Recipe name Version Description Layer
rust meta-rust
rust meta-rust
ament-cmake-uncrustify 0.7.12-1 The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. meta-ros2-dashing
ament-cmake-uncrustify 0.8.2-1 The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. meta-ros2-eloquent
ament-cmake-uncrustify 0.9.6-1 The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. meta-ros2-foxy
ament-cmake-uncrustify 0.11.2-1 The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-cmake-uncrustify meta-ros2-galactic
ament-uncrustify 0.7.12-1 The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. meta-ros2-dashing
ament-uncrustify 0.8.2-1 The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. meta-ros2-eloquent
ament-uncrustify 0.9.6-1 The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. meta-ros2-foxy
ament-uncrustify 0.11.2-1 The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. meta-ros2-rolling
ament-uncrustify meta-ros2-galactic
arm-trusted-firmware 2.0-xilinx-v2020.2+gitX ARM Trusted Firmware meta-xilinx
arm-trusted-firmware 1.3-l4t-32.4.4 ARM Trusted Firmware - L4T distribution meta-tegra
arm-trusted-firmware v2.3 ARM Trusted Firmware meta-intel-fpga
arm-trusted-firmware v2.4 ARM Trusted Firmware meta-intel-fpga
dey-image-trustfence-initramfs meta-digi-dey
go-libtrust 0.0+gitX Primitives for identity and authorization meta-virtualization
npm-cspell-dict-rust-native 1.1.3 NPM: cspell-dict-rust meta-sca
packagegroup-dey-trustfence 1.0 DEY trustfence packagegroup meta-digi-dey
packagegroup-rust-cross-canadian-qemux86 1.0 Host SDK package for Rust cross canadian toolchain meta-rust
python3-setuptools-rust-native 0.12.1 Setuptools rust extension plugin meta-sca
rmf-cmake-uncrustify 1.2.0-1 ament_cmake_uncrustify with support for parsing a config file. meta-ros2-foxy
rmf-cmake-uncrustify 1.2.0-2 ament_cmake_uncrustify with support for parsing a config file. meta-ros2-rolling
rmf-cmake-uncrustify meta-ros2-galactic
rust-cross meta-rust
rust-cross meta-rust
rust-cross-canadian meta-rust
rust-cross-canadian meta-rust
rust-hello-world meta-rust
rust-llvm 1.51.0 LLVM compiler framework (packaged with rust) meta-rust
rust-llvm 1.49.0 LLVM compiler framework (packaged with rust) meta-rust
rust-tools-cross-canadian meta-rust
rustfmt meta-rust
tos-trusty 32.4.4 Construct a trusted OS image with ATF and Trusty meta-tegra
trusted-firmware-a 2.1 Trusted Firmware-A meta-arm
trusted-firmware-a git Trusted Firmware-A meta-arm
trusted-firmware-a 2.3 Trusted Firmware-A meta-arm
trusted-firmware-a 1.5 Trusted Firmware-A meta-arm
trusted-firmware-a 2.2 Trusted Firmware-A meta-arm
trusted-firmware-m 1.0 Trusted Firmware for Cortex-M meta-arm
trustfence-cst 3.3.1 NXP Code signing Tool for the High Assurance Boot library meta-digi-arm
trustfence-initramfs 1.0 Trustfence initramfs required files meta-digi-dey
trustfence-sign-tools git TrustFence signing and encryption scripts meta-digi-arm
trustfence-tool 2.5 Trustfence command line tool meta-digi-dey
trusty-l4t 32.4.4 Trusty secure OS - L4T distribution meta-tegra
uncrustify-vendor 1.2.0-1 Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify. meta-ros2-dashing
uncrustify-vendor 1.3.0-1 Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify. meta-ros2-eloquent
uncrustify-vendor 1.4.0-1 Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify. meta-ros2-foxy
uncrustify-vendor 1.5.3-1 Wrapper around uncrustify, providing nothing but a dependency on uncrustify, on some systems. On others, it provides an ExternalProject build of uncrustify. meta-ros2-rolling