This layer is no longer maintained - the contents have been moved to other layers (meta-oe, meta-python, meta-networking etc.) as appropriate.

This was the middleware layer for the Intel IoT developer kit. Here are middleware parts useful for the iot-devkit but not shipped as part of meta-oe or backports from newer versions of meta-oe which are not appropriate for meta-oe itself.

Setup information Mailing list

Git repository

git:// web repo

Last commit: 9 years, 5 months ago (dizzy branch)



The meta-intel-iot-middleware layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
c-ares 1.10.0 C library for asynchronous DNS requests (including name resolves)
cppzmq git C++ bindings for ZeroMQ
hid-api 0.8.0 Low Level HID-API package on Intel platforms
hiredis 0.13.1 inimalistic C client library for Redis
iotkit-agent 1.7.0 Transparently implements the necessary message formats and transport security as well as device registration
iotkit-comm-c 0.1.1 Inter of Things communication library for device-to-device and device-to-cloud messaging
iotkit-comm-js 0.2.0 Inter of Things communication library for device-to-device and device-to-cloud messaging
iotkit-lib-c 1.4.8 Transparently implements the necessary message formats and transport security as well as device registration
libstrophe 0.8.7 Libstrophe
libwyliodrin 1.13 helper library for wyliodrin nodejs server
linuxptp 20121116 Linux PTP application
mdns 544 Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks.
mosquitto 1.3.4 Open source MQTT v3.1 implemention
mraa 0.8.0 Low Level Skeleton Library for Communication on Intel platforms
nodejs 0.10.38 nodeJS Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript
paho-mqtt 3.1 Client implementation of open and standard messaging protocols for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT).
parse-embedded-sdks 1.0.1 Lets you use Parse for building Internet of Things (IoT) applications with connected devices
python-pyfirmata 0.9.5 a Python interface for the Firmata protocol
python-redis 2.10.3 The Python interface to the Redis key-value store
sshpass 1.05 Non-interactive ssh password auth
swig 3.0.6 SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
tempered 1.0 C library and program for reading the TEMPer family of thermometer and hygrometer devices
upm 0.4.0 Sensor/Actuator repository for Mraa
wyliodrin-server 1.2 Wylodrin is something...
xdk-daemon 0.0.37 Provides communication to the Intel XDK
zeromq 4.0.4 Zeromq - The Intelligent Transport Layer