chicken-egg-pathfinder |
0.2 |
Find files in search path |
meta-chicken |
file-find-rule-perl |
0.34 |
File::Find::Rule is a friendlier interface to File::Find. It allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories. |
meta-cpan |
file-find-rule-perl-perl |
1.15 |
I write a lot of things that muck with Perl files. And it always annoyed me that finding "perl files" requires a moderately complex File::Find::Rule pattern. |
meta-cpan |
find-lib-perl |
1.04 |
The purpose of this module is to replace |
meta-cpan |
find-object-2d |
0.6.2-1 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros1-melodic |
find-object-2d |
0.7.1-1 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros2-rolling |
find-object-2d |
0.7.0-2 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros1-noetic |
find-object-2d |
0.7.0-1 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros2-humble |
find-object-2d |
0.7.0-5 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros2-iron |
find-object-2d |
0.7.1-2 |
The find_object_2d package |
meta-ros2-jazzy |
findutils |
4.10.0 |
find, locate, and xargs binaries |
openembedded-core |
findutils |
4.2.31 |
find, locate, and xargs binaries |
meta-gplv2 |
kfind |
22.08.3 |
KDE file find utility |
meta-qt5-extra |
libkeyfinder |
2.2.5 |
Musical key detection for digital audio |
meta-musicians |
nativesdk-python3-flawfinder |
2.0.19 |
a static analysis tool for finding vulnerabilities in C/C++ source code |
meta-sca |
nativesdk-sca-recipe-flawfinder-rules |
1.0 |
SCA ruleset for flawfinder at recipes |
meta-sca |
python3-flawfinder-native |
2.0.19 |
a static analysis tool for finding vulnerabilities in C/C++ source code |
meta-sca |
rdfind |
1.6.0 |
Rdfind is a program that finds duplicate files |
meta-oe |
rubygems-find |
1.0 |
Meta package for find |
meta-rubygems |
sca-recipe-flawfinder-rules-native |
1.0 |
SCA ruleset for flawfinder at recipes |
meta-sca |
xfce4-appfinder |
4.20.0 |
Xfce4 Application Finder |
meta-xfce |
assisted-teleop |
0.3.3-1 |
The assisted_teleop node subscribes to a desired trajectory topic (geometry_msgs/Twist) and uses TrajectoryPlannerROS to find a valid trajectory close to the desired trajectory before republishing. Useful for filtering teleop commands while avoiding obstacles. This package also contains LaserScanMaxRangeFilter, which is a LaserScan filter plugin that takes max range values in a scan and turns them into valid values that are slightly less than max range. |
meta-ros1-melodic |
assisted-teleop |
0.4.1-1 |
The assisted_teleop node subscribes to a desired trajectory topic (geometry_msgs/Twist) and uses TrajectoryPlannerROS to find a valid trajectory close to the desired trajectory before republishing. Useful for filtering teleop commands while avoiding obstacles. This package also contains LaserScanMaxRangeFilter, which is a LaserScan filter plugin that takes max range values in a scan and turns them into valid values that are slightly less than max range. |
meta-ros1-noetic |
btrfs-compsize |
1.5 |
btrfs: find compression type/ratio on a file or set of files |
meta-intel-edison-distro |
busybox |
1.37.0 |
Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable |
openembedded-core |
busybox-initrd |
1.36.1 |
Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable |
meta-virtualization |
busybox-static |
1.37.0 |
Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable |
meta-luneos |
carrot-planner |
1.16.7-1 |
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point. |
meta-ros1-melodic |
carrot-planner |
1.17.3-1 |
This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point. |
meta-ros1-noetic |
checkerboard-detector |
1.2.15-1 |
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.<br/> Parameters:<br/> <ul> <li>display - show the checkerboard detection</li> <li>rect%d_size_x - size of checker in x direction</li> <li>rect%d_size_y - size of checker in y direction</li> <li>grid%d_size_x - number of checkers in x direction</li> <li>grid%d_size_y - number of checkers in y direction</li> </ul><br/> There can be more than one grid%d declared, the numbers should grow consecutively starting at 0. |
meta-ros1-melodic |
checkerboard-detector |
1.2.17-2 |
Uses opencv to find checkboards and compute their 6D poses with respect to the image. Requires the image to be calibrated.<br/> Parameters:<br/> <ul> <li>display - show the checkerboard detection</li> <li>rect%d_size_x - size of checker in x direction</li> <li>rect%d_size_y - size of checker in y direction</li> <li>grid%d_size_x - number of checkers in x direction</li> <li>grid%d_size_y - number of checkers in y direction</li> </ul><br/> There can be more than one grid%d declared, the numbers should grow consecutively starting at 0. |
meta-ros1-noetic |
chicken-egg-graph-dominators |
1.5 |
Find immediate dominators in a directed graph. |
meta-chicken |
clang |
19.1.7 |
LLVM based C/C++ compiler |
meta-clang |
clpeak |
git |
A tool which profiles OpenCL devices to find their peak capacities |
meta-toradex-demos |
commandable-perl |
0.06 |
This distribution contains a collection of utilities extracted from various commandline-based programs I have written, in the hope of trying to find a standard base to build these from in future. |
meta-cpan |
common-msgs |
1.12.8-1 |
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (<a href="">actionlib_msgs</a>), diagnostics (<a href="">diagnostic_msgs</a>), geometric primitives (<a href="">geometry_msgs</a>), robot navigation (<a href="">nav_msgs</a>), and common sensors (<a href="">sensor_msgs</a>), such as laser range finders, cameras, point clouds. |
meta-ros1-melodic |
common-msgs |
1.13.1-1 |
common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (<a href="">actionlib_msgs</a>), diagnostics (<a href="">diagnostic_msgs</a>), geometric primitives (<a href="">geometry_msgs</a>), robot navigation (<a href="">nav_msgs</a>), and common sensors (<a href="">sensor_msgs</a>), such as laser range finders, cameras, point clouds. |
meta-ros1-noetic |
commons-discovery |
0.4 |
discovering, or finding, implementations for pluggable interfaces |
meta-java |
connext-cmake-module |
0.7.3-1 |
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext. |
meta-ros2-dashing |
connext-cmake-module |
0.8.4-1 |
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext. |
meta-ros2-eloquent |
connext-cmake-module |
1.0.3-1 |
Provide CMake module to find RTI Connext. |
meta-ros2-foxy |
core-image-initramfs-boot |
1.0 |
Basic initramfs to boot a fully-featured rootfs |
openembedded-core |
core-image-minimal-initramfs |
1.0 |
Small image capable of booting a device. |
openembedded-core |
core-image-tiny-initramfs |
1.0 |
Tiny image capable of booting a device. |
openembedded-core |
costmap-queue |
0.3.0-1 |
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells. |
meta-ros1-melodic |
costmap-queue |
0.3.0-2 |
Tool for iterating through the cells of a costmap to find the closest distance to a subset of cells. |
meta-ros1-noetic |
csm |
1.0.2-2 |
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper <a href="">(see REP-136 for more detail)</a> of Andrea Censi's CSM package. From <a href="">the official website</a>: <ul> The C(anonical) Scan Matcher (CSM) is a pure C implementation of a very fast variation of ICP using a point-to-line metric optimized for range-finder scan matching. It is robust enough to be used in industrial prototypes of autonomous mobile robotics, for example at Kuka. CSM is used by a variety of people, though it is hard to keep track because of the open source distribution, especially as packaged in ROS. If you use this software for something cool, let me know. </ul> |
meta-ros1-melodic |
csm |
1.0.2-2 |
This is a ROS 3rd-party wrapper <a href="">(see REP-136 for more detail)</a> of Andrea Censi's CSM package. From <a href="">the official website</a>: <ul> The C(anonical) Scan Matcher (CSM) is a pure C implementation of a very fast variation of ICP using a point-to-line metric optimized for range-finder scan matching. It is robust enough to be used in industrial prototypes of autonomous mobile robotics, for example at Kuka. CSM is used by a variety of people, though it is hard to keep track because of the open source distribution, especially as packaged in ROS. If you use this software for something cool, let me know. </ul> |
meta-ros1-noetic |
cube-builder-initramfs |
1.0 |
Small image capable of booting a device. The kernel includes the Minimal RAM-based Initial Root Filesystem (initramfs), which finds the first 'init' program more efficiently. |
meta-cube |
cudnn-cmake-module |
0.0.1-5 |
Exports a CMake module to find cuDNN. |
meta-ros2-rolling |