Recipe name Version Description Layer
python 2.7.18 The Python Programming Language meta-python2
ament-cmake-python 0.7.6-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-dashing
ament-cmake-python 0.8.3-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-eloquent
ament-cmake-python 0.9.9-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-foxy
ament-cmake-python 2.6.0-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-cmake-python 1.1.4-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-galactic
ament-cmake-python 1.3.9-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-humble
ament-cmake-python 2.0.5-1 The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. meta-ros2-iron
ament-index-python 0.7.2-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-dashing
ament-index-python 0.7.2-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-eloquent
ament-index-python 1.1.0-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-foxy
ament-index-python 1.9.0-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-index-python 1.2.0-1 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-galactic
ament-index-python 1.4.0-2 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-humble
ament-index-python 1.5.2-4 Python API to access the ament resource index. meta-ros2-iron
arbotix-python 0.10.0 Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots. meta-ros1-melodic
arbotix-python 0.11.0-1 Bindings and low-level controllers for ArbotiX-powered robots. meta-ros1-noetic
as2-python-api 1.0.9-1 AeroStack2 drone interface tool in python meta-ros2-humble
aws-crt-python 0.23.2 AWS CRT Python meta-aws
aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2 1.22.0 AWS IoT Device SDK v2 for Python meta-aws
bad-python-reqs 1.0 Bad python requirements.txt test file meta-sca
bad-python-types 1.0 Bad typed python testcode meta-sca
ddynamic-reconfigure-python 0.0.1 The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables meta-ros1-melodic
ddynamic-reconfigure-python 0.0.1-1 The ddynamic_reconfigure_python package contains a class to instantiate dynamic reconfigure servers on the fly registering variables meta-ros1-noetic
demo-python 0.1 Python files for running the demos included in the Getting Started with the SPEC meta-spec
deviceaccess-python-bindings 03.03.02 meta-chimeratk
dynamic-graph-python 4.0.4-1 Dynamic graph library Python bindings meta-ros1-melodic
dynamic-graph-python 4.0.11-1 Dynamic graph library Python bindings meta-ros1-noetic
exotica-python 6.2.0-1 Python bindings for EXOTica meta-ros1-melodic
exotica-python 6.2.0-1 Python bindings for EXOTica meta-ros1-noetic
gstreamer1.0-python 1.24.6 Python bindings for GStreamer 1.0 openembedded-core
gstreamer1.0-python 1.22.5 Python bindings for GStreamer 1.0 meta-gstreamer10
gstreamer1.0-python 1.24.0.imx Python bindings for GStreamer 1.0 meta-freescale
lanelet2-python 1.0.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros1-melodic
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-dashing
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-eloquent
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-foxy
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-6 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-rolling
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-2 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros1-noetic
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-2 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-galactic
lanelet2-python 1.2.1-1 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-humble
lanelet2-python 1.1.1-5 Python bindings for lanelet2 meta-ros2-iron
libcap-ng-python 0.8.5 An alternate posix capabilities library - python openembedded-core
libselinux-python 3.7 SELinux library and simple utilities meta-selinux
litex-pythondata-cpu-vexriscv 2024.08+master+gitX LiteX - VexRiscV CPU meta-hdl
litex-pythondata-cpu-vexriscv 2024.08+gitX LiteX - VexRiscV CPU meta-hdl
litex-pythondata-cpu-vexriscv-smp 2024.08+master+gitX LiteX - VexRiscV CPU SMP meta-hdl
litex-pythondata-cpu-vexriscv-smp 2024.08+gitX LiteX - VexRiscV CPU SMP meta-hdl
litex-pythondata-misc-tapcfg 2024.08+gitX LiteX - tapcfg meta-hdl
litex-pythondata-software-compiler-rt 2024.08+gitX LiteX - compiler_rt software meta-hdl