Recipe name Version Description Layer
apt 1.2.24 Advanced front-end for dpkg openembedded-core
apt-native 1.2.24 Advanced front-end for dpkg openembedded-core
avoutput-adaptation-layer-api meta-webosose
avoutput-adaptation-layer-mock meta-webosose
capture-tiny-perl 0.46 Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture almost anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured while being passed through to the original filehandles. Yes, it even works on Windows (usually). Stop guessing which of a dozen capturing modules to use in any particular situation and just use this one. meta-cpan
io-captureoutput-perl 1.1104 This module is no longer recommended by the maintainer - see Capture::Tiny instead. meta-cpan
kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive 2.1.13+gitrX kodi inputstream addon for several manifest types meta-kodi
libcapture-tiny-perl 0.46 Capture::Tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs. meta-perl
libqapt 3.0.3 A Qt wrapper library/APT implementation around the libapt-pkg library meta-qt5-extra
log-any-adapter-daemontools-perl 0.101 In the daemontools way of thinking, a daemon writes all its logging output to STDOUT (or STDERR), which is a pipe to a logger process. Doing this instead of other logging alternatives keeps your program simple and allows you to capture errors generated by deeper libraries (like libc) which aren't aware of your logging API. If you want complicated logging you can keep those details in the logging process and not bloat each daemon you write. meta-cpan
log-any-adapter-dispatch-perl 0.08 This Log::Any adapter uses Log::Dispatch for logging. meta-cpan
python-wrapt 1.10.5 A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. meta-openstack
python-wrapt 1.10.11 A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. meta-python
python-wrapt 1.10.11 A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. meta-python2
python3-wrapt 1.10.11 A Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. meta-python
python3-wrapt-native 1.11.2 wrapt meta-sca
qtscenegraph-adaptation meta-luneos-backports-2-8
qtscenegraph-adaptation meta-luneos
raptor2 2.0.15 Library for parsing and serializing RDF syntaxes meta-oe
videooutput-adaptation-layer-api meta-webosose
videooutput-adaptation-layer-mock meta-webosose
webos-connman-adapter meta-luneos-backports-2-8
webos-connman-adapter meta-luneos
webos-connman-adapter meta-webosose
xf86-input-synaptics 1.9.0 X.Org X server -- synaptics touchpad input driver openembedded-core
aircrack-ng 1.2 Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks meta-security
bmap-tools 3.4 Tools to generate block map (AKA bmap) and flash images using bmap openembedded-core
cmpi-bindings git Adapter to write and run CMPI-type CIM providers meta-oe
haveged 1.9.1 haveged - A simple entropy daemon meta-oe
http-negotiate-perl 6.01 This module provides a complete implementation of the HTTP content negotiation algorithm specified in chapter 12. Content negotiation allows for the selection of a preferred content representation based upon attributes of the negotiable variants and the value of the various Accept* header fields in the request. meta-cpan
irda-utils 0.9.18 Common files for IrDA openembedded-core
jaxen 1.1.6 XPath library written in Java meta-java
kapman 17.12.3 Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man meta-qt5-extra
libcec 4.0.1+gitrX USB CEC Adaptor communication Library meta-oe
libcec 4.0.2+gitX USB CEC Adaptor communication Library meta-kodi
libdc1394 2.2.5+gitrX Capture and control API for IIDC compliant cameras meta-multimedia
libhybris 0.1.0+gitrX Hybris is a solution that commits hybris, by allowing us to use bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems meta-android
libpcap 1.8.1 Interface for user-level network packet capture openembedded-core
librealsense 1.12.1 A cross-platform library for capturing data from the Intel® RealSense™ F200, SR300, R200, LR200 and the ZR300 cameras meta-intel-realsense
libxv 1.0.11 Xv: X Video extension library openembedded-core
log-any-perl 1.705 "Log::Any" provides a standard log production API for modules. Log::Any::Adapter allows applications to choose the mechanism for log consumption, whether screen, file or another logging mechanism like Log::Dispatch or Log::Log4perl. meta-cpan
moox-log-any-perl 0.004004 A logging role building a very lightweight wrapper to Log::Any for use with your Moo or Moose classes. Connecting a Log::Any::Adapter should be performed prior to logging the first log message, otherwise nothing will happen, just like with Log::Any meta-cpan
ncurses 6.0+20171125 The New Curses library openembedded-core
opencore-amr 0.1.3 OpenCORE Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec library implementation meta-multimedia
powerstat 0.01.32 Powerstat measures the power consumption of a laptop using the ACPI battery information. meta-luneos-backports-2-8
powerstat 0.01.32 Powerstat measures the power consumption of a laptop using the ACPI battery information. meta-luneos
python-bugsnag 2.0.2 Automatic error monitoring for django, flask, etc. meta-virtualization
python-psycopg2 2.6.2 Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter meta-openstack
python-python-editor 0.4+gitX Programmatically open an editor, capture the result meta-openstack
python3-requests-file 1.4.2 File transport adapter for Requests meta-python