Recipe name Version Description Layer
arm-trusted-firmware 2.2+gitX ARM Trusted Firmware meta-ti
arm-trusted-firmware 1.5-xilinx-v2018.3+gitX ARM Trusted Firmware meta-xilinx
arm-trusted-firmware 2.1 Arm Trusted Firmware (ATF) meta-pine64
dey-image-trustfence-initramfs meta-digi-dey
go-libtrust 0.0+gitX Primitives for identity and authorization meta-virtualization
packagegroup-dey-trustfence 1.0 DEY trustfence packagegroup meta-digi-dey
trustfence-cst 3.1.0 NXP Code signing Tool for the High Assurance Boot library meta-digi-arm
trustfence-initramfs 1.0 Trustfence initramfs required files meta-digi-dey
trustfence-sign-tools git TrustFence signing and encryption scripts meta-digi-arm
trustfence-tool 2.3 Trustfence command line tool meta-digi-dey
atf-arm git ARM Trusted Firmware meta-allwinner-hx
atf-juno 1.4+gitX ARM Trusted Firmware Juno meta-96boards
atf-native 1.2+gitX Arm Trusted Firmware meta-odroid
atf-poplar git ARM Trusted Firmware Poplar meta-96boards
atf-sunxi git ARM Trusted Firmware Allwinner meta-sunxi
ca-certificates-java 20180516 Common CA certificates (JKS trustStore) meta-java
class-load-perl 0.24 "require EXPR" only accepts "Class/" style module names, not "Class::Name". How frustrating! For that, we provide "load_class 'Class::Name'". meta-cpan
cri-o 1.12.0+git774a29ecf6855f2dff266dc2aa2fe81d7d964465 Open Container Initiative-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface meta-virtualization
imx-atf 2.0+gitX i.MX ARM Trusted Firmware meta-digi-arm
imx-atf 1.5.0+gitX i.MX ARM Trusted Firmware meta-freescale
krb5 1.16.1 A network authentication protocol meta-oe
notary 0.4.2+gitX Notary is a Docker project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data meta-virtualization
optee-os 3.3.0+gitX OP-TEE Trusted OS meta-optee
optee-os-qoriq git OP-TEE Trusted OS meta-freescale
python-itsdangerous 0.24 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. meta-python
python-itsdangerous 0.24 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments meta-maker
python-itsdangerous 0.24 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. meta-python2
python3-certifi-native 2020.4.5.1 curated collection of Root Certificates meta-sca
python3-itsdangerous 0.24 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back. meta-python
python3-markupsafe 1.1.1 Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup meta-sca
sedutil 1.15.1+gitX The Drive Trust Alliance Self Encrypting Drive Utility meta-oe
tf-a-stm32mp 2.0 Trusted Firmware-A for STM32MP1 meta-st-stm32mp
tpm2-abrmd 2.0.1 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-tpm2
tpm2-abrmd git.X TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-tpm2
tpm2-tools git.X Tools for TPM2 meta-tpm2
tpm2-tools 3.1.1 Tools for TPM2 meta-tpm2
tpm2-tss git.X The TCG TPM2 Software Stack meta-tpm2
tpm2-tss 2.0.0 The TCG TPM2 Software Stack meta-tpm2
tpm2simulator-native 1.38+gitX TPM 2.0 Simulator Extraction Script meta-tpm2
trousers 0.3.14+gitX TrouSerS - An open-source TCG Software Stack implementation. meta-tpm