This layer is intended to be the home of applications and tools for Makers in OpenEmbedded. While initial focus is on 3D printing, this is by no means intended to be an exclusive layer. Other applications for CNC machining, lasercutting, knitting, etc. are expected to follow and are welcome.

Setup information Mailing list

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 8 years, 11 months ago (dizzy branch)


  • Denys "denix" Dmytriyenko email
  • Tim "moto-timo" Orling email
  • Koen Kooi email


The meta-maker layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
curaengine 15.06.03 CuraEngine is a powerful, fast and robust engine for processing 3D models into 3D printing instructions.
curaengine 15.04.02 CuraEngine is a powerful, fast and robust engine for processing 3D models into 3D printing instructions.
libarcus 15.06.03 Communication library between internal components for Ultimaker software
mjpg-streamer 0.4+gitX MJPG-streamer takes JPGs from Linux-UVC compatible webcams, filesystem or other input plugins and streams them as M-JPEG via HTTP to webbrowsers, VLC and other software. It is the successor of uvc-str
octoprint 1.2.10+gitX OctoPrint provides a responsive web interface for controlling a 3D printer (RepRap, Ultimaker, ...).
octoprint-nginx 1.0 Nginx helper for octoprint and mjpg-streamer
protobuf3 3.0.0 Protocol Buffers - structured data serialisation mechanism
python-argh 0.26.1 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths.
python-awesome-slugify 1.6.5+gitX Python flexible slugify function
python-babel 2.0 Internationalization utilities
python-backports-ssl-match-hostname The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3.4
python-blinker 1.3 Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
python-certifi 14.05.14 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.
python-flask-assets 0.10+gitX Flask webassets integration.
python-flask-babel 0.9+gitX i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz
python-flask-login 0.2.2 Flask user session management.
python-flask-principal 0.3.5 Identity management for Flask applications
python-itsdangerous 0.24 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments
python-jinja2 2.8 Jinja2 is a modern and designer friendly templating language for Python, modelled after Django’s templates.
python-markupsafe 0.23 MarkupSafe is a library for Python that implements a unicode string that is aware of HTML escaping rules and can be used to implement automatic string escaping.
python-netaddr 0.7.17 Pythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
python-netifaces 0.8 Portable network interface information for Python
python-pathtools 0.1.2 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths.
python-pkginfo 1.2.1 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths.
python-psutil 3.1.1 A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
python-pyasn1 0.1.7 Python library implementing ASN.1 types.
python-pybonjour 1.1.1 Pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour
python-pylru 1.0.9 A least recently used (LRU) cache implementation
python-pyserial 2.7 Serial Port Support for Python
python-regex 2016.03.26 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.
python-requests 2.7.0 Python HTTP for Humans.
python-requests 2.5.1 Python HTTP for Humans.
python-rsa 3.2 Pure-Python RSA implementation
python-sarge 0.1.4 A wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality.
python-semantic-version 2.4.2 Semantic version comparison for Python (see
python-setuptools 18.1 Downloads, builds, installs, upgrades, and uninstalls Python packages
python-sockjs-tornado 1.0.1+gitX SockJS-tornado is a Python server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library running on top of Tornado framework.
python-speaklater 1.3 Media asset management for Python, with glue code for various web frameworks
python-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.1.6 theme for Sphinx, 2013 version.
python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain 1.3.0 Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs.
python-tornado 4.0.1 Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
python-unidecode 0.04.19 ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
python-watchdog 0.8.3 Filesystem events monitoring
python-webassets 0.10.1 Media asset management for Python, with glue code for various web frameworks
python-werkzeug 0.8.3 Werkzeug is a WSGI utility library for Python. It's widely used and BSD licensed.