Recipe name Version Description Layer
gobject-introspection 1.82.0 Middleware layer between GObject-using C libraries and language bindings openembedded-core
python-pygobject 3.0.4 Python GObject bindings meta-gir
python-pygobject 3.34.0 Python GObject bindings meta-python2
python3-pygobject 3.50.0 Python GObject bindings openembedded-core
appstream-glib 0.7.0 GObjects and helper methods to make it easy to read and write AppStream metadata meta-refkit-core
aravis 0.8.31 A vision library for genicam based cameras meta-multimedia
g-ir-core 1.42.0 GObject Introspection Tools meta-gir
g-ir-tools-host 1.42.0 GObject Introspection Tools meta-gir
g-ir-tools-native 1.42.0 GObject Introspection Tools meta-gir
gcab 1.6 A GObject library to create cabinet files meta-oe
gexiv2 0.14.3 A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper meta-gnome
gfbgraph 0.2.5 A GObject library for Facebook Graph API meta-gnome
gi-docgen 2025.3 Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries openembedded-core
gom 0.5.3 libgom - GObject Data Mapper. meta-wayland
gsound 1.0.3 Small gobject library for playing system sounds meta-gnome
gupnp 1.6.6 UPnP framework meta-multimedia
gupnp 0.18.3 UPnP framework meta-guacamayo
gupnp 1.2.4 UPnP framework meta-webosose
json-glib 1.10.6 JSON-GLib implements a full JSON parser using GLib and GObject openembedded-core
libblockdev 3.2.1 libblockdev is a C library supporting GObject introspection for manipulation of block devices. It has a plugin-based architecture where each technology (like LVM, Btrfs, MD RAID, Swap,...) is implemented in a separate plugin, possibly with multiple implementations (e.g. using LVM CLI or the new LVM DBus API). meta-oe
libdazzle 3.44.0 The libdazzle library is a companion library to GObject and Gtk+. openembedded-core
libgee 0.20.8 libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures. meta-oe
libgee 0.6.4 libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures. meta-guacamayo
libgirepository 1.42.0 GObject Introspection Tools meta-gir
libgudev 238 GObject wrapper for libudev openembedded-core
libgusb 0.4.9 GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1 meta-oe
libgxim 0.5.0 GObject-based XIM protocol library meta-oe
libhandy 1.8.3 A library full of GTK+ widgets for mobile phones openembedded-core
libmanette 0.2.9 The simple GObject game controller library meta-oe
libpeas 2.0.5 libpeas is a gobject-based plugins engine meta-gnome
libportal 0.9.1 libportal provides GIO-style async APIs for most Flatpak portals. openembedded-core
libsecret 0.21.6 libsecret is a library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets openembedded-core
libsoup 3.6.4 An HTTP library implementation in C openembedded-core
libsoup-2.4 2.74.3 An HTTP library implementation in C openembedded-core
lua-lgi 0.9.2 LGI is gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding to GObject based libraries. meta-oe
telepathy-farstream +gitX telepathy-farstream is a GObject-based C library that uses Telepathy GLib, Farstream and GStreamer to handle the media streaming part of channels of type Call meta-asteroid
tpm2-abrmd 3.0.0 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-security
tpm2-abrmd 3.0.0 TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager meta-tpm2
vala 0.56.17 C#-like programming language for easing GObject programming openembedded-core
vala 0.16.0 Vala is a C#-like language dedicated to ease GObject programming. Vala compiles to plain C and has no runtime environment nor penalities whatsoever. meta-web-kiosk
vala 0.14.2 Vala is a C#-like language dedicated to ease GObject programming. Vala compiles to plain C and has no runtime environment nor penalities whatsoever. meta-guacamayo