Name libxml-sax-perl
Version 1.02
Summary Perl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML processors
Description XML::SAX consists of several framework classes for using and building Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters, and drivers. It is designed around the need to be able to "plug in" different SAX parsers to an application without requiring programmer intervention. Those of you familiar with the DBI will be right at home. Some of the designs come from the Java JAXP specification (SAX part), only without the javaness.
Section libs
License Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0+
Recipe file recipes-extended/perl/
Layer openembedded-core (honister branch)
  • cpan
  • cpan-base
  • perl-version
  • perlnative
  • ptest
  • ptest-perl
  • libxml-namespacesupport-perl-native
  • perl
  • perl-native
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-compilerlibs
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-gcc
  • virtual/libc




Other branches

This recipe in other branches of openembedded-core:

Branch Recipe
master libxml-sax-perl 1.02
styhead (Yocto Project 5.1) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
scarthgap (Yocto Project 5.0) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
nanbield (Yocto Project 4.3) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
kirkstone (Yocto Project 4.0) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
honister (Yocto Project 3.4) libxml-sax-perl 1.02 (this recipe)
hardknott (Yocto Project 3.3) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
gatesgarth (Yocto Project 3.2) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
dunfell (Yocto Project 3.1) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) libxml-sax-perl 1.02
warrior (Yocto Project 2.7) libxml-sax-perl 1.00
thud (Yocto Project 2.6) libxml-sax-perl 1.00
sumo (Yocto Project 2.5) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
rocko (Yocto Project 2.4) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
pyro (Yocto Project 2.3) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
morty (Yocto Project 2.2) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
krogoth (Yocto Project 2.1) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
jethro (Yocto Project 2.0) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
fido (Yocto Project 1.8) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
dizzy (Yocto Project 1.7) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
daisy (Yocto Project 1.6) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
dora (Yocto Project 1.5) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
dylan (Yocto Project 1.4) libxml-sax-perl 0.99
danny (Yocto Project 1.3) libxml-sax-perl 0.99