Recipe name Version Description Layer
fontsproto 2.1.2 XFont: X Font rasterisation headers openembedded-core
isis-fonts 1.0.0-0.1 Isis-fonts package from isis-project meta-luneos-backports-2-8
liberation-fonts 1.04 Liberation(tm) Fonts openembedded-core
liberation-fonts 1.06 Liberation(tm) Fonts openembedded-core
mkfontscale 1.1.0 A program to create an index of scalable font files for X openembedded-core
oxygen-fonts git KDE standard fonts for Plasma Desktop meta-kde4
packagegroup-fonts-truetype 1.0 Install one of these tasks to get support for truetype fonts. meta-oe
ttf-hunkyfonts 0.3.0 Hunky fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
xorg-minimal-fonts 1.0 Xorg minimal fonts data openembedded-core
encodings 1.0.4 The Xorg font encoding files openembedded-core
font-update-common 0.1 Scripts to be called when fonts are installed or removed to make them known to the WM, whether X11 or Opie meta-oe
fontcacheproto 0.1.3 XFontCache: X Font Cache extension headers openembedded-core
fontconfig 2.9.0 Generic font configuration library openembedded-core
fontconfig-native 2.9.0 Generic font configuration library openembedded-core
ghostscript 9.05 The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter openembedded-core
kdepimlibs 4.8.4+gitX KDE standard fonts for Plasma Desktop meta-kde4
libfontenc 1.1.1 X font encoding library openembedded-core
libxfontcache 1.0.5 XFontCache: X Font Cache extension library openembedded-core
libxft 2.3.1 XFt: X FreeType libary openembedded-core
mkfontdir 1.0.7 A program to create an index of X font files in a directory openembedded-core
rxvt-unicode 9.15 rxvt-unicode is a clone of the well known terminal emulator rxvt, modified to store text in Unicode (either UCS-2 or UCS-4) and to use locale-correct input and output. It also supports mixing multiple fonts at the same time, including Xft fonts. openembedded-core
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10 The Bitstream Vera fonts - TTF Edition openembedded-core
ttf-droid 0.1+gitrX Droid fonts - TTF Edition meta-oe
ttf-gentium 1.02 Gentium fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
ttf-liberation 0.2 Liberation fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
ttf-sazanami 20040629 Sazanami Gothic/Mincho Japanese TrueType fonts meta-oe