Recipe name Version Description Layer
binutils-cross-canadian meta-debian
binutils-cross-canadian-i586 2.24 GNU binary utilities (cross-canadian for i586 target) openembedded-core
binutils-cross-canadian-i586 linaro-2.24 GNU binary utilities (cross-canadian for i586 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
can-utils 0.0+gitrX Linux CAN network development utilities meta-oe
canterbury-corpus 1.0 Intel Quick Assist Driver - Canterbury Corpus meta-intel
canutils 4.0.6 canutils (PTX flavour) meta-oe
dey-examples-can 1.0 DEY examples: CAN bus test application meta-digi-dey
gcc-cross-canadian meta-debian
gcc-cross-canadian-i586 4.8.2 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i586 target) openembedded-core
gcc-cross-canadian-i586 4.6.3+svnrX GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i586 target) toolchain-layer
gcc-cross-canadian-i586 linaro-4.8 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i586 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
gdb-cross-canadian meta-debian
gdb-cross-canadian-i586 7.6.2 GNU debugger (cross-canadian gdb for i586 target) openembedded-core
gdb-cross-canadian-i586 linaro-7.6.1 GNU debugger (cross-canadian gdb for i586 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
libcanberra 0.29 Implementation of XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications meta-oe
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3 A powerful object-oriented display meta-gnome
libsocketcan 0.0.9 Control basic functions in socketcan from userspace meta-oe
lightmediascanner 0.4.4 Lightweight media scanner meant to be used in not-so-powerful devices meta-efl
packagegroup-arago-cross-canadian-qemux86 1.0 Host Arago SDK package for cross canadian toolchain meta-arago-extras
packagegroup-cross-canadian-qemux86 1.0 Host SDK package for cross canadian toolchain openembedded-core
qcanobserver 0.5+svnrX The Linux CAN Sniffer meta-oe
qcanobserver-socketcan 0.5+svnrX The Linux CAN Sniffer - SocketCAN driver meta-oe
wpa-supplicant 2.1 Client for Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) openembedded-core
wpa-supplicant-wl18xx R8.5-devel-ti+gitX Client for Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) meta-arago-extras
autoconf 2.69 A GNU tool that procude shell scripts to automatically configure software openembedded-core
bdwgc 7.2d A garbage collector for C and C++ openembedded-core
build-appliance-image 8.0 An image containing the build system itself openembedded-core
builder 0.1 New user to do specific job openembedded-core
buildtools-tarball 1.0 Standalone tarball for running builds on systems with inadequate software openembedded-core
cairo 1.12.16 The Cairo 2D vector graphics library openembedded-core
cairomm 1.10.0 C++ bindings for Cairo graphics library meta-oe
capture-tiny-perl 0.30 Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture almost anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured while being passed through to the original filehandles. Yes, it even works on Windows (usually). Stop guessing which of a dozen capturing modules to use in any particular situation and just use this one. meta-cpan
chroot-script 1.0 Simple init script to chroot into an exisiting rootfs somewhere we can't boot into directly meta-android
class-data-inheritable-perl 0.08 Class::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators to class data. That is, if you want to store something about your class as a whole (instead of about a single object). This data is then inherited by your subclasses and can be overriden. meta-cpan
class-inspector-perl 1.28 Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information. meta-cpan
class-singleton-perl 1.5 This is the \"Class::Singleton\" module. A Singleton describes an object class that can have only one instance in any system. An example of a Singleton might be a print spooler or system registry. This module implements a Singleton class from which other classes can be derived. By itself, the \"Class::Singleton\" module does very little other than manage the instantiation of a single object. In deriving a class from \"Class::Singleton\", your module will inherit the Singleton instantiation method and can implement whatever specific functionality is required. meta-cpan
class-xsaccessor-perl 1.19 Class::XSAccessor implements fast read, write and read/write accessors in XS. Additionally, it can provide predicates such as \"has_foo()\" for testing whether the attribute \"foo\" exists in the object (which is different from \"is defined within the object\"). It only works with objects that are implemented as ordinary hashes. Class::XSAccessor::Array implements the same interface for objects that use arrays for their internal representation. meta-cpan
clutter-gtk-1.0 1.4.4 Library for embedding a Clutter canvas in a GTK+ application openembedded-core
connman 1.22 A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices openembedded-core
connman 1.24 A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices meta-luneos-backports-2-8
connman 1.23+gitX A daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices meta-eca
core-image-lsb-dev 1.0 Basic image without X support suitable for development work. It can be used for customization and implementations that conform to Linux Standard Base (LSB). openembedded-core
criu 0.2+gitX CRIU meta-virtualization
crypt-cbc-perl 2.33 This module is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher block chaining mode (CBC). In combination with a block cipher such as DES or IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length. The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption format used by the OpenSSL package. meta-cpan
crypt-ripemd160-perl 0.06 The Crypt::RIPEMD160 module allows you to use the RIPEMD160 Message Digest algorithm from within Perl programs. The module is based on the implementation from Antoon Bosselaers from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. A new RIPEMD160 context object is created with the new operation. Multiple simultaneous digest contexts can be maintained, if desired. The context is updated with the add operation which adds the strings contained in the *LIST* parameter. Note, however, that \"add('foo', 'bar')\", \"add('foo')\" followed by \"add('bar')\" and \"add('foobar')\" should all give the same result. The final message digest value is returned by the digest operation as a 20-byte binary string. This operation delivers the result of add operations since the last new or reset operation. Note that the digest operation is effectively a destructive, read-once operation. Once it has been performed, the context must be reset before being used to calculate another digest value. Several convenience functions are also provided. The addfile operation takes an open file-handle and reads it until end-of file in 8192 byte blocks adding the contents to the context. The file-handle can either be specified by name or passed as a type-glob reference, as shown in the examples below. The hexdigest operation calls digest and returns the result as a printable string of hexdecimal digits. This is exactly the same operation as performed by the unpack operation in the examples below. The hash operation can act as either a static member function (ie you invoke it on the RIPEMD160 class as in the synopsis above) or as a normal virtual function. In both cases it performs the complete RIPEMD160 cycle (reset, add, digest) on the supplied scalar value. This is convenient for handling small quantities of data. When invoked on the class a temporary context is created. When invoked through an already created context object, this context is used. The latter form is slightly more efficient. The hexhash operation is analogous to hexdigest. meta-cpan
cryptsetup 1.6.2 Manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted volumes meta-oe
dancer2-plugin-auth-yarbac-perl 0.009 YARBAC is a role based user authentication and authorisation framework for Dancer2 apps. Designed with security and a medium to large user base in mind. This framework was heavily inspired by the excellent Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible framework which I'd highly recommend. YARBAC was designed to support secure password checking, enforced password hashing, multiple authentication realms and the ability to create your own backend provider. YARBAC was also designed to to be as flexible and as feature rich as possible in the hope that I'll never have to write RBAC code for Dancer again. :) While similar to Extensible in some ways, this framework has some significantly different approaches. These differences were born out of my own experiences writing RBAC code for various Dancer apps and finding myself always having to extend existing modules or starting from scratch or worse still, copy/paste my old code then reworking it. The major difference with YARBAC is that it tries to be a complete solution to the problem. However in order to be a little more flexible and feature rich in some areas it is also a little more opinionated in others. The main area of opinion in YARBAC is how it achieves role-based access control. YARBAC is structed with users, roles, groups and permissions. A user can have many roles but it might be a good idea in larger enviornments to only allow a user to have one role and then assign that role have many groups. Think of a role as being a role-group. Then there are groups which have many permissions. A user can have one or more roles, a role can have one or more groups and groups can have one or more permissions. This means when deciding if a user is authorised we could require they be logged in, or have a specifc role, or specific group, or a specific group with a specific permission and so on. To put it another way, this design moves the access control down to the role-group relationship thus allowing one to quickly and easily see, assign or revoke permissions to a user even when dealing with a fairly complex authorisation environment. meta-cpan
dbd-sqlite-perl 1.48 SQLite is a public domain file-based relational database engine that you can find at <>. meta-cpan
devel-globaldestruction-perl 0.13 Perl's global destruction is a little tricky to deal with WRT finalizers because it's not ordered and objects can sometimes disappear. meta-cpan
devel-mat-perl 0.20 A \"Devel::MAT\" instance loads a heapdump file, and provides a container to store analysis tools to work on it. Tools may be provided that conform to the Devel::MAT::Tool API, which can help analyse the data and interact with the explorer user interface by using the methods in the Devel::MAT::UI package. meta-cpan