lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit, which is ideal for building async web services in Python
python3-stevedore 5.3.0 Unknown 2024-10-09 python3-stevedore version 5.0.0-r0
python3-stopit 1.1.2 Unknown 2023-06-07 Raise asynchronous exceptions in other threads, control the timeout of blocks or callables with two context managers and two decorators.
python3-strenum 0.4.15 Unknown 2024-02-09 0 / 1 An Enum that inherits from str
python3-supervisor 4.2.5 Unknown 2023-03-18 Supervisor: A Process Control System
python3-sympy 1.13.3 Unknown 2024-09-30 Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
python3-systemd 235 Unknown 2023-02-22 Python interface for libsystemd
python3-tabulate 0.9.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Pretty-print tabular data
python3-telnetlib3 2.0.4 Unknown 2023-07-27 Telnet server and client library based on asyncio
python3-term 2.5 Unknown 2023-09-20 An enhanced version of the tty module
python3-termcolor 2.4.0 Unknown 2023-12-13 ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal
python3-textparser 0.24.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 python3-textparser version 0.24.0-r0
python3-texttable 1.7.0 Unknown 2023-10-24 module for creating simple ASCII tables
python3-thrift 0.21.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
python3-tinyrecord 0.2.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 transaction support for TinyDB
python3-toml 0.10.2 Unknown 2024-08-09 Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
python3-tomli 2.0.1 Unknown 2024-08-09 A lil' TOML parser
python3-tomli-w 1.0.0 Unknown 2024-03-08 python3-tomli-w version 1.0.0-r0
python3-tomlkit 0.13.2 Unknown 2024-08-28 Style preserving TOML library
python3-toolz 1.0.0 Unknown 2024-10-10 A set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries.
python3-tornado 6.4.1 Unknown 2024-06-21 Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
python3-tox 4.15.1 Unknown 2024-06-27 Automate and standardize testing in Python. It is part of a larger vision of easing the packaging, testing and release process of Python software (alongside pytest and devpi).
python3-tqdm 4.66.5 Unknown 2024-08-09 Fast, Extensible Progress Meter
python3-trafaret 2.1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Ultimate transformation library that supports validation, contexts and aiohttp.
python3-trafaret-config 2.0.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 This is a wrapper that loads yaml and checks config using trafaret while keeping track of actual lines of file where error has happened.
python3-traitlets 5.14.3 Unknown 2024-04-19 Traitlets Python config system
python3-transitions 0.9.2 Unknown 2024-08-12 A lightweight, object-oriented Python state machine implementation with many extensions.
python3-trio 0.26.2 Unknown 2024-09-26 A friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
python3-trustme 1.1.0 Unknown 2023-11-06 python3-trustme version 0.9.0-r0
python3-twine 5.1.1 Unknown 2024-07-01 python3-twine version 4.0.2-r0
python3-twisted 24.7.0 Unknown 2024-08-10 python3-twisted version 22.10.0-r0
python3-twitter 4.14.0 Unknown 2023-05-09 Twitter for Python
python3-twofish 0.3.0 0.3.0 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 0 / 2 Bindings for the Twofish implementation by Niels Ferguson
python3-txaio 23.1.1 Unknown 2023-01-17 python3-txaio version 23.1.1-r0
python3-txdbus 1.1.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 A native Python implementation of the DBus protocol for Twisted applications.
python3-txws 0.9.1 0.9.1 Up-to-date 2023-06-07 Twisted Web Sockets
python3-typeguard 4.3.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 Run-time type checker for Python
python3-typer 0.12.5 Unknown 2024-08-28 Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
python3-types-psutil Unknown 2024-09-10 Typing stubs for psutil
python3-types-python-dateutil Unknown 2024-09-10 Typing stubs for python-dateutil
python3-types-setuptools Unknown 2024-08-28 Typing stubs for setuptools
python3-tzdata 2024.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 Provider of IANA time zone data
python3-tzlocal 5.2 Unknown 2023-11-06 Library to return tzinfo with the local timezone information
python3-u-msgpack-python 2.8.0 Unknown 2023-05-25 python3-u-msgpack-python version 2.7.2-r0
python3-uefi-firmware 1.11 Unknown 2023-08-16 Various data structures and parsing tools for UEFI firmware.
python3-ujson 5.10.0 Unknown 2024-05-28 Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python
python3-unidiff 0.7.5 Unknown 2023-03-17 Unified diff parsing/metadata extraction library
python3-unoconv 0.9.0 Unknown 2023-11-03 Universal Office Converter - Office document conversion
python3-uritemplate 4.1.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Simple python library to deal with URI Templates.
python3-uswid 0.5.0 Unknown 2024-05-19 A pure-python library for embedding CoSWID data
python3-validators 0.34.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 Python Data Validation for Humans
python3-versioneer 0.29 Unknown 2023-07-25 Easy VCS-based management of project version strings
python3-versiontools 1.9.1 1.9.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__
python3-virtualenv 20.26.5 Unknown 2024-09-19 A tool for creating isolated virtual python environments.
python3-visitor 0.1.3 0.1.3 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 A tiny pythonic visitor implementation.
python3-waitress 3.0.0 Unknown 2024-02-09 A WSGI server for Python
python3-wand 0.6.13 Unknown 2023-11-08 Ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python
python3-watchdog 5.0.3 Unknown 2024-09-30 Filesystem events monitoring
python3-watchdogdev 1.0.0 Unknown 2023-03-18 Linux watchdog device API for Python.
python3-web3 7.3.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 A Python library for interacting with Ethereum.
python3-webargs 8.4.0 Unknown 2024-01-09 Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks.
python3-webencodings 0.5.1 0.5.1 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 Character encoding aliases for legacy web content
python3-websocket-client 1.7.0 Unknown 2023-12-15 websocket client for python
python3-werkzeug 3.0.3 Unknown 2024-07-26 The Swiss Army knife of Python web development
python3-whitenoise 6.7.0 Unknown 2024-06-22 Radically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications
python3-whoosh 2.7.4 2.7.4 Up-to-date 2023-03-18 1 / 1 Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library.
python3-wpa-supplicant 0.2 Unknown 2023-03-18 1 / 1 Python interface to the wpa_supplicant D-Bus interface
python3-wrapt 1.16.0 Unknown 2023-11-13 A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching.
python3-wsproto 1.2.0 Unknown 2024-03-09 WebSockets state-machine based protocol implementation
python3-wtforms 3.1.2 Unknown 2024-01-09 python3-wtforms version 3.0.1-r0
python3-wxgtk4 4.2.1 Unknown 2023-11-06 5 / 5 python3-wxgtk4 version 4.2.1-r0
python3-xlrd 2.0.1 Unknown 2023-03-18 Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
python3-xlsxwriter 3.2.0 Unknown 2024-06-12 Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
python3-xmlschema 3.4.2 Unknown 2024-09-30 The xmlschema library is an implementation of XML Schema for Python (supports Python 3.6+).
python3-xmodem 0.4.7 Unknown 2023-06-19 python3-xmodem version 0.4.6-r0
python3-xstatic 1.0.3 Unknown 2023-05-09 python3-xstatic version 1.0.2-r0
python3-xstatic-font-awesome Unknown 2023-11-06 python3-xstatic-font-awesome version
python3-xxhash 3.5.0 Unknown 2024-08-28 xxhash is a Python binding for the xxHash library by Yann Collet.
python3-yamlloader 1.4.1 Unknown 2024-04-23 Ordered YAML loader and dumper for PyYAML.
python3-yappi 1.6.0 Unknown 2023-12-29 0 / 2 Yet Another Python Profiler
python3-yarl 1.14.0 Unknown 2024-10-10 The module provides handy URL class for url parsing and changing
python3-zeroconf 0.135.0 Unknown 2024-09-30 Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible)
python3-zopeevent 5.0 Unknown 2023-11-03 python3-zopeevent version 5.0-r0
python3-zopeinterface 6.3 Unknown 2024-04-18 Interface definitions for Zope products
telepathy-python3 0.15.19 Unknown 2024-03-17 1 / 3 Telepathy IM framework - Python package
tftpy 0.8.2 Unknown 2023-01-13 Tftpy is a TFTP library for the Python programming language. It includes client and server classes, with sample implementations.
tuna 0.19 Unknown 2023-11-11 cui/gui tool for tuning of running processes
aufs-util 4.9+git Unknown 2024-02-09 1 / 3 Tools for managing AUFS mounts
bindfs 1.17.7 Unknown 2024-04-18 A FUSE filesystem for mounting a directory to another location
btrfsmaintenance 0.5 Unknown 2023-05-04 0 / 2 Services for periodic btrfs maintenance tasks
e2tools 0.1.2 Unknown 2024-09-29 Set of GPL'ed utilities to ext2/ext3 filesystem.
exfatprogs 1.2.5 Unknown 2024-08-19 exFAT filesystem userspace utilities
f2fs-tools 1.16.0 Unknown 2023-05-25 0 / 1 Tools for Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS)
fatcat 1.1.1 Unknown 2023-01-17 0 / 3 FAT filesystems explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
fuse 2.9.9 Unknown 2024-05-23 3 / 4 Implementation of a fully functional filesystem in a userspace program
fuse-exfat 1.4.0 Unknown 2023-11-12 read and write exFAT driver for FUSE
httpfs2 0.1.5 Unknown 2023-05-02 This is a filesystem client based on the HTTP using FUSE
libburn 1.5.6 Unknown 2023-06-27 library to write an ISO-9660 file system to physical media
libisoburn 1.5.6 Unknown 2023-11-12 library and tool to create and burn ISO-9660 images
libisofs 1.5.6 Unknown 2023-11-12 library to create an ISO-9660 filesystem
meta-filesystems-image-all 1.0 Unknown 2023-10-06 A console-only image that fully supports the target device hardware.
meta-filesystems-image-ptest 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-22 meta-filesystems ptest test image
meta-filesystems-image-ptest-all 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-22 meta-filesystems-image-ptest-all version 1.0-r0
meta-filesystems-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Unknown 2024-02-22 meta-filesystems-image-ptest-fast version 1.0-r0
overlayfs-tools v2024.07 Unknown 2024-07-02 0 / 2 overlayfs-tools version 1.0+git-r0
owfs 3.2p3 Unknown 2024-05-23 1 / 2 1-Wire file system
packagegroup-meta-filesystems 1.0 1.0 Up-to-date 2023-05-10 Meta-filesystem packagegroups
sshfs-fuse 3.7.3 Unknown 2023-08-03 0 / 2 This is a filesystem client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol using FUSE
ufs-utils 4.13.5 Unknown 2023-11-12 Tool to access UFS (Universal Flash Storage) devices
unionfs-fuse 3.4 Unknown 2023-11-11 0 / 1 A FUSE based implemention of unionfs
xfsdump 3.2.0 Unknown 2024-09-10 0 / 2 XFS Filesystem Dump Utility
xfsprogs 6.6.0 Unknown 2024-03-08 2 / 5 XFS Filesystem Utilities
xfstests 2024.03.03 Unknown 2024-03-22 1 / 4 File system QA test suite
yaffs2-utils 20221209 Unknown 2024-03-08 3 / 3 Yet Another Flash File System
zfs 2.2.5 Unknown 2024-08-11 3 / 3 OpenZFS on Linux and FreeBSD