Recipe name Version Description Layer
dey-examples-gpio 1.0 DEY examples: GPIO kernel module test application meta-digi-dey
dey-examples-gpio-sysfs 1.0 DEY examples: GPIO sysfs API test application meta-digi-dey
ezx-gpiotool X Gpiotool can read/write gpio configuration from userspace. meta-handheld
kernel-module-gpio 2.1 Example GPIO kernel module. meta-digi-arm
RPi-GPIO 0.2.0 A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels meta-raspberrypi
s3c24xx-gpio 1.0+svnrX A user-space tool to show and modify the state of GPIOs on the S3c24xx platform meta-oe
s3c64xx-gpio 1.0+svnrX A user-space tool to show and modify the state of GPIOs on the S3c64xx platform meta-oe
bcm2835 1.8 Package that provides access to GPIO and other IOfunctions on the Broadcom BCM 2835 chip, allowing access to theGPIO pins on the 26 pin IDE plug on the RPi board meta-raspberrypi
bt-enable 1.0 BT GPIO Enable meta-arago-extras