Recipe name Version Description Layer
connman 1.25 A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices openembedded-core
connman 1.28+gitX A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices meta-eca
connman 1.28 A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices meta-luneos
connman-conf 1.0 Connman config to setup wired interface on qemu machines openembedded-core
connman-gnome 0.7 GTK+ frontend for the ConnMan network connection manager openembedded-core
connman-init-systemd 1.0 Initialization service for ConnMan meta-eca
connman-ncurses git A simple ncurses interface for ConnMan meta-eca
libconnman-qt 1.0.50+gitX Qt Library for ConnMan meta-oe
libconnman-qt 1.0.74+gitrX Qt bindings for the connman dbus API meta-luneos-backports-2-8
libconnman-qt 1.0.74+gitrX Qt bindings for the connman dbus API meta-luneos
libconnman-qte 1.0.50+gitX Qt Library for ConnMan meta-oe
opie-connmanapplet meta-opie
opie-connmansettings meta-opie
qconnman 0.0+gitrX ConnMan management interface done in Qt meta-oe
qconnman-e 0.0+gitrX ConnMan management interface done in Qt meta-oe
webos-connman-adapter 1.0.0-11+gitX Open webOS component for managing network connections using connman meta-luneos-backports-2-8
webos-connman-adapter 1.0.0-11+gitX Open webOS component for managing network connections using connman meta-luneos