This layer enables AMD Xilinx hardware devices metadata such as tune files, generic and soc variant machine configurations, boot firmware components, kernel, multimedia, graphics, xrt etc.
Setup information Mailing list
Git repository web repo
meta-xilinx-core web subdirectory
Last commit: 3 months, 2 weeks ago (scarthgap branch)
- Mark Hatle email
The meta-xilinx-core layer depends upon:
The meta-xilinx-core layer recommends:
Recipe name | Version | Description |
ai-engine-driver | 3.6 | Xilinx AI Engine runtime |
ai-engine-driver | 3.5 | Xilinx AI Engine runtime |
ai-engine-driver | 3.4 | Xilinx AI Engine runtime |
ai-engine-driver | 3.3 | Xilinx AI Engine runtime |
aiefal | 1.7 | Xilinx AI Engine FAL(Functional Abstraction Layer) |
aiefal | 1.6 | Xilinx AI Engine FAL(Functional Abstraction Layer) |
aiefal | 1.5 | Xilinx AI Engine FAL(Functional Abstraction Layer) |
aiefal | 1.4 | Xilinx AI Engine FAL(Functional Abstraction Layer) |
arm-trusted-firmware | 2.8-xilinx-v2023.2+git | ARM Trusted Firmware |
arm-trusted-firmware | 2.8-xilinx-v2023.1+git | ARM Trusted Firmware |
arm-trusted-firmware | 2.6-xilinx-v2022.2+git | ARM Trusted Firmware |
arm-trusted-firmware | 2.6-xilinx-v2022.1+git | ARM Trusted Firmware |
arm-trusted-firmware | 2.10-xilinx-v2024.1+git | ARM Trusted Firmware |
base-pdi | 1.0 | Recipe to deploy base pdi |
bitstream | 1.0 | Recipe to provide a bitstream via virtual/bitstream |
bootbin-version-header | 1.0 | The BIF file for bootbin requires a version file in a specific format |
bootbin-version-string | 1.0 | The BIF file for bootbin requires a version file in a text format |
bootgen | 2024.2 | Building and installing bootgen |
device-tree | 1.0 | Xilinx BSP device trees |
dfx-mgr | 2024.2 | Xilinx dfx-mgr libraries |
dfx-mgr | 2024.1 | Xilinx dfx-mgr libraries |
dfx-mgr | 2023.2 | Xilinx dfx-mgr libraries |
dfx-mgr | 2023.1 | Xilinx dfx-mgr libraries |
dfx-mgr | 1.0 | Xilinx dfx-mgr libraries |
extract-cdo | 1.0 | Recipe to extract pmc_cdo for qemu usage |
flashstrip | 1.0 | Building and installing flash strip utility |
fpga-manager-script | 1.0 | Install user script to support fpga-manager |
freeipmi | 1.6.10 | Tools and libraries for IPMI |
fsbl | 1.0 | Xilinx First Stage Boot Loader |
image-update | 1.3 | Image update is used to update alternate image on compatible firmware. If the current image is ImageA, ImageB will get updated and vice versa. Usage: image_update <Input Image File> |
imgrcry | 1.0 | Image Recovery |
imgsel | 1.0 | Image Selector |
initramdisk- | 1.0 | Provide the initramdisk available via a package, installed in /boot |
kernel-module-dp | 6.6.10+git | Xilinx DisplayPort Linux Kernel module |
kernel-module-hdmi | 6.6.40+git | Xilinx HDMI Linux Kernel module |
kernel-module-hdmi21 | 2024.2 | Xilinx HDMI 2.1 FMC linux kernel module |
libdfx | 2024.2 | Xilinx libdfx library |
libdfx | 2024.1 | Xilinx libdfx library |
libdfx | 2023.2 | Xilinx libdfx library |
libdfx | 2023.1 | Xilinx libdfx library |
libdfx | 1.0 | Xilinx libdfx library |
libmetal-xlnx | v2024.2+git | |
libmetal-xlnx | v2024.1+git | |
linux-firmware-ti-bt | 1.0 | TI Bluetooth firmware files for use with Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 6.6.40+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 6.6.10+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 6.1.60+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 6.1.30+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 5.15.36+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx | 5.15.19+git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx-dev | 5.15++git | Linux kernel |
linux-xlnx-udev-rules | 1.0 | Udev rules files for Linux drivers |
mb-realoc | 0.1 | mb-realoc |
open-amp-device-tree | 1.0 | OpenAMP Device Tree Overlay for Xilinx devices. |
open-amp-xlnx | ||
open-amp-xlnx | ||
packagegroup-lmsensors | 1.0 | PetaLinux packages that provides tools and drivers for monitoring temperatures, voltage |
packagegroup-networking-stack | 1.0 | Packages to extend network stack |
packagegroup-openamp | 1.0 | OpenAMP supported packages |
packagegroup-opencv | 1.0 | PetaLinux opencv supported packages |
packagegroup-xilinx-audio | 1.0 | ASLA supported packages |
packagegroup-xilinx-benchmarks | 1.0 | Packages for Benchmarks |
packagegroup-xilinx-gstreamer | 1.0 | GStreamer packages |
platform-init | 1.0 | Xilinx Platform Headers |
plmfw | 1.0 | Platform Loader and Manager for Versal devices |
pmu-rom-native | 1.0 | PMU ROM for QEMU |
pmufw | 1.0 | PMU Firmware |
psmfw | 1.0 | PSM firmware for versal devices |
python3-anytree | 2.8.0 | Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure |
python3-async | 0.6.2 | Python framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers |
python3-bokeh | 3.5.1 | Interactive plots and applications in the browser from Python |
python3-contourpy | 1.2.1 | Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids |
python3-mercantile | 1.2.1 | Web mercator XYZ tile utilities |
python3-pybind11 | 2.13.1 | Seamless operability between C++11 and Python |
python3-setuptools-git-versioning | 2.0.0 | Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440 |
python3-xyzservices | 2024.6.0 | Source of XYZ tiles providers |
qemu | 8.1.2 | Fast open source processor emulator |
qemu-devicetrees | 2024.2+git | Xilinx's hardware device trees required for QEMU |
qemu-xilinx | 8.1.0+git | Xilinx's fork of a fast open source processor emulator |
qemu-xilinx-multiarch-helper-native | 1.0 | Helper scripts for executing a multi-arch instance of Xilinx QEMU |
qemu-xilinx-native | 8.1.0+git | Xilinx's fork of a fast open source processor emulator |
qemu-xilinx-system-native | 8.1.0+git | Xilinx's fork of a fast open source processor emulator |
raft | 2024.1 | RAFT python application |
trusted-firmware-a | 2.10.0-xilinx-v2024.2 | Trusted Firmware-A |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2024.01-xilinx-v2024.2+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2024.01-xilinx-v2024.1+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2023.01-xilinx-v2023.2+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2023.01-xilinx-v2023.1+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2022.01-xilinx-v2022.2+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-tools-xlnx | 2021.01-xilinx-v2022.1+git | U-Boot bootloader tools |
u-boot-xlnx | 2024.01-xilinx-v2024.2+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx | 2024.01-xilinx-v2024.1+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx | 2023.01-xilinx-v2023.2+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx | 2023.01-xilinx-v2023.1+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx | 2022.01-xilinx-v2022.2+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx | 2021.01-xilinx-v2022.1+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx-dev | master-xilinx-dev+git | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
u-boot-xlnx-scr | 1.0 | U-boot boot scripts for Xilinx devices |
u-boot-xlnx-uenv | 1.0 | U-Boot uEnv.txt SD boot environment generation for Zynq targets |
xclbinutil-native | 202420.2.18.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) - minimal native build for xclbinutil |
xclbinutil-native | 202410.2.17.319 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) - minimal native build for xclbinutil |
xclbinutil-native | 202320.2.16.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) - minimal native build for xclbinutil |
xilinx-bootbin | 1.0 | Generates boot.bin using bootgen tool |
xilinx-lops | 1.0 | Device tree lopper - lops |
xilinx-mcs | 1.0 | Generates boot.mcs using vivado |
xrt | 202420.2.18.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
xrt | 202410.2.17.319 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
xrt | 202320.2.16.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
xrt | 202310.2.15.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
xrt | 202220.2.14.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
xrt | 202210.2.13.479 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) libraries |
zocl | 202420.2.18.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
zocl | 202410.2.17.319 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
zocl | 202320.2.16.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
zocl | 202310.2.15.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
zocl | 202220.2.14.0 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
zocl | 202210.2.13.479 | Xilinx Runtime(XRT) driver module |
microblaze-generic | microblaze-generic devices |
versal-ai-core-generic | |
versal-ai-edge-generic | |
versal-common | a common Versal filesystem devices |
versal-generic | versal-generic devices |
versal-hbm-generic | |
versal-net-common | a common versal-net filesystem devices |
versal-net-generic | versal-net-generic devices |
versal-premium-generic | |
versal-prime-generic | |
zynq-common | a common Zynq7 filesystem devices |
zynq-generic | zynq-generic devices |
zynqmp-cg-generic | |
zynqmp-common | a common ZynqMP (MPSOC) filesystem devices w/o mali400 |
zynqmp-dr-generic | |
zynqmp-eg-generic | |
zynqmp-ev-generic | |
zynqmp-generic | zynqmp-generic devices |
zynqmp-mali-common | a common ZynqMP (MPSOC) filesystem devices w/ mali400 |