The machines Colibri T20 and Apalis/Colibri T30 were removed and no longer maintained in branches after rocko. The machine Apalis TK1 is no longer maintained in branches after dunfell.

This layer provides support for ARM based Toradex computer on modules (COM) featuring NVIDIA T20, T30, and TK1 SoCs for use with OpenEmbedded and/or Yocto.

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 2 years, 10 months ago (master branch)



The meta-toradex-tegra layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
cbootimage 1.7 cbootimage
hdmi-hotplug 1.0 Use xrandr after a HDMI hotplug event to switch the display on
libcryptopp 5.6.4 A free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
tdx-k20-fw 1.5 Toradex Apalis TK1 K20 MCU Firmware
tegrarcm 1.7+ TegraRCM
tegrastats 1.0 NVIDIAS tegrastats