Recipe name Version Description Layer
ament-cmake-python 2.6.0-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-cmake-python 1.3.9-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-humble
ament-cmake-python 2.0.5-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-iron
ament-index-python 1.9.0-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-index-python 1.4.0-2 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-humble
ament-index-python 1.5.2-4 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-iron
arbotix-python 0.11.0-1 Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots. meta-ros1-noetic
as2-python-api 1.0.9-1 AeroStack2 drone interface tool in python meta-ros2-humble
aws-crt-python 0.23.2 AWS CRT Python meta-aws
aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2 1.22.0 AWS IoT Device SDK v2 for Python meta-aws
ddynamic-reconfigure-python 0.0.1-1 The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables meta-ros1-noetic
dynamic-graph-python 4.0.11-1 Dynamic graph library Python bindings meta-ros1-noetic
exotica-python 6.2.0-1 Python bindings for EXOTica meta-ros1-noetic
gstreamer1.0-python 1.24.6 Python bindings for GStreamer 1.0 openembedded-core
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-6 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-rolling
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-2 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros1-noetic
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-humble
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-5 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-iron
libcap-ng-python 0.8.5 An alternate posix capabilities library - python openembedded-core
meta-python-image-all 1.0 meta-python build test image meta-python
meta-python-image-ptest 1.0 meta-python ptest test image meta-python
meta-python-image-ptest-all 1.0 Recipe to trigger execution of all meta-python ptest images. meta-python
meta-python-image-ptest-fast 1.0 Recipe to trigger execution of all fast meta-python ptest images. meta-python
moveit-python 0.4.5-1 A pure-python interaface to the MoveIt! ROS API. meta-ros1-noetic
mysql-python 1.2.5 Python interface to MySQL meta-oe
nodl-python 0.3.1-4 Implementation of the NoDL API in Python. meta-ros2-rolling
nodl-python 0.3.1-3 Implementation of the NoDL API in Python. meta-ros2-humble
nodl-python 0.3.1-4 Implementation of the NoDL API in Python. meta-ros2-iron
openrtm-aist-python 1.1.0-5 <p>Python binding of OpenRTM-AIST (see <a href="">openrtm_aist</a> for further information).</p> <p><i>OpenRTM-aist is an <a href=";arnumber=1545521&amp;">RT-Middleware</a>-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan </i> (<a href="">excerpts from here</a>)</p> meta-ros1-noetic
packagegroup-meta-python 1.0 Meta-python ptest packagegroups meta-python
python-aioeventlet 0.4 Asyncio event loop scheduling callbacks in eventlet meta-openstack
python-barbican 2015.1.0+gitX Barbican is a ReST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and management of secrets. meta-openstack
python-ceilometer 5.0.0+gitX OpenStack Metering Component meta-openstack
python-cinder 11.1.0+gitX OpenStack Block storage service meta-openstack
python-cinderclient 3.1.0+gitX Client library for OpenStack Cinder API. meta-openstack
python-cmake-module 0.12.0-1 Provide CMake module with extra functionality for Python. meta-ros2-rolling
python-cmake-module 0.10.0-2 Provide CMake module with extra functionality for Python. meta-ros2-humble
python-cmake-module 0.10.2-3 Provide CMake module with extra functionality for Python. meta-ros2-iron
python-glance 15.0.0+gitX Services for discovering, registering and retrieving virtual machine images meta-openstack
python-glanceclient 2.17.0+gitX Client library for Glance built on the OpenStack Images API meta-openstack
python-glancestore 0.9.1+gitX Glance's stores library meta-openstack
python-heat 5.0.0+gitX OpenStack Orchestration meta-openstack
python-heatclient 1.17.0+gitX CLI and python client library for OpenStack Heat meta-openstack
python-horizon 12.0.0+gitX The OpenStack Dashboard. meta-openstack
python-i3ipc 2.2.1 An improved Python library to control i3wm and sway. meta-wayland
python-is-python3 1.0 Convenience package which ships a symlink to point the python interpreter to python3 meta-webkit
python-keystone 12.0.0+gitX Authentication service for OpenStack meta-openstack
python-keystone-hybrid-backend gitX hybrid SQL + LDAP backend for openstack keystone meta-openstack
python-libusb1 3.1.0 Pure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0 meta-python
python-neutron 11.0.2+gitX Neutron (virtual network service) meta-openstack