Recipe name Version Description Layer
binutils-cross-canadian-i686 2.32.0 GNU binary utilities (cross-canadian for i686 target) openembedded-core
binutils-cross-canadian-i686 linaro-2.25 GNU binary utilities (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
binutils-cross-canadian-i686 linaro-2.27 GNU binary utilities (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
can-isotpblacklisted 1.0+gitX meta-oe
can-msgs 0.8.2-1 CAN related message types. meta-ros1-melodic
can-msgs 2.0.0-1 CAN related message types. meta-ros2-dashing
can-msgs 2.0.0-1 CAN related message types. meta-ros2-eloquent
can-utils 0.0+gitrX Linux CAN network development utilities meta-oe
canboat 1.0 CANBOAT meta-yoe
cannelloni 20160414+X a SocketCAN over Ethernet tunnel meta-networking
canopen-402blacklisted 0.8.2-1 This implements the CANopen device profile for drives and motion control. CiA(r) 402 meta-ros1-melodic
canopen-chain-nodeblacklisted 0.8.2-1 Base implementation for CANopen chains node with support for management services and diagnostics meta-ros1-melodic
canopen-masterblacklisted 0.8.2-1 CiA(r) CANopen 301 master implementation with support for interprocess master synchronisation. meta-ros1-melodic
canopen-motor-nodeblacklisted 0.8.2-1 canopen_chain_node specialization for handling of canopen_402 motor devices. It facilitates interface abstraction with ros_control. meta-ros1-melodic
cantarell-fonts 0.0.25 Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family openembedded-core
canutils 4.0.6 canutils (PTX flavour) meta-oe
cargo-cross-canadian meta-rust
cargo-cross-canadian meta-rust
clang-cross-canadian-i686 9.0.1 Clang/LLVM based C/C++ compiler (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-clang
cob-canopen-motorblacklisted 0.7.1-1 The package cob_canopen_motor implements a controller-drive component which is connected to a can-bus and works with a canopen-interface. "CanDriveItf" provides a - more or less - generic interface to the controller-drive components. "CanDrvie..." then implements a specific setup, e.g. an ELMO Harmonica Controller in case of the "CanDriveHarmonica". meta-ros1-melodic
cob-generic-canblacklisted 0.7.1-1 The package cob_generic_can provides an interface for nodes on a can-bus and examplary wrappers for two PeakSys-can-libs. When a can-bus-device is generated (for an example see base_dirve_chain) you can use generic_can to create as many itfs as there will be components communicating via this can-bus. Assign type of the can communication device (e.g. usb-to-can or can-card of a specific vendor) and can-address of the target device. This package comes with wrappers for PeakSys and PeakSysUSB adapters. meta-ros1-melodic
cob-mecanum-controller 0.8.11-1 The cob_mecanum_controller_node provides a lightweight base controller for mecanum drive robots. The out/input for the wheel command/state are wheel velocities in rad/s for the wheels [front left, front right, rear left, rear right] meta-ros1-melodic
cob-scan-unifier 0.7.1-1 The cob_scan_unifier package holds code to unify two or more laser-scans to one unified scan-message meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-can 1.0.15-1 CAN bus tools using Dataspeed hardware meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-can-msg-filters 1.0.15-1 Time synchronize multiple CAN messages to get a single callback meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-can-tools 1.0.15-1 CAN bus introspection meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-can-usb 1.0.15-1 Driver to interface with the Dataspeed Inc. USB CAN Tool meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-pds-can 1.0.2 Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Power Distribution System (PDS) via CAN meta-ros1-melodic
dataspeed-ulc-can 0.0.5-1 Package to translate ROS messages to and from CAN messages to interact with the Universal Lat/Lon Controller (ULC) firmware meta-ros1-melodic
dbw-fca-can 1.0.9-1 Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Chrysler Pacifica DBW kit meta-ros1-melodic
dbw-mkz-can 1.2.7-1 Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Lincoln MKZ DBW kit meta-ros1-melodic
depthimage-to-laserscan 1.0.8 depthimage_to_laserscan meta-ros1-melodic
depthimage-to-laserscan 2.2.5-1 depthimage_to_laserscan meta-ros2-dashing
depthimage-to-laserscan 2.2.5-1 depthimage_to_laserscan meta-ros2-eloquent
depthimage-to-laserscan 2.3.0-1 depthimage_to_laserscan meta-ros2-foxy
gcc-cross-canadian-i686 9.2.0 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i686 target) openembedded-core
gcc-cross-canadian-i686 arm-8.3 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
gcc-cross-canadian-i686 arm-8.2 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
gcc-cross-canadian-i686 linaro-7.2 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
gcc-cross-canadian-i686 arm-9.2 GNU cc and gcc C compilers (cross-canadian for i686 target) meta-linaro-toolchain
gdb-cross-canadian-i686 8.3.1 GNU debugger (cross-canadian gdb for i686 target) openembedded-core
gdb-cross-canadian-i686 7.7.1 GNU debugger (cross-canadian gdb for i686 target) meta-xilinx
go-cross-canadian-i686 1.12.9 Go programming language compiler openembedded-core
go-cross-canadian-i686 1.14.7 Go programming language compiler meta-mender-core
go-cross-canadian-i686 1.16.13 Go programming language compiler meta-shellhub
laser-scan-densifier 0.7.1-1 The laser_scan_densifier takes in a LaserScan message and densifies it. Node is inspired by laser_scan_sparsifier ( meta-ros1-melodic
laser-scan-publisher-tutorial 0.2.3-1 The laser_scan_publisher_tutorial package meta-ros1-melodic
libcanary-stability-perl 2013 Canary::Stability - canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules meta-shift
libcanberra 0.30 Implementation of XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications meta-oe
libntcan 0.6.15-1 This package wraps the libntcan to use it as a ros dependency. meta-ros1-melodic