Recipes and distro configuration for complete LuneOS images.

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meta-luneos web subdirectory

Last commit: 3 weeks, 6 days ago (master branch)


Recipe name Version Description
activitymanager 3.0.0-43 webOS component to manage all running activities.
anbox 3.0+git Android in a Box
anbox-data 1.0 Android in a Box - Android image
android-property-service 0.1.0-2+git Simple service to retrieve, set and get notified about android properties.
app-services 3.0.1-5+git JavaScript services for apps
appinstalld2 1.0.0-43 Application Install Service
applicationinstallerutility 3.0.0-5 The Application Installer Utility supports the installing and removing of applications on a HP webOS device.
ashmem 3.0+git Anonymous Shared Memory Subsystem, ashmem
audio-service 0.1.0-10+git Service interface to control pulseaudio through a ls2 based API.
audiod 1.0.0-71 webOS Audiod daemon and utilities
audiosystem-passthrough 1.2.1+git Audiosystem Passthrough
bareapp 1.0.0-23 Bare (no-enyo) test application
binder 3.0+git Android IPC Subsystem
bluebinder 1.0 Simple proxy for using android binder based bluetooth through vhci.
bluetooth-sil-api 1.0.0-26 webOS Bluetooth SIL API
bluetooth-sil-bluez5 0.1.0-84 webOS Bluetooth SIL implementation for bluez5
bluez5-conf 1.0.0 Machine specific configuration files for bluez5
bootd 2.0.0-22 Bootd single-shot launching service
busybox-static 1.37.0 Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable
cambufferlib 1.0.0-13 Camera Shared Memory library for webOS
certmgrd 0.1.0-1+git Certificate Management Service
com.palm.keymanager 0.1.0+git Keymanager implementation for webOS ports 0.0.1-17 Camera application 1.0.0-83 Enact Based Web Browser 0.1.0-39 General System Launcher application 0.0.1-15 Image Viewer application 1.0.0-17 Mediagallery QML App 1.0.0-8 webOS OSE sample app for flow 0.1.0-17 General System Launcher application 0.0.1-6 Status Bar Application 1.0.0-23 Enact test application 1.0.0-23 MediaController Test Application 1.0.0-23 v8 snapshot test application 1.0.0-23 webOS OSE test application 1.0.0-23 WebRTC 1.0.0-23 YouTube Test Application 0.0.1-7 Video Call Application 0.0.1-12 Video Player application 0.1.0-16 General System Volume UI application 1.0.0-11 Ai service for voice/face/gesture recognition
com.webos.service.audiofocusmanager 1.0.0-8 webOS audiofocusmanager
com.webos.service.audiooutput 1.0.0-5 Service which controls audio output
com.webos.service.battery 1.0.0-1+git Battery & charger daemon
com.webos.service.bluetooth2 1.0.0-76 webOS Bluetooth management service 1.0.0-47 Camera service framework to control camera devices
com.webos.service.cec 1.0.0-6 HDMI CEC service for webOS OSE
com.webos.service.contextintentmgr 1.0.0-19 Node-red based context intent manager (CIM)
com.webos.service.flowmanager 1.0.0-8 webOS Flow manager
com.webos.service.hfp 1.0.0-34 Bluetooth HFP(Hands Free Profile) support service
com.webos.service.intent 1.0.0-22 Intent Manager
com.webos.service.location 1.0.0-105 location framework which provides location based services implementing location handlers, plugins, and Luna location service
com.webos.service.mediacontroller 1.0.0-32 Mediacontroller service
com.webos.service.mediaindexer 1.0.0-28 Media indexer service
com.webos.service.mediarecorder 1.0.0-7 Media Recorder Service
com.webos.service.memorymanager 1.0.0-63 Memory Manager
com.webos.service.pdm 1.0.1-85 Physical Device Manager handles physical devices using netlink events
com.webos.service.peripheralmanager 1.0.0-14 Peripheral Manager service for webOS OSE
com.webos.service.power2 1.0.0-13 Power manager service handles device suspend/resume/display states
com.webos.service.sdkagent 1.0.0-12 SDK Agent service for telegraf
com.webos.service.storageaccess 1.0.0-26 Storage Access Framework for OSE
com.webos.service.tts 1.0.0-29 webOS text to speech service
com.webos.service.unifiedsearch 1.0.0-14 Unified search service
configd 1.2.0-23 webOS Configuration Service
configd-data 1.0.0-2+git webOS Configuration Service data
configurator 3.0.0-14 Creates the database schema for webOS apps
cordova 2.3.0-1+git PhoneGap is a web platform that exposes native mobile device apis and data to JavaScript.
core-apps 3.0.0-2+git Core applications that are part of Open webOS
crash-handler 0.6+git Tim Bird's experimental crash_handler program.
db8 3.2.0-32 A userspace service that provides access to the webOS database
dbus-cpp 5.0.0+git A header-only dbus-binding leveraging C++-11.
ecryptfs-utils 111 The eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries
enact-dev-native 6.0.4 enact-dev command-line tools used by webOS
enact-framework 4.5.3 Enact moonstone standard override used for Enact apps
enact-sandstone 2.7.3 Enact Sandstone standard override used for Enact apps
enyo-1.0 1.0-128.2+git Enyo 1.0 JavaScript application framework
event-monitor 1.1.0-15 Event Monitoring Service for generic notifications
event-monitor-network 1.0.0-5 Event Monitoring for Network service
event-monitor-pdm 1.0.0-8 Event Monitoring for com.webos.service.pdm service
filecache 2.0.1-13 webOS daemon to cache filesystem requests
foundation-frameworks 1.1-3+git Loadable foundation frameworks for apps and services
freeimage 3.17.0 FreeImage tool used by WhatsApp Purple
g-camera-pipeline 1.0.0-gav.58 g-camera-pipeline is a player which uses GStreamer
g-media-pipeline 1.0.0-gav.53 G media pipeline is a media pipeline which uses GStreamer
g-media-pipeline-clang 1.0.0-gav.53 G media pipeline is a media pipeline which uses GStreamer
googleapis git Public interface definitions of Google APIs
googletest-clang 1.16.0 Google's framework for writing C++ tests
gphotofs 0.5 FUSE filesystem module to mount camera
gstreamer1.0-plugins-webos 1.18.2-6 GStreamer plugin for webOS
gstreamer1.0-plugins-webosrs 1.18.5-rust.3 GStreamer Rust Plugins common for webos
ilib-qml-plugin 11.0.0-6 iLib Qml loader
ilib-webapp 14.20.0-32 iLib code and locale data
imaccountvalidator 3.0.5+git Instant Messaging Account Validator service
imemanager 1.0.0-30 Maliit Input Method Plugins
imlibpurpleservice 3.0.5+git Instant Messaging service
jemalloc 0.20080828a-0webos9-7 webOS of the open-source FreeBSD memory allocation library
jsdoc-to-ts-native 1.0.0 A tool to convert jsdoc to typescript definition files
jsoncpp-clang 1.9.6 JSON C++ lib used to read and write json file.
key-state 0.0.1+git Small utility probing the current key state on an input device
kf5bluezqt-mer 5.24.0+git Qt 5 and QML bindings for the Bluez5 dbus API
leveldb-tl 1.0.6+git LevelDB Template Library
libbson 1.9.0+git A BSON utility library
libconnman-qt 1.3.3+git Qt 5/6 Library for ConnMan
libgbinder 1.1.35 Library used to interact with Android's binder module.
libgbinder-radio 1.5.6 Library used to interact with Android's binder module.
libgdrive 0.0.1+git Google Drive for SAF
libglibutil 1.0.61-1+git Library of glib utilities.
libgoogleassistant 1.0.1-10 Google assistant engine library
libgrilio 1.0.39-1+git Library of glib utilities.
libmce-glib 1.0.7-1+git GLib bindings for mce.
libofonobinderpluginext 1.1.12 Extension framework for ofono binder plugin
libpalmsocket 2.0.0-33+git Palm Socket Library with SSL Support
libpmscore 1.0.0-11 pmscore handles device states
libqofono 0.123 Qt 5 bindings for the ofono dbus API
libqofonoext 1.029+git Qt 6 bindings for the ofono dbus API for Jolla's oFono extensions
libqtubuntu-media-signals 0.3+bzr21 Library that coordinates media libraries across thread contexts
libsandbox 2.0.0-3 libsandbox is a collection of APIs for separating running programs
libsuspend 1.0.0-2+git Small library implementing Android suspend mechanism
libwebos-application 0.1.0-3+git libwebos-application implements lifecycle support for native applications.
libwebosi18n 1.0.1-10 libwebosi18n library can be used by non-QT C++ components for localization
loadable-frameworks 1.0.1-2+git Loadable frameworks component for the core applications
loc-utils 1.0.0-22 Utility library used in Location Framework
localization-tool-native 1.16.0 A localization tool is written in JavaScript
location-service 0.1.0+git LuneOS Location service
ls2-helpers 1.0.0-4 Luna service C++11 helpers library
luna-applauncher 4.0.1-2+git Just Type application for Open webOS
luna-appmanager 1.0.0-22+git webOS ports Application Manager
luna-downloadmgr 4.0.0-14 The Download Manager service supports the downloading and uploading of files to and from a HP webOS device.
luna-init 2.0.1-11 Initialization, setup, and font files used by luna-sysmgr and luna-sysservice
luna-next-cardshell 0.6-0+git Card shell implementation for the next generation webOS UI
luna-surfacemanager 2.0.0-402 The core of the Luna Surface Manager (compositor)
luna-surfacemanager-conf 1.0 Platform specific configuration files for Luna SurfaceManager compositor
luna-sysmgr 3.0.0-4+git Open webOS System Manager
luna-sysmgr-conf 3.1 Open webOS System Manager - machine specific configuration files
luna-sysservice 4.4.0-26 Provides preference, timezone and ringtone services
luna-systemui 2.0.1-2+git WebOS user interface support module
luna-universalsearchmgr 2.0.0-1+git Open webOS Just Type daemon
luneos-components 0.5+git LuneOS QML components
luneos-default-wallpapers 1.0.0-1+git LuneOS default wallpapers
luneos-dev-emulator-appliance 1.0 Developers LuneOS emulator appliance
luneos-dev-image 1.0 Developers LuneOS image
luneos-dev-package 1.0.3+git
luneos-emulator-appliance 1.0 LuneOS emulator appliance
luneos-image 1.0 Reference Open webOS image
luneos-package 1.0.3+git
luneos-sdk 1.0 Meta package for building a installable toolchain
luneui-example-emulator-appliance 1.0 LuneUI example emulator appliance
luneui-example-package 1.0.3+git
lxc 4.0.6 lxc aims to use these new functionnalities to provide an userspace container object
maliit-framework-webos 0.99.0+20-102 Maliit Input Method Framework
media-codec-interface 1.0.0-27 Media codec interface for webOS
media-codec-interface-clang 1.0.0-27 Media codec interface for webOS
media-permission-service 0.1.0+git Node.js service to ask for permission to media indexer database.
media-resource-calculator 1.0.0-14 Media Resource Calculator for webOS
media-resource-calculator-clang 1.0.0-14 Media Resource Calculator for webOS
mediaindexer 0.1.0-14+git The mediaindexer service component
memnotify-module 1.0.1+git System-wide memory meter and notifier pseudo-device
messaging-accounts 1.0 Messaging IM Account Templates & Validator
mksnapshot-cross-i686 108.0.5359.217-32
mmsd 0.0+git Open Source MMS management daemon
mojoloader 1.1-3 JavaScript loader for foundation frameworks and other loadable libraries
mojomail-common 2.0.0-99+git Common Email Service Library used by other email services
mojomail-imap 2.0.0-99+git IMAP sync transport for Open webOS
mojomail-pop 2.0.0-99+git POP3 email transport service for Open webOS
mojomail-smtp 2.0.0-99+git SMTP transport service for sending emails
mojoservice-frameworks 1.1-3+git Loadable frameworks for sync services
mojoservicelauncher 3.0.2-8 webOS component responsible for launching the node.js services
mtp-server 0.0.3+git Small server implementation of MTP (based on Android)
nemo-qml-plugin-dbus 2.1.28+git The Nemo Mobile D-Bus QML Plugin allows you to access services on the system and session bus, as well as provide your own services.
nmeaparser 1.0+git NMEA Parser Class Library
node-gyp-native 10.0.1+git Node.js native addon build tool
node-gyp-packages-native 0.12.2 Dependent packages and registry for node-gyp
node-red 3.0.2 Node-RED
node-sqlite3 3.1.13+git Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
nodejs-enyo-dev-native 0.5.2 enyo-dev command-line tools used by webOS
nodejs-module-webos-dynaload 3.0.2-4 A module for nodejs that allows dynamic loading and execution of Javascript files
nodejs-module-webos-pmlog 3.0.1-8 A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the webOS logging system
nodejs-module-webos-service 1.0.1-7 Loadable Node.js module for webOS services
nodejs-module-webos-sysbus 3.0.1-15 A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the webOS system bus
notificationmgr 1.0.0-27 Notification Manager
novacomd 2.0.0-124+git NovaCOMd -- Daemon for NovaCOM (device and host)
nyx-conf 1.0 Machine specific configuration file for the Nyx hardware abstraction layer
nyx-modules 7.1.0-24 webOS portability layer - qemux86-specific modules
nyx-modules-hybris 0.1.0-1+git webOS portability layer - libhybris based modules
ofono-binder-plugin 1.1.12 Binder based ofono plugin (Needed for Android 8.0+).
ofono-conf 1.0 Machine specific configuration for ofono
ofono-halium 1.29+git open source telephony
ofono-ril-binder-plugin 1.2.7 Implements libgrilio transport which allows to use binder IPC instead of RIL sockets. 1.3.6+git A terminal emulator with a custom virtual keyboard 0.1.1+git Calculator app re-written from scratch for Open webOS 0.0.2-1+git Camera application written from scratch for webOS ports 0.0.1+git Enyo 2 Contacts App for LuneOS 1.0.0+git File manager application for webOS ports 0.3.0-7+git webOS Ports First Use application 0.0.1+git Google Maps app re-written from scratch in Enyo 2 1.0.7+git Memos app re-written from scratch for Open webOS 0.0.1-2+git Messaging app written from scratch for webOS ports 0.1.0+git An application for reading sensors, ported from SFOS 1.0.0+git PDF viewer application based on Mozilla's pdf.js 0.1.1-0+git Phone app written from scratch for LuneOS 0.0.1+git Photos & Videos app re-written from scratch in Enyo 2 2.0.3+git Preware is a webOS on-device homebrew installer. 0.3.0-1+git Settings app written from scratch for LuneOS 0.4.0-1+git Settings app written from scratch in QML for LuneOS 1.0 Tasks App for LuneOS 0.1+git LuneOS terminal emulator 0.1.0+git Testing app for webOS ports
org.webosports.cdav 0.3.34+git Node.js service to provide synergy connector for CardDav and CalDav
org.webosports.service.devmode 0.1.0+git webOS Ports Developer mode management service
org.webosports.service.ipkg 2.0.0-2+git Package management service for webOS/LuneOS
org.webosports.service.licenses 0.1.0+git License management service for the webOS ports project
org.webosports.service.lumberjack 0.1.0+git Lumberjack is an easy tool for viewing logfiles for a specific application.
org.webosports.service.messaging 0.1.0+git webOS Ports Messaging service
org.webosports.service.update 0.1.0+git webOS Ports system update service
org.webosports.tweaks 3.0.3+git
packagegroup-luneos-development 1.0 Development components use by the webOS ports project
packagegroup-luneos-extended 1.0 Basic set of components use by the webOS ports project
packagegroup-webos-extended 1.0 meta-webos components used in LuneOS
packagegroup-webos-telephony 1.0 Telephony components use by the Open webOS ports project
pdm-plugin 1.0.1-11 Pdm-plugin to support Physical device manager for webOS OSE
phonesim 2.0+git Phone Simulator for modem testing
pmcertificatemgr 2.0.0-29+git Provides certificate storage and wrapper API on openssl certificate manipulation functions
pmklogd 2.0.0-2 Kernel logging daemon
pmlogctl 3.0.0-3 webOS logging control application
pmlogdaemon 3.1.0-15 webOS logging daemon
pms-support-reference 1.0.0-4 Reference power manager plugin
pmstatemachineengine 2.0.0-13+git Open webOS library for implementing finite state machines
pmtrace 1.0.0-17 lttng-ust tracepoints wrapper library and performance tools
powerstat 0.03.03+git Powerstat measures the power consumption of a laptop using the ACPI battery information.
presage 0.9.1 Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry system.
process-cpp 3.0.1+git A simple convenience library for handling processes in C++11.
ptmalloc3 1.0 Multi-thread malloc implementation
pulseaudio-distro-conf 1.0 Distribution specific configuration for Pulseaudio
pulseaudio-modules-droid 17.0.88+git PulseAudio Droid HAL modules
pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl 1.4.0+git PulseAudio Droid HIDL module
pulseaudio-pulsecore-private-headers 17.0 Sound server for Linux and Unix-like operating systems
python3-gbinder 1.1.2+git Cython extension module for gbinder
python3-jsonschema 4.17.3 An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
python3-pyclip 0.5.4 Cross-platform clipboard utilities supporting both binary and text data.
qml-app-components 1.0.0-6 webOS QML app components
qml-webos-bridge 1.0.0-135 webOS QML LS2 bridge
qml-webos-components 1.0.0-59 Shareable QML components for webOS
qml-webos-framework 1.0.0-169 QML widgets and runtime framework for webOS apps
qmltermwidget 0.14.1+git A terminal emulator QML widget, based on LXQt's QTermWidget
qt-features-webos 1.0.0-55 Common Qt features for webOS components
qt-plugin-generic-vboxtouch 1.1.4+git Touchscreen driver for integrated mouse pointer in VirtualBox
qt6-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin 6.3.0+git This QPA plugin allows rendering on top of libhybris-based hwcomposer EGL platforms. The hwcomposer API is specific to a given Droid release, and sometimes also SoC type (generic, qcom, exynos4, ...).
qtbase-plugins-webos 1.0.0-24 webOS extension for qtbase plugins
qtlocation-luneos-plugin 6.3.0+git QtPosition LuneOS plugin for qtlocation/qtpositioning
qtscenegraph-adaptation 0.8.0+git System specific changes for the Qt Quick Scene Graph.
qtsensors-sensorfw-plugin 6.5.2+git Sensorfw plugin for qtsensors
qtubuntu-camera 0.3.3+bzr168 QCamera plugin for the qtubuntu camera backend
qtvideo-node 0.2.1+git VideoOutput plugin for the camera backend
qtwayland-webos 6.0.0-93 webOS extension for Qtwayland
sam 2.0.0-71 System Application Manager
sdl2-opengles-test 1.0.6+git SDL2 OpenGL ES Test Applications
sensorfw 0.14.4+git Sensor Framework provides access to hardware sensors and additional logical products calculated from them.
settingsservice 1.0.22-20 Settings Service
settingsservice-conf 1.0.0-11 Settings Service Configs
simple-shader 0.0.1+git Utility for testing GLES shaders on a device.
sleepd 2.0.0-17 Sleep scheduling policy daemon
smemstat 0.01.10+git Smemstat reports the physical memory usage taking into consideration shared memory.
snowboy 1.3.0 Snowboy Hotword Detection by KITT.AI
squashfs 1.0 Squashfs compressed read-only filesystem
storaged 2.1.0-5+git Mass Storage Mode Manager
telegraf 1.21.4 Telegraf is the open source server agent to help you collect metrics from your stacks, sensors, and systems.
test.redirection.backgroundmedia 1.0.0-23 Background Media Test Application
tidy-html5 0.99+git Tidy corrects and cleans up HTML content by fixing markup errors.
umediaserver 1.0.0-gav.46 webOS uMediaserver daemon and utilities
umediaserver-clang 1.0.0-gav.46 webOS uMediaserver daemon and utilities
umediaserver-configs 1.0.0-17 umediaserver configs installation
umi 1.0.0-10 AudioOutputd adaptation layer (UMI) API definition and test harness
underscore 0.6.0-8+git The underscore.js utility-belt library for JavaScript made into an Open webOS loadable framework
voicecall 0.7.14+git Voice call management engine
wam 1.0.2-92 WebAppMgr is responsible for running web applications on webOS
wam-clang 1.0.2-92 WebAppMgr is responsible for running web applications on webOS
waydroid 1.4.2+git Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system
waydroid-data 1.0 Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system
wca-support 1.0.0-5 webOS connman adapter support library
wca-support-api 1.0.0-5 webOS connman adapter support API
webos-connman-adapter 1.1.0-43 webOS component for managing network connections using connman
webos-fontconfig-files 1.0.0-5 Private configuration files for fontconfig
webos-initscripts 3.0.0-100 Systemd service files for system services
webos-keyboard 0.99.2+git webOS on-screen keyboard based on the Ubuntu Touch keyboard
webos-nettools 1.1.0-6 Luna-service2 service providing network utility tools like ping and arping
webos-system-update 1.0.0-4+git Application to start and monitor the update of the WebOS-Ports system
webos-systemd-services 1.0+git Service configurations run Open webOS daemons with systemd
webos-systemsounds 1.0.0+git System sounds effects for webOS
webos-telephonyd 0.1.0-1+git LuneOS Telephony management daemon
webos-users-groups 1.0 User and group configuration for webOS
webos-wayland-extensions 1.0.0-46 Wayland protocol extensions for webOS
webruntime 108.0.5359.217-32 Chromium webruntime for webOS
webruntime-clang 108.0.5359.217-32 Chromium webruntime for webOS
Date/time Errors Warnings
Feb. 26, 2025, 3:01 p.m. 1