Recipe name Version Description Layer
barebox 2016.07.0-phy5 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox 2016.11.0-phy4 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox 2017.06.1-phy4 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox 2017.04.0-phy3 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox 2015.10.0 Barebox - a bootloader that inherits the best of U-Boot and the Linux kernel meta-freescale
barebox 2017.08.0+gitX Versatile Linux-like bootloader for embedded systems meta-barebox
barebox 2016.07.0 Barebox - a bootloader that inherits the best of U-Boot and the Linux kernel meta-ptx
barebox meta-de-sigma-chemnitz
barebox-ipl 2017.06.1-phy4 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox-pbl 2017.08.0+gitX Versatile Linux-like bootloader for embedded systems (pre-bootloader) meta-barebox
barebox-targettools 2016.11.0-phy4 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox-targettools 2016.07.0-phy5 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox-targettools 2017.06.1-phy4 The barebox bootloader meta-phytec
barebox-utils 2017.08.0+gitX Versatile Linux-like bootloader for embedded systems (target tools) meta-barebox
dt-utils 2016.08.0 barebox-state tool to interact with 'barebox-state' meta-phytec
dt-utils 2016.12.0 device-tree and barebox-related tools meta-rauc
dt-utils 2016.08.0 device-tree and barebox-related tools meta-ptx