ROS (Robot Operating System) support layer Common layer for ROS1 distributions

Git repository web repo


meta-ros1 web subdirectory

Last commit: 10 months, 2 weeks ago (langdale branch)



The meta-ros1 layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
console-bridge 0.4.2 console_bridge is a ROS-independent, pure CMake package that provides logging calls that mirror those found in rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS.
festival 2.3.20130703 University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis Systems is a free software multi-lingual speech synthesis workbench that runs on multiple-platforms offering black box text to speech, as well as an open architecture for research in speech synthesis. It designed as a component of large speech technology systems.
packagegroup-ros1-comm 1.0 ros1-comm package group
qhull 2015.2 library to compute convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams.
raspicam-node 1.2+gitX ROS 1 node for the Raspberry Pi Camera Module
ros1-image-roslaunch 1.0 A small image just capable of starting roslaunch.
speech-tools 2.3.20131016 The Edinburgh Speech Tools Library
urdfdom 1.0.0-2 The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library provides core data structures and a simple XML parsers for populating the class data structures from an URDF file.
urdfdom-headers 1.0.0-1 The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) headers provides core data structure headers for URDF.
ros1 Robot Operating System (ROS 1) with OpenEmbedded Linux