Recipe name Version Description Layer
cryptfs-tpm2 0.7.10+git A tool used to create, persist, evict a passphrase for full-disk-encryption with TPM 2.0 meta-encrypted-storage
ibmswtpm2 183-2024-03-27 IBM's Software TPM 2.0 meta-security
ibmtpm2tss 2.2.0 IBM's Software TPM 2.0 TSS meta-security
packagegroup-sks-openssl-tpm2 1.0 Packagegroup Secure Key Storage for openssl and TPM2 userspace and utilities. meta-ampliphy
packagegroup-sks-pkcs11-tpm2 1.0 Packagegroup Secure Key Storage for PKCS11 with TPM2. meta-ampliphy
packagegroup-sks-provision-tpm2 1.0 Packagegroup Secure Key Storage for TPM2 provisioning meta-ampliphy
packagegroup-tpm2 1.0 Packagegroup for TPM2 TCG TSS userspace and utilities. meta-measured
packagegroup-tpm2 1.0 Packagegroup for TPM2 TCG TSS userspace and utilities. meta-tpm2
packagegroup-tpm2-crb 1.0 Support for TPM 2.0 device exposed using CRB interface. meta-measured
packagegroup-tpm2-initramfs 1.0 Packagegroup for TPM2 TCG TSS userspace and utilities. meta-tpm2
packagegroup-tpm2-tis 1.0 Support for TPM 2.0 device exposed using TIS interface. meta-measured
python3-tpm2-pytss 2.3.0 TPM2 TSS Python bindings for Enhanced System API (ESYS), Feature API (FAPI), Marshaling (MU), TCTI Loader (TCTILdr), TCTIs, policy, and RC Decoding (rcdecode) libraries meta-security
swtpm2 0.1.0-dev2 SWTPM2.0 - Software TPM2.0 Emulator meta-refkit-core
swtpm2-wrappers-native 1.0 SWTPM - OpenEmbedded wrapper scripts for native swtpm tools meta-refkit-core
tpm2-abrmd 3.0.0 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-security
tpm2-abrmd 2.3.0 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-measured
tpm2-abrmd git.X TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-measured
tpm2-abrmd 3.0.0 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-tpm2
tpm2-openssl 1.1.1 Provider for integration of TPM 2.0 to OpenSSL 3.0 meta-security
tpm2-openssl 1.2.0 Provider for integration of TPM 2.0 to OpenSSL 3.X meta-tpm2
tpm2-pkcs11 1.9.1 A PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware meta-security
tpm2-pkcs11 1.9.1 A PKCS#11 interface for TPM2 hardware meta-tpm2
tpm2-pytss 2.3.0 Python bindings for TSS meta-tpm2
tpm2-tools 5.7 Tools for TPM2. meta-security
tpm2-tools git.X Tools for TPM2 meta-measured
tpm2-tools 4.0.1 Tools for TPM2 meta-measured
tpm2-tools 5.7 Trusted Platform Module 2.0 tools meta-tpm2
tpm2-totp 0.3.0 Attest the trustworthiness of a device against a human using time-based one-time passwords meta-tpm2
tpm2-tss 4.1.3 Software stack for TPM2. meta-security
tpm2-tss 2.3.1 The TCG TPM2 Software Stack meta-measured
tpm2-tss git.X The TCG TPM2 Software Stack meta-measured
tpm2-tss 4.1.3 Software stack for TPM2. meta-tpm2
tpm2-tss-engine 1.2.0 The tpm2-tss-engine project implements a cryptographic engine for OpenSSL. meta-security
tpm2-tss-engine 1.2.0 A cryptographic engine for OpenSSL for TPM 2.0 meta-tpm2