Recipe name Version Description Layer
cantarell-fonts 0.0.25 Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family openembedded-core
liberation-fonts 2.00.1 Liberation(tm) Fonts openembedded-core
lohit-fonts 1.0 Lohit Indic fonts meta-atmel
mkfontscale 1.2.1 A program to create an index of scalable font files for X openembedded-core
noto-fonts 1.0 Google noto fonts meta-atmel
oxygen-fonts 5.4.3 oxygen fonts meta-qt5-extra
packagegroup-fonts-truetype 1.0 Install one of these tasks to get support for truetype fonts meta-oe
source-han-sans-cn-fonts 1.004 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Simplified Chinese meta-oe
source-han-sans-jp-fonts 1.004 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Japanese meta-oe
source-han-sans-kr-fonts 1.004 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Korean meta-oe
source-han-sans-tw-fonts 1.004 Adobe OpenType Pan-CJK font family for Traditional Chinese meta-oe
takao-fonts 003.03.01 Takao Fonts are a community developed derivatives of IPA Fonts. meta-oe
ttf-hunkyfonts 0.3.1 Hunky fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
webkit-test-fonts 0.0.8 meta-webkit
webos-fonts 1.0.0-10 Fonts used by webOS meta-webosose
xfontsel 1.0.6 xfontsel provides point and click selection of X11 font names meta-oe
xlsfonts 1.0.6 server font list displayer for X meta-oe
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0 Xorg 100 DPI font set meta-oe
xorg-minimal-fonts 1.0 Xorg minimal fonts data openembedded-core
bdftopcf 1.1 bdftopcf is a tool to convert BDF fonts to PCF fonts meta-oe
encodings 1.0.5 The Xorg font encoding files openembedded-core
font-adobe-100dpi 1.0.3 Adobe 100 DPI fonts meta-oe
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi 1.0.4 Adobe Utopia 100 DPI fonts meta-oe
font-bh-100dpi 1.0.3 Bigelow & Holmes 100 DPI fonts meta-oe
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi 1.0.3 Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter 100 DPI fonts meta-oe
font-bitstream-100dpi 1.0.3 Bitstream 100 DPI fonts meta-oe
font-cursor-misc 1.0.3 cursor fonts meta-oe
font-misc-misc 1.1.2 miscellaneous fonts meta-oe
fontconfig 2.13.1 Generic font configuration library openembedded-core
kbd 2.2.0 Keytable files and keyboard utilities openembedded-core
kcharselect 20.08.3 Tool to copy and paste characters from all installed fonts meta-qt5-extra
libfontenc 1.1.4 X font encoding library openembedded-core
libxft 2.3.3 XFt: X FreeType libary openembedded-core
rxvt-unicode 9.22 rxvt terminal clone supporting unicode openembedded-core
rxvt-unicode 9.20 rxvt terminal clone supporting unicode meta-gplv2
soundfont-collection 0.0.3 A collection of free soundfonts meta-musicians
terminus-font 4.38 Terminus fonts packages (console and X11) meta-oe
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10 The Bitstream Vera fonts - TTF Edition openembedded-core
ttf-droid 0.1+gitrX Droid fonts - TTF Edition meta-oe
ttf-gentium 1.02 Gentium fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
ttf-liberation 0.2 Liberation fonts - TTF Version meta-oe
ttf-liberation-sans-narrow 1.07.4 Liberation(tm) Fonts meta-oe
ttf-lklug 0.6-14.20090803cvs.fc24 Fonts for Sinhala language - TTF Edition meta-oe
ttf-lohit 2 The project goal is to improve existing offerings of the fonts - making sure the Lohit fonts deliver the best available quality and functions to the community. meta-oe
ttf-noto 2019.01.11 Google Noto fonts meta-kde
ttf-noto-cjk 2019.03.30 Google Noto CJK fonts meta-kde
ttf-pt-sans 1.1 PT Sans Fonts meta-oe
ttf-roboto 2.138 Roboto fonts meta-oe
ttf-sazanami 20040629 Sazanami Gothic/Mincho Japanese TrueType fonts meta-oe
ttf-tlwg 0.6.1 Thai Linux Working Group Fonts meta-oe