Recipe name Version Description Layer
apache-websocket 0.1.2+git Websocket module for Apache web server meta-webserver 1.0 meta-go
libwebsockets 4.3.3 Canonical websocket library meta-oe
libwebsockets git libwebsockets library meta-mibtec
libwebsockets 3.1.0 Websocket C library meta-sitec-bsp
libwebsockets 3.2.3+gitX Canonical websocket library meta-tanowrt
libwebsockets 2.4.2+gitX Canonical websocket library meta-tanowrt
python-websocket-client 0.40.0 WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. meta-maker
python-websocket-client 0.44.0 websocket-client module is WebSocket client for python. This provide the low level APIs for WebSocket. All APIs are the synchronous functions meta-vesta
python-websocket-client 1.0 WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. meta-device-cloud
python-websocket-client 0.57.0 WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. meta-python2
python3-gevent-websocket 0.10.1 Websocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library meta-openstack
python3-gevent-websocket 0.10.1 Websocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library meta-cloud-services
python3-websocket-client 1.7.0 websocket client for python meta-python
python3-websocket-client 1.0 WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. meta-device-cloud
python3-websockets 13.1 An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) openembedded-core
python3-websockets 3.3 An implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) meta-device-cloud
qtwebsockets 5.15.13+gitX meta-qt5
qtwebsockets 6.9.0 meta-qt6
rmf-websocket 2.7.1-1 A package managing the websocket api endpoints in RMF system. meta-ros2-rolling
rmf-websocket 2.1.8-1 A package managing the websocket api endpoints in RMF system. meta-ros2-humble
rmf-websocket 2.2.5-1 A package managing the websocket api endpoints in RMF system. meta-ros2-iron
rubygems-em-websocket 0.5.3 RubyGem: em-websocket meta-rubygems
websocketd 0.4.1 Application for routing native applications via websockets meta-arago-extras
websocketpp 0.8.2 C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. meta-oe
wilc-websocket-demo 1.0+gitX WLAN Application to provision WILC via HTTP Web page meta-atmel
zephyr-websocket-client 2.7.1+gitX meta-zephyr
async-web-server-cpp 1.0.3-1 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros1-melodic
async-web-server-cpp 1.0.0-1 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-dashing
async-web-server-cpp 2.0.0-1 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-foxy
async-web-server-cpp 2.0.0-5 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-rolling
async-web-server-cpp 1.0.3-1 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros1-noetic
async-web-server-cpp 2.0.0-2 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-galactic
async-web-server-cpp 2.0.0-3 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-humble
async-web-server-cpp 2.0.0-5 Asynchronous Web/WebSocket Server in C++ meta-ros2-iron
mongoose 7.11 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.10 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.14 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.6 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.5 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.4 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.3 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
mongoose 7.2 Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library meta-iris-thirdparty
nanomsg 1.0.0+gitX nanomsg is a socket library that provides several common communication patterns. meta-cube
nopoll 0.4.6.b400 OpenSource WebSocket Toolkit meta-networking
python-tornado 6.0.3 Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. meta-python2
python3-autobahn 24.4.2 WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework meta-python
python3-autobahn 17.10.1 WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework meta-ros-common
python3-terminado 0.13.3 Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets meta-jupyter
python3-tornado 6.4.1 Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. meta-python